Lysosomal storage diseases
40 inherited diseases caused by defects in lysosome function
- with processes that metabolize hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
- also involved in fatty acid metabolism (oxidation)
Properties of Eukaryotes: Synthesis
- ribosomes
- Rough ER
- Smooth ER
Where are proteins made?
on Ribosomes
Ribosomes free in cytoplasm
Proteins destined for organelles, cytosol
Ribosomes bound to ER (rER)
- Proteins of the endomembrane system
- Proteins to be exported / secreted
Ribosomes in energy-processing organelles
Some proteins in mitochondria, chloroplasts
Endoplasmic Reticulum
organelle made of complex out-foldings of the outer nuclear membrane
Rough ER
- has ribosomes attached
- modifies proteins and directs their transport
Smooth ER
- lacks attached ribosomes
- involved in lipid and carbohydrate synthesis, steroid hormone production, detoxification
Export - thru the Endomembrane System
- Synthesis on rER or in ER
- Transport to Golgi
- Glycosylation
- Exocytosis / Secretion
Vesicular transport
transport vesicle forms at donor compartment, goes to donor compartment to deliver membrane and content
Golgi Apparatus
- organelle containing stacks of membranes
- functions in modification and targeting of proteins
- generates vesicles that go to many destinations
The Endomembrane System, The Secretory Pathway
An integrated network of molecular trafficking
Organelles of the Secretory Pathway
- ER
- Golgi
- plasma membrane
- lysosome
- endosome
Animal pancreatic cell
Exports digestive enzymes
vesicle membrane is added to the plasma membrane and contents are released from the cell (secretion)
internalization of plasma membrane and extracellular contents are internalized
Receptor - mediated Endocytosis
- Recycling of receptors (proteins) from lysosome back to plasma membrane; e.g. during uptake of cholesterol from blood stream
- Some receptors are degraded in the lysosome
Ribosomes bound to rER
- Proteins of the endomembrane system
- Proteins to be exported / secreted
Co translation transport
protein is synthesized and transported into ER at the same time
Ribosomes free in cytoplasm
Proteins destined for organelles, cytosol
Post-translational transport
protein is completely synthesized and released from the ribosome before transport
Proteins have targeting signals
a molecular address tag
Secretory pathway proteins are targeted to the ER by ...
a signal sequence
Protein sorting and vesicle transport
- 1. Proteins are tagged
- 2. Proteins are sorted
- 3. Vesicles bud
- 4. Proteins interact with receptors
- 5. Delivery
Sorting within the secretory pathways occurs via ...
sorting signals
Energy-processing chemical reactions
- cellular respiration in mitochondria
- photosynthesis in chloroplasts
Two membrane systems
- Outer membrane acts as boundary
- Inner membrane with energy reactions
Semi-autonomous organelles
- With some of their own DNA and Ribosomes
- Codes for some of their own proteins
Chloroplast (plants and algae)
- organelle that carries out photosynthesis
- composed of three membranes (2 systems)
- possesses its own DNA and ribosomes
- a kind of plastid ... others include chromoplasts (pigments) and amyloplasts (starch)
Mitochondria and bacteria are ....
similar in size