
  1. Organs that receive blood from celiac axis artery
    Liver, Stomach, Spleen
  2. Basic substance of cell composition
  3. Blood valves transmit de-oxygenated blood
    Pulmonary semilunar, Tricuspid valve
  4. Imaginary, vertical plane that cuts through cadaver, from side to side, at right angles to mid-sagittal plane
    Coronal plane
  5. Blood vessels are branches of arch of aorta
    Left common carotid artery, Left subclavian artery, Brachiocephalic artery
  6. Olecranon process is located on
  7. Blood vessel begins at lateral border of first rib and terminates as it passes by tendon of teres major muscle
    Axillary artery
  8. Blood vessel begins at opening of adductor magnus muscle
    Popliteal artery
  9. Unpaired visceral branch of abdominal aorta
    Celiac artery
  10. Internal thoracic artery is branch of the
    Subclavian artery
  11. NOT part of cerebral arterial circle
    External carotid artery
  12. Incus, stapes and mallus bones are related to
  13. NOT section of small intestine
  14. Middle section of pharynx
  15. Organ located in retroperitoneal position
  16. What kind of gland is the pancreas
    Heterocrine gland
  17. Auditory ossicles are contained within
    Temporal bone
  18. Where are chordae tendinae located
    In ventricles of heard
  19. Sella turcica is located on the
    Sphenoid bone
  20. Bifurcates into right subclavian and right common carotid arteries
    Brachiocephalic artery
  21. term that suggests some relationship to the internal body organs
  22. Union of splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein forms
    Portal vein
  23. Imaginary plane that cuts through body horizontally
    Transverse plane
  24. Liver receives its blood supply from
    Celiac trunk artery
  25. Blood vessel supplies oxygenated blood to small intestine and right half of large intestine
    Superior mesenteric artery
  26. NOT branch of aorta
    Right subclavian artery
  27. Study of vascular system
  28. Supplies blood to stomach
    Celiac trunk artery
  29. Bicuspid valve of heart controls flow of blood through
    Left atrioventricular orifice
  30. Innermost layer of heart
  31. Contraction phase of cardiac cycle
  32. Umbilical arteries are branches of which vessel
  33. NOT involved in pulmonary circulation
    Right atrium
  34. Artery involved in make-up of Circle of Willis
    Anterior cerebral artery
  35. Large vein that returns deoxygenated blood from lower extremities and abdomen to the right atrium of heart
    Inferior vena cava
  36. Artery that is transmitted though adductor canal
    Femoral artery
  37. Main function of erythrocyte
    Carry oxygen and carbon dioxide
  38. Artery that is not paired
    Basilar artery
  39. Chamber of heart contains papillary muscles and chordae tendinae associated with tricuspid valve
    Right ventricle
  40. Posterior intercostal arteries are parietal branches of
    Descending thoracic aorta
  41. NOT descriptive of thrombocytes
    Carry hemoglobin to and from the body cells
  42. Artery that is closely associated with the inguinal ligament
    External iliac artery
  43. Right lymph duct
    Tributary to right brachipcephalic vein
  44. Structure associated with fossa ovalis
    Atrial septum
  45. Space between lungs which houses the heart and larger blood vessels
  46. Basilic vein terminates by emptying into
    Axillary vein
  47. Artery that is branch of external carotid artery
    Maxillary artery
  48. Most numerous of corpuscles are
  49. Vein that is NOT part of portal system
    Subclavian vein
  50. Last chamber of heart to contain oxygenated blood before it enters into aorta
    Left Ventricle
  51. Artery that is involved in the make-up of Circle of Willis
    Internal carotid artery
  52. Structure blood will pass through after leaving right ventricle of heart
    Pulmonary semilunar valve
  53. NOT associated with erythrocytes
  54. Blood vessel closely associated with right atrium of heart
    Inferior vena cava
  55. NOT invloved in system circulation
    Left atrium
  56. Artery that is not paired
    Brachipcephalic artery
  57. Small, sac-like structures inside ovaries from which mature oa erupt during ovulation are
    Graafian follicles
  58. Portal system is considered to terminate in
  59. Opening at the distal end of uterine tube through which ova pass
  60. Renal veins are tributaries to the
    Inferior vena cava
  61. Dome-shaped upper portion of uterus
  62. Study of blood
  63. Which area does the cerebrospinal fluid flow around the brain
    Subarachnoid space
  64. Small cone-shaped muscles that project into the lumen of the ventricles of the heart
    Papillary muscles
  65. Process whereby oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide at the level of body cell
    Internal respiration
  66. Visceral branches of descending thoracic aorta
    Esophageal arteries
  67. Glands would NOT be included in study of endocrine system
    Prostrate gland
  68. Blood is supplied to gall bladder by cystic artery
  69. Would be classified as heterocrine gland
  70. Ascending aorta lies within mediastinal space, and gives off
    Two branches
  71. Glands that secrete their products through a duct system only are
    Exocrine glands
  72. External iliac vein arises as the continuation of
    Femoral vein
  73. Continuation of the ascending aorta
    Aortic arch
  74. Lymph is returned to blood circulatory system in the
    Lower neck region
  75. Section of aorta gives rise to the pericardial and bronchial arteries
    Descending thoracic aorta
  76. Tricuspid valve is located between
    Right atrium and right ventricle
  77. Section of aorta gives rise to the inferior phrenic and celiac trunk arteries
    Abdominal aorta
  78. Testicular arteries arise from
    Abdominal aorta
  79. Blood vessel bifurcates into right and left common iliac arteries
    Abdominal aorta
  80. Coronary sinus orifice is in which chamber of the heart
    Right atrium
  81. Branch of external carotid artery feeds tongue
    Lingual artery
  82. Artery of Circle of Willis that transports blood from the internal carotid artery to the posterior cerebral artery
    Posterior communicating artery
  83. Vein arises from dorsal venous network of foot
    Great saphenous vein
  84. Branch of subclavian artery that transports blood to basilar artery
    Vertebral artery
  85. Artery considered to be continuation of radial artery
    Deep palmer arch
  86. Retromandibular vein is a vein of the
  87. Most of the blood volume of the body will be found in
  88. Artery is one of the bifurcations of posterior tibial artery
    Medial plantar artery
  89. Blood vessels responsible for draining blood from tissues of brain
    Dural sinuses
  90. Fertilization normally occurs
    Fallopian tube
  91. Can be located on the medial and superficial aspect of forearm
    Basilic vein
  92. Subclavian vein arises as the continuation of
    Axillary vein
  93. Joins the subclavian vein to form innominate vein
    Internal jugular vein
  94. Blood vessel is formed by union of right and left vertebral arteries
    Basilar artery
  95. Lateral border of femoral triangle is
    Sartorius muscle
  96. Study of veins of body
  97. Branch of internal carotid artery supplies blood to eyeball
    Ophthalmic artery
  98. Dilated inferior end of thoracic duct is called
    Cisterna chyli
  99. Another name for right atrio-ventricular valve of heart
    Tricuspid atrium
  100. Pulmonary venous orifices are in wall of which chamber of heart
    Left atrium
  101. Another name for the left atrio-ventricular valve
    Bicuspid valve
  102. Blood is supplied to tongue through
    Lingual artery
  103. Internal jugular vein empties into
    Brachiocephalic vein
  104. Percentage of total volume of blood consists of blood cells
    Foury-five percent
  105. Venous circulation is considered to terminate in
    both atria of heart
  106. Union of distal ends of two or more blood vessels
  107. Ovarian arteries arise as branches of the
    abdominal aorta
  108. Heart chamber in which systemic circulation originates
    Left ventricle
  109. External jugual vein terminates by emptying into
    Subclavian vein
  110. Type of tissue lines the hollow body organs
  111. Milk-like liquid composed of lymph and globules of digested fats coursing through lacteals durning digestion
  112. Inferior vena cava orifice is in wall of
    Right atrium of heart
  113. Type of bone found on interior of long bone
  114. Arteries that arise from bifurcation of abdominal aorta are
    Common iliac arteries
  115. Cavity contains yellow bone marrow
  116. Bones of arms and legs are considered to be
  117. Heart valve in right atrio-ventricular septum
    Tricuspid valve
  118. Used to describe bones which are always present in human skeleton
  119. Term tunica externa suggests which body structures
    An artery
  120. Pairs of false ribs are in human skeleton
  121. Small saphenous vein is tributary to the
    Popliteal vein
  122. "Nutrient arteries" refers to those arteries that supply blood to the
  123. Type of body joint is described as freely movable
  124. Small ducts that convey lymph from villi of small intestine to cisterna chyli are called
  125. Single muscle fiber
  126. Inferior mesenteric artery supplies blood to
    Large intestine
  127. Bone described as only named and classified sesamoid bone in human skeleton
  128. Heart chamber which pulmonary circulation originates
    Right ventricle
  129. Muscle of neck
  130. Artery NOT paired
    Common hepatic artery
  131. Muscle of lower back
    Latissimus dorsi
  132. Muscle of thigh
    Adductor longus
  133. Superficial vein of arm
    Cephalic vein
  134. Artery closely associated with inguinal ligament
    Femoral artery
Card Set
Compend Anatomy