Natural Hazard
Earth proces that, upon interaction with human activity, causes loss of life and property
Human Element
- without it there would be no hazard
- because of it, science of geohazards become more important every year
Earth's Population is Increasing
- more people living in hazard prone areas (disasters are becoming more frequent and since population is growing, more people move to marginal lands)
- populations becoming hyper-concentrated
- consumption of resources
- 50% of the population lives in cities -> increase to 70%
Tsunami in Japan
Yuriage, Natori
- geologic processes
- population growth
- can't lessen disasters
- must try to mitigate hazards
- changes in engineering practices (buildings)
- aducating people
- management plans
Types of Natural Disasters
- Volcanoes, floods, earthquakes, storms, landslides, tsunamis, hurricanes, meteorites
- can ccur ith or without warning
- precoursers can occur
To mitigate hazard you need to know...?
- Frequency vs. magnitude
- F: How oftern a given event occurs in a certain region
- M: how powerful (amount of energy released)
- Scope: area affected by a given hazard
- local
- regional
- global
Why do earthquakes occur?
Seismic energy is usually caused by brittle faults
San Francisco earthquake
- magnitude 7.7 - 8.3
- epicenter 2 miles offshore of San Francisco
- Huge fires
Earthquake Hazards
- kills the highest number of people per year
- strike without warning
- no time for evacuation
- not a predictable trend to earthquake numbers, magnitude or location
Mitigate hazard from Earthquakes?
- Reinforce buildings
- education
- disaster plan -> minimize casualties
Second largest recorded earthquake
Sumatra - earthquake occured at a convergent boundary
2011 Japan tsunami
- Biggest earthquake in Japan in 1,200 years
- magnitude 9.0
- 33 ft high waves
- five continuous minutes of shaking
Mitigate tsunami hazards?
- monitoring
- building restrictions in hazard prone areas (hilo harbor and downt)
- Seawall construction
- cause early wave breaking
- prevent wave run up into urban areas
- Education
- warning
- evacuation
- general understanding (run to high ground)
Tropical Cyclones
- Bangladesh -> Gorgi
- Most widespread destructive weather hazard
- Saffir Simpson Hurricane Scale categories (1-5)
Hurricane Katrina
most costly and most deadly in US history
Hurricaine Katrina damage produced?
- storm surge
- wind
- -loss of power
- flying debris
Mitigate Cyclone/ Hurricane hazards?
- Monitoring
- Infrastructure (place for evacuation)
- Education and planning
- earth concentrates energy
- release energy violently
Creation of the Universe
- 115BA
- The big bang thoery -> compressed matter which exploded and has been expanding in the universe ever since
- expanding and shifting towards the red end of the spectrum (red shift)
- Explosion/ Contraction
- Contraction -> when the light shifts to the blu/ violent of the of spectrum
Milky Way Galaxy
- World is in this galaxy (3/5 out in one of the arms)
- Spiral Shape
- Two arms
- 100 thousand years across (240 billion stars)
- Flattened disc and central bulge
Solar System
- Pluto -> to small and orbit is different (NOT part of the system)
- We are in a second generation star
- Saturn, Jupiter, Earth, Moon, Mercuy, Venus, mars, Uranus, Neptune
- Gravity -> the attraction between objects
- Earth 3rd planet out
Planetary Accretion
- Showing (growing of the planets -> caused by gravity)
- (a) the formation of planetesimals from the dust of the solar nebula and
- (b) the formation of planets through the impacting and accretion of planetesimals
- Average terrestrial planet (mercury, venus, earth)
- Jovian planets (accumulation of gas)
- Free water -> only planet that has a vast amount
- Plate tectonics -> inside of planet is hot -> outside is cold
- Three types of rocks
Ocean and Atmophere
- gravity pulls the heaviest to the center -> created the core iron/nickle
- planetary differentiation
- core/ mantel (liquid causes plate tectonics) / crust
- layering out of earth due to gravity by density
- Lightest outgassed from volcanoes
The Rock Cycle
- Sedimentary
- Metamorphic
- Igneous
Hydrologic Cycle
- Exogenic Cycle -> gets energy from the sun
- Heat to evapurate
- rivers/ flooding
Tectonic Cycle
- impact of asteroids during planetary accretion
- decay of radiocative elements -> Heat
- gravitational contraction -. friction between monucules -> Heat
Another Factor in Natural Disasters?
- Gravity
- Every particle attract other particles
- g = a X b -> gravity is proportional to the mass of the two particles
- g= 1/d^2 gravity is inversly proportional to the squared distance of the two objects
- Sun affects less because its father from the earth compared to the moon
- g = Gab/d^2
- *G = universal gravitational constaant
- This force holds the universe, solar system, EVRYTHING together but it can also tare things apart
Atom -> Molecule -> Mineral -> Rock
Atomic Configuration
- atoms fill outer shell with electrons e-
- BONDING -> atom donates to another atom its electron
- (ionic/ covelant) Ionic bonding
- Covalent Bonding
- form by sharing electrons
- Bodning creates minerals
- Solid (ice)
- Naturally occuring
- Homogenous -> minerals the same throughout
- Inorganic
- Specific chemical composition
- Specific structural arrangement (crystal/pattern)
Continental Drift
- 1915 Alfred Wegener - Pangea
- Theory of continental drift and developed lines of evidence to his theory
- Theory failed because he did not provide a mechanism
(1) Fit of the continents
It looks like the continents fit together
(2) Fossil Evidence
Animals interbreed before the continents separated
(3) Rock Type Similarities
- Igneous needs a common source
- Metamorphic
(4) Paleoclimatic Evidence
- Sedimentary rock
- Mirrors climate across the world
- tropical regions (coral reefs)
- Deserts 30 degrees above and below the equator
- water sorted based on the size of the sediments
Harold Jeffreys - Physicist
- Wegner failed to provide a physical mechanism, to explain the movement of huge boulders to other areas
- Wegner finds a mechanism - the gravitational pull of the moon towards earth moved the boulders
Fast Foward to 1950's
Old magnetism: there are stripes on the sea floor that goes from normal to reveerse polarity as you go across the ocean
Earth's Magnetc Field and Geomagnetic Reverals
- Magnetic field S -> N (reverse polarities)
Seafloor Sediment Distribution
Sediment is laying in order from oldest to the newest
Seaflor Spreading
There is a volcanic chain of mountains under water that goes from the North Pole to the South Pole
The Earth's Magnetic Field
- When it cools they develop magnet and when magnetic field reverse than it changes polarization
- Sea floor is basalt (magnetite) when hot, poles are straight up
- Mariana trench is the deepest trench on earth
Apparent Polar Wander
When continents were put to fit together the pole matched a common pole
Earthquake and Volcano Distribution
- Concentrated along brittle boundaries
- Most earthquakes happen along the ring of fire
Plate Tectonics
- Motion of the plates composing the Earth's lithosphere through subduction and seafloor spreading
- Lithosphere (rocky part of land) broken into plates, riding around like bumper cars
- Movement due to HEAT differential within Earth
- The edge of a continent may or may not consist with a plate
- Convection Cells (liquid portion) Mantel
- Cold = More Dense = Sink Down
- Hot = less dense = rise up
Ridge Push and Slab Pull
- Lithosphere
- Slab pull will cause land to converge, go underneath the lithosphere
- Push new layers
Plate Boundaries
- Convergent - mountain/ island volcanoes
- The colder (ocean plate) and denser will go under and melt
- Divergent - coming apart
- Transforming Boundaries -
Not Random -> Collections of them around tectonic plates
Subduction surface causes
the worse earthquakes
What ARE earthquakes?
- Rapid slip along the fault
- the elastic failue of the rock
- the stronger the rock the stronger the earthquake
- earthquakes can be seismic waves that come from the focuslonger the time the force is applied = bend
- shorter time the force is aphe confiding pressureplied = break
- the confiding pressure
- temperature elastic behavior/ elastic failure
What is Plotted on a Map?
- Focus the physical position inside the earth
- Draw a line straight up from the focus it's the epicenter
- Fault the surface expression of the brakeage thrust fall
Why are Earthquakes Interesting?
- 1. Destruction/ high death toll
- 2. Informationt About Earth's Interior - track earthquake and waves are received by seismometers, found about the temperature of the interior layers of the earth and the rock context
- 3. Seismology - valuable information about the shallow surface, where there are faults, oil and water sources
- 4. Formation & Exposure of Mineral Resources
- Copper was exposed through a fault
- 5. Contribution to GW and energy resources
- Oil Pools
What Happens in an Earthquake?
- Building swaying/ pancaking
- Fire and explosion from fuel tanks and lines
- San Francisco huge fires
- Lisban, Portugal earthquake that caused a huge fire -> tsunami
- Liquefaction of sand and clay
- House, building, roads sink into the ground Landslides after the earthquake
- Philippines
Tsunamis - The after affects are the worse
Orginal Mercalli Scale
- quantified earthquakes in roman numerals
- failed because of different levels of expertise/ human structure isn't always present/ depending material of buildings
- I: least damage - XII: worst damage
Modified Mercalli Scale
used today, shaking intensity to factor the geological material
Rictor Scale
was created for a specific area in San Francisco
Movement Magnitude Scale
- is a logarithmic scale of energy release
- Inverse relation between magniture and frequency
- The bigger they are the less frequent they happen
How do we measure seismic waves?
- P- compressional waves (fastest): the bunching up and expanding of waves
- S- Shear waves (hit next): more damaging than the P waves
Surface Waves
boundary between two media with different physical propertis (love and raleigh) SLOWEST but MOST DAMAGING
Ancient Chinese Seismograph
Horizontal Seismograph
- P -> S -> Surface (doesn't include the large movements the can't be captured by the width of the paper)
Press Ewing Model
will get the 3 dimesional of the movement
What is generated? Seismogram
- Radius of the circle s it can be anywhere within the radius
- Triangulation- network of seismographers
- Northeastern has a seismographer
Earthquake prediction: it's an ART
- 1. Animal behavior: drop pressure, protp P wave can be identified
- Dogs
- Cats
- Snakes
- Aquatic Birds
- Horses
2. Historical Record
Stick- Slip Behavior (Kobe, Japan 1995)
3. Trenching
- Disturbance layers tells you frequency
- Wetlands are region of constant of plant accumulation, pattern of inter-fingering and they knot up at the surface area, helps extend the historical record
4. Seismic Gaps
- Parkfiel, CA 6.0 there will be another earthquake in Parkfield, California and it will be big
- Grey constant small earthquakes
- Red strained rocks, huge earthquakes even though less often
6. Dilation picked up by stain
some change from water
Factors Controlling Damage
- 1. The farther distance from epicenter the less damage
- 2. What is the Local Geology?
- San Francisco Marina District
- Unconsolidated sediment fill which is not safe to build on 3. Construction Methods
- How is your house built? (structural integrity)
- Mud, straw with heavy roof = BAD amplified movement
- Concrete with steel reinforcements = GOOD 4. Population, Density, Time of Day
- How many people are there?
- Where are they concentrate?
Prediction: Bottom Line
- We're learning that we can cause earthquakes by lubricating the faults, putting waste in our faults
- EQ's still very damaging and unpredictable
- Interesting proposal - Colorado, Rocky Mountain Arsenal
- Alaska most earthquakes
Areas of Lower Seismic Risk
Boston is one of them
Pacific Northwest
- Subduction zone earthquakes (convergent boundary)
- Juan de Fuca Plate -> North American Plate
- Caused the Seattle Needle to shake
- a pull apart area and the atlantic is a passive and moves along
Basin and Range
- Arizona and Nevada
- Continental Rifting
- Volcano- related
- stic- slip behavior of the edges of the magma cooling
- Small earthquakes
Mississippi River Valley 6.8
- Ancient rift zone! (Reelfoot rift)
- Divergent
- New Madrid Earthquake rang the bells in Boston
New England (moderate seismic activity)
- Near future there will be a huge earthquake
- Glacial rebound?
- Lithosphere that is used to a lot of pressure and it is doing a stick/ slip behavior
- Old pluton related?
- A pulse of magma which can cause a popping upwards
- Reactive of a rift system?
- SW/ NE regional compression? Squeezing of rocks will cause a popping upwards
- Fracture zone movement
- Stretching out of rock can cause a fracture
- Big ONE? Yes geologist have confirm a big earthquake
- Small earthquakes every other day
- Area of moderate seismic activity