SOPC - Exam 3 - Ch 6 & 13

  1. Coefficient of Determination (148)
    The square of the correlation coefficient; indicates the proportion of variance in one variable that can be accounted for by the other variable.
  2. Correlational research (143)
    Examines the nature of relationships between variables
  3. Correlation Coefficient (144)
    An index of the direction & magnitude of the relationship between 2 variables; Ranges between -1 - +1
  4. Negative Correlation (144)
    Inverse relationship; One goes up, the other goes down
  5. Outlier (156)
    Extreme score; Usually -3 or +3 from the mean
  6. Partial Correlation (160)
    Correlation between 2 variables with the influence of 1 or more other variables removed.
  7. Pearson Correlation Coefficient (144)
    Most commonly used measure of correlation
  8. Perfect Correlation (145)
    A correlation of -1 or +1, where 2 variables are so closely related that 1 can be perfectly predicted from the other
  9. Phi Coefficient (162)
    A statistic that expresses the correlation between 2 dichotomous variables
  10. Point-biserial Correlation (162)
    Correlation between a dichotomous & a continuous variable
  11. Positive Correlation (144)
    Direct relationship between 2 variable where participants with high scores on one variable tend to also have high scores on the other variable; One goes up, the other also goes up; One goes down, the other also goes down
  12. Restricted Range (155)
    Data in which participants' scores are confined to a narrow range of the possible scores
  13. Scatter Plot (145)
    A graphical representation of participants' scores on 2 variables; One variable is plotted on the x-axis & the other on the y-axis
  14. Spearman Rank-order Correlation (161)
    A correlation coefficient calculated on variables that are measured on an ordinal scale
  15. Statistical Significance (151)
    A finding very unlikely to be due to error variance
  16. ABA Design (313)
    Single-case experimental design: baseline data is collected (A), the IV is introduced & behavior is measures (B), then the IV is withdrawn & behavior is measured again (A)
  17. ABACA Design (315)
    A multiple-I single-case experimental design: baseline data is collected (A), one level of the IV is introduced (B), this level of IV is withdrawn (A), a second level of IV is introduced (C), & this level of IV is withdrawn (A)
  18. ABC Design (315)
    A multiple-I single-case experimental design: baseline period (A), introduction of one level of the IV (B), introduction of another level of the IV (C)
  19. Case Study (321)
    Intensive descriptive study of a particular individual, group, or event
  20. Graphic Analysis (317)
    Single-case experimental research: visual inspection of graphs of data to determine whether the IV affected behavior
  21. Group Design (310)
    Experimental design: several participants serve in each condition, data is analyzed by examining the average response of participants in these condition
  22. Idiographic Approach (309)
    Research that analyzes the behavior of individual participants; contrasted with the nomothetic approach
  23. Interparticipant Replication (312)
    In single-case experimental research: documenting the generalizability of an experimental effect by demonstrating the effect on other participants
  24. Interparticipant Variance (311)
    Variability among the responses of participants in a particular condition
  25. Intraparticipant Replication (312)
    In single-case experimental research: attempt show experimental effect on a single participant by alternatively introducing & withdrawing the IV
  26. Intraparticipant Variance (311)
    Variability among the responses of a participant when tested more than once in a condition
  27. Multiple Baseline Design (316)
    Single-case experimental design in which 2 or more behaviors are studied simultaneously
  28. Multiple-I Design (315)
    Single-case design: levels of an IV are introduced one at a time
  29. Narrative Description (322)
    A descriptive summary of an individual's behavior
  30. Nomothetic Approach (309)
    Research the seeks to establish general principles & broad generalizations; contrasted with idiographic approach
  31. Psychobiography (322)
    Biographical case study of an individual, explaining the course of the person's life using psychological constructs & theories
  32. Reversal Design (314)
    Single-case design in which the IV is introduced & then withdrawn
  33. Single-case Experimental Design (310)
    A design in which the unit of analysis is the individual participant rather than the experimental group; also called single-subject design
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SOPC - Exam 3 - Ch 6 & 13
SOPC - Exam 3 - Ch 6 & 13