1. (Fat Sam sees the guns and runs behind a door. The company are in shock,
    Bronx Belle: Dilly the gun, get the gun, you don't leave it you dummy.
    Fat Sam appears from under a table centre stage sheepishly speaks)
    • Ok Ok everybody
    • nothing to worry about now..
    • back to your tables,..
    • (Walk down to band)
    • Razzmatazz! Music!
    • I wanna see everyone enjoying themselves.
    • I wanna extend to y’all my hospil…hospil….
    • Free drinks on the house!
    • It’s just a little excitement that’s all…
    • no one can say
    • Fat Sam don’t run the liveliest joint in town
    • Ha Ha!!
  2. The band plays on a little muted the customers
    begin to move and chat a little quiet. Fat Sam tidies up and walks over to SL where Knuckles is sitting propped up holding his bleeding arm!
    Knuckels: You know what this means...
  3. Knuckles; Yes boss I’m bleedin.
    • No!
    • This means there's trouble for me.
  4. (full stop sound from band!!)***
    • Good Evening folks!
    • Welcome to Fat Sam’s Grand Slam…
    • I’m Sam Stachetto himself…
    • biggest operator in Manhattan..
    • Although .this is just a small part of my Empire…
    • I’m planning to expa…expa…
    • grow bigger out west in LA and Las Vegas
    • I have some guys working for me who are of the highest calib..calib…
    • You know real high class hoodlu..
    • I mean...operators..yeah, real high class!!
    • Right now I’m having a little bit of “bother” with a dum broad who is trying hard to over my territory….
    • So,if you’ll excuse me I’d better go and sort that out!...
    • But stay around and enjoy the show…
    • drink up, and have another,
    • there’s plenty more where that comes from
    • Ha Ha ha!!! !!!
    • (Black out)
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Bugsy Malone