
  1. bai1, white
    • yi1,according to
    • 依山
  2. shan1, mountain
    • jin2,finished
    • 白日依山尽
    • jin2,enter
    • 进来
  3. mu4,eye
  4. bi3,nose
    • ping2,Apple (first part)
    • 苹果
    • guo3,fruit
    • 苹果
    • shi4,look at,inspect
    • 电视
  5. huang2,yellow
    • yin1,sound
    • 拼音
    • 音乐
  6. he2,river
  7. xiang4,direction
    • liu2,flow (of liquide)
    • 海流
    • yue4,music
    • 音乐
  8. ru4,join, become part of
  9. dian4,electricity
  10. hai3,ocean
  11. er3,ear
  12. yi1,one
  13. wo3, I,me
  14. hua4,paint,painting
    • peng2,friend
    • 朋友
  15. er4,two
  16. ni3,you
  17. shui3,water
    • you3,friend
    • 朋友
  18. san1,three
  19. ta1,he,she,him,her
    • che1,vehicle
    • 汽车
  20. yao3,medicine
  21. si4,four
    • zhong1,middle
    • 中国
  22. ri4,sun,day
  23. tain1,heaven
  24. wu3,five
    • guo3,country
    • 德国
  25. yue4,month
    • jin1,modern,present day
    • 今天
  26. liu4,six
  27. bei3,north
    • ming2,bright
    • 明天
  28. qi1,seven
    • 京,a country‘s capital
    • 北京
  29. wu2,familie name
    • zi4,self, oneself
    • 自行车
  30. ba1,eight
  31. dong1,east
    • xie4,thanks
    • 谢谢
  32. jiu3,nine
  33. nan2,south
  34. xiao3,small
  35. shi2,ten
  36. 西
  37. da4,big
  38. fan4,meal
  39. kou3,mouth
  40. yao4,want
  41. li4,power
  42. tao1,big wave,name
    • ba4,Dad
    • 爸爸
  43. you3,have
  44. kan4,see,look
    • zi4,letter,symbol,character
    • 汉字
  45. nv3,woman,female
  46. jia1,home,familie
  47. jian4, see
  48. zi4,(noun suffix)
    • bei1,cup
    • 杯子
    • sheng1, give birth,be born,living
    • 女生
    • hao3,good
    • 你好
  49. shou3,hand
    • mi3,rice
    • 米饭
    • ma1,mama
    • 妈妈
  50. 在,exist,be at
  51. tian2,field
  52. ge4,(measure word for nouns without special measure words of their own)
  53. pin3,article
    • shao2,spoon
    • 勺子
  54. bu4,not
  55. qu1,area,region,district
  56. dao1,knife
  57. shang4,up,upwards
  58. lai2,come
    • pan2,plate
    • 盘子
  59. xia4,down,downwards
  60. xue2,learn,study
    • jian3,scissors (first part)
    • 剪刀
  61. ka3,card
  62. feng1,insane
    • cha1,fork
    • 一副刀叉
  63. le,(completed action marker),(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)
  64. wang3,internet
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