Compound containing a carb componenet bound covalently to a protein or lipid, forming a glycoprotein or glycolipid
Simple sugar which consists of a single polyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone unit
Six carbon sugar D-glucose aka
Carbs which consist of short chains of monosacc units, or residues, joined by glycosidic bonds
Sucrose =
D-glucose + D-fructose
Carbs with >20 monosacc units & may be linear or branched
Monosacc w/aldehyde at end of C chain
Two sugars that differ only in the config around one C atrom
Isomeric forms of monosaccs that differ only in their config abt the hemiacetal or hemiketal carbon atom
Hemiacetal (or carbonyl) carbon atom is called the ___
anomeric carbon
Process in which the alpha and beta anomers of D-glucose interconvert in aqueous solution
Glucose & other sugars capable of reducing ferric or cupric ion are called ___
reducing sugars
Maltose, lactose, sucrose are all ___
Covalent bond that is formed b/w 2 monosaccs (in a disacc) when a hydroxyl group of one sugar reacts w/the anomeric carbon of the other (ie the hemiacetal chiral carbon), forming an acetal upon joining (fig 7-11)
O-glycosidic bond
The end of a disacc or polysacc with a free anomeric carbon (one not involved in a glycosidic bond) is called the ___
reducing end
polysaccarides aka
Polysacc which contains only a single type of monomer
Polysacc which contains 2 or more types of monomers
Starch contains 2 types of glucose polymer:
amylose & amylopectin
Amylose vs Amylopectin vs Glycogen
- Amylose: long, unbranched chains of glucose
- Amylopectin: highly branched chains of glucose
- Glycogen: more highly branched & compact
Bacterial & yeast polysaccs, such as those formed by bacteria on teeth surface
Dextrans (in this ex, in the form of dental plaque)
Heteropolysaccs that are a family of linear polymers composed of repeating disacc units
Stored fuel:
Structural support:
(type & structure)
- Stored fuel: starch & glycogen (helical stuctures w/intrachain H bonding)
- Structural support: cellulose, chitin, dextran, peptidoglycan (long, straight strands interact w/neighboring strands)
Macromolecules of cell surface or extracellular matrix in which one or more glycosaminoglycan chains are joined covalently to a membrane protein or a secreted protein
Found on outer face of plasma membrane, in the extracellular matrix, and in blood. Have one or several oligosaccarides of varying complexity joined covalently to a protein.
Membrane lipids in which the hydrophilic head groups are oligosaccharides which act as specific sites for recognition by carb-binding proteins
Enormous supramolecular assemblies of many core proteins all bound to a single molecule of hyaluronate
Proteoglycan aggregates
Family of plasma mem proteins that mediate signaling b/w the cell interior and the extracellular matrix and that also have binding sites for a number of other extracellular macromolecs
Same protein produced in two types of tissues has diff glycosylation patterns (ie has diff set of oligosacc chains) & which represents a tissue-specific marker
Tissue glycoforms
Mem lipids of euk cells in which the polar head group (facing towards the outer surface of mem) is a complex oligosacc containing sialic acid & other monosacc residues
Carbs on the surface of the outer mem of gram-neg bacteria (E.coli & Salmonella) which are targeted by antibodies in immune system
Glycoconjugates in which a core protein is attached covalently to one or more large glycans, such as heparan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, or keratan sulfate. Provide points of adhesion, recognition, & info transfer b/w cells, or b/w the cell & the extracellular matrix
Proteins that bind carbs w/high affinity and specificity & serve in a wide variety of cell-cell recognition, signaling, and adhesion processes & in intracellular targeting of newly synthesized proteins
Family of plasma mem lectins that mediate cell-cell recognition and adhesion in a wide range of cellular process, such as mvmt of immune cells from capillaries to tissues