make one’s voice, opinion, etc. heard/ seen/ noticed
(sich zu Wort melden)
develop a habit or steady practice: take to drink
take to sb
become fond of/ attached to sb.
jmd. liebgewinnen, sympathisch finden;
take to sth
sth. an activity, object, etc.,
an etw. Gefallen finden
take up
(among other meanings) begin/ start getting involved in an activity, such as a hobby.
She took up fishing after the children had moved out.
weigh in with
contribute (as in a discussion: one’s opinion, an argument, etc.), with some “weight”;
beitragen (usually sth. of at least some importance)
trite or overused expression or idea;
a person/character whose behavior is predictable or superficial;
commonplace, platitude, bromide (ou/ ai); hackneyed phrase/expression/ idea (AE: hack-need/ BE: hack-nedd; overfamiliar through overuse; trite: banal, abgedroschen)
a hence note: not all that often taken for stereotype
storyline: way the story goes/ direction it takes
Handlungsstrang/ Haupthandlung
claim, statement (Behauptung); also: proposal; plan to be considered; thesis; offer (of a private bargain, usually sexual; cf. solicit: usually “straight-up business”); intent(ion); subject for discussion or analysis; a matter to be dealt with/ task
control; condition of being dominant, esp. through
superior economic or political power; be in the ascendant: be dominant; gain ascendancy (over):
act/process of rising/ going upward; social advancement/ upward social mobility;
upward slope/ incline:
Aufstieg; Steigung
(also descendent/ also as adj.: primary spelling as adj.: descendent):
Nachfahre etc.; sb./ sth. derived from an earlier representative of same group
act/instance of descending; downward slope/ incline; decline; lineage/ hereditary
derivation: be of x descent:
Abstammung; Abstieg; Gefaelle; Herkunft
barely sufficient; in short supply; short; inadequate; knapp (be scant of money) (cf. skint; broke); common combinations: be scantily clad; scant chance/ evidence/ vegetation;
(also as vb.: similar to curtail: beschneiden) (on the off chance [that y vb.; of x-ing]: fuer den/ in dem unwahrscheinlichen Fall, dass…/ remote/ slight chance/ with the hope)
in/ during the preliminary stages; in the run-up to; in advance of; prior to; ahead of; beforehand…)
(trad. AE) – an increase, often of a sudden nature (run-up in gas prices, interest rates, gold value)
(cf. vb.: run up a bill/ debts: anhaeufen); (adopted from BE): preliminary period, period/ phase leading up to sth. (sort of the opposite of “aftermath”)
extended walk for pleasure or exercise:
rise; increase/ raise in amount: price hike: Erhoehung;
take a hike
leaving or telling so. to leave because their presence is not wanted/desirable
(abhauen; abziehen; sich trollen)
sharp point; sharp, pointed projection: increase/ reach a high point:
e.g. unemployment (numbers) spiked… : probably refers to graphs here;
list of preferable items or candidates that have been selected for final consideration, as in making an award or filling a position; engere Auswahlliste
sort out
straighten out; try find a solution, make tidy; separate; beat, punish; set straight
straight away
right away
top up
(sugar in a bowl), ergaenzen, nachfuellen, nachschenken; top off, fill up, refill
overly precious, nice, sweet, pretty, sentimental
make the case (for)
prove the point; provide the evidence
twist; particular take on sth.; the way sth. is presented, often
implying manipulation of the object/ matter at hand;
cf. spin doctor – so. who publicizes favorable interpretations of the words and actions of a public figure, esp. a politican; PR officer, press agent; (Meinungsmache, Verdrehung der Tatsachen)
churlish, crude
chattering classes
the educated sections of society, considered as
enjoying discussion of political, social, and cultural issues
sometimes even forgery on the scale of the alleged Hitler diaries
failure; something that proves unsuccessful (esp. in terms of general public acceptance/ popularity and hence of profit)
increase, raise, improve, encourage, promote, hype …; foerdern, erhoehen, ankurbeln, werben fuer, unterstuetzen, verstaerken, in die Hoehe treiben…
[VERY useful word; can be used in various contexts, e.g. with self-esteem, morale, sales, circulation, the economy…]
yellow journalism
type of journalism that relies on sensationalism and
lurid exaggeration to attract readers; cf. sensationalism
breaking news
(special report) – a news item considered of such urgency that scheduled programming is interrupted;
Sondermeldung/ Eilmeldung
issue a statement
make a formal declaration;
eine Erklaerung abgeben, verlautbaren lassen
be unable/ impossible to confirm
nicht bestaetigen koennen/ nicht bestaetigt werden koennen
Police said they were unable to confirm as of yet whether the unidentified body was indeed that of missing millionaire XY. The identity of the body could not be confirmed
make waves
shock/ upset people; cause difficulty; cause a stir; often this is used in negative structures:
Theydecided to wait with their announcement, not wanting to make waves so close to the election. The expression is closer to rock the boat than to cause a stir, though make waves and cause a stir intersect where they refer to shocking or upsetting people;
Wellen schlagen
cause a stir
cause trouble, shock, alarm; cause interest, excitement; cause a commotion;
an ad/ an ad campaign used/ run during an election campaign
dramatized presentation of actual events;
commercial presented in the form of a documentary;
situation comedy; auf Situtionskomik beruhende Komoedie; usually TV series
ad/ advert (BE)/ advertisement
public promotion of a product via print notices, commercials, etc.;
Werbung, Anzeige, Inserat, Werbespot, etc.
tearjerker/ weepy
sentimental movie;
mystery/ crime/
detective movie/ whodunit
(TV) ratings
number of viewers;
rating system/ ratings
classification system used to determine the age-appropriateness of movies; movies may be rated PG (Parental Guidance advised; G-rated for general audiences, etc.)
comic relief
a comical element, character, or scene used in non-comedy works (such as dramas) in order to relieve the dramatic tension or effect a heightened emotional impact by means of contrast; the effect of employing this method;
humorvolle Einlagen zur Auflockerung oder Spannungssteigerung; die durch diese Methode erzielte Auflockerung/ erhoehte Spannung
colloquial term for movie/ motion picture/ film
feature film
principal/ main/ full-length film;
blunder, bungle, flaw, goof, flub;
Ausrutscher, Patzer, Outtake
a scene that has been taken out of a movie/ series; in music, it may be an entire track that is omitted
atmosphere people
minor role, non-speaking role
bit part
small, insignificant role, usually involving a few spoken words or lines
bit actor
an actor/ actress playing bit parts
martial arts film/ chopsocky
action movie involving (East Asian) martial arts
open-ended movie/ episode
adapted for (television/ the screen)
of a literary work made into a film
a movie enjoying unexpected success, often being advertised through word of mouth;
western/ western movie/ oater/
horse opera
silent films/ silents
a brief appearance of a well-known persona (often, but not necessarily, an actor/ actress; Hitchcock famously cameoed in many of his movies) in a scene;
relating to physical humor, practical jokes, horseplay; Laurel and Hardy
a show, movie, etc. derived from an earlier show, movie, etc.; e.g. the countless Law and Order spin-offs, Frazier as a spin-off from Cheers, etc.;
sequel/ prequel
continuation of a previous movie/ a movie about the time preceding the one depicted in a successful movie;
Fortsetzung, Nachfolgefilm/ Vorlaeufer
courtroom/ legal drama
movie/ series about crime and litigation;
red herring
misleading foreshadowing; false clue
a giveaway/ clue or full disclosure of a movie’s/ episode’s/ book’s ending; therefore, critics often give
spoiler alerts
warning that a spoiler is ahead in the program/ review, etc.
acting out a past event, situation, etc.;
often used in docudramas
the funny culmination of a joke, sketch, episode, etc.;
commercial venture connected to a film, like a book, action figures, T-shirts, video games
adding translated dialogue to a film;
amount to
add up in import/ effect; be equivalent/ tantamount to;
hinauslaufen auf
give so. pause
make so. hesitate/ think/ doubtful
“I just can’t seem to [verb]”
Ich kann einfach nicht [verben]”
(e.g. I just can’t seem to find my keys. Ich kann meine Schluessel einfach nicht finden.)
courteousness, courtesy, politeness, cordiality;
Hoeflichkeit, Verbindlichkeit, Zuvorkommenheit
cast one’s vote
seine Stimme abgeben (Wahl)
rebel, nonconformist, dissenter, iconoclast;
Eigenbroetler, Querdenker
let the chips fall where they may
do sth./ let sth. happen regardless of the consequences;
etw. auf sich zukommen lassen, die Dinge einfach laufen lassen, ungeachtet der Konsequenzen handeln
plunge; decline suddenly and steeply (often used with stocks, prices, approval ratings, etc.);
(ab)stuerzen, fallen
in violation of good taste, often verging on the indecent; often in bawdy humor, ribald, indelicate;
also: not healthy;
verfaenglich, leicht unanstaendig; (sich) nicht ganz wohl/ auf dem Posten sein/ fuehlen
all walks of life
all social, economic, and ethnic groups;
alle Gesellschaftsschichten und –gruppen;
typically with “from [all walks of life]”
Driving Under the Influence (driving drunk or under the influence of other drugs causing disorientation);
make (here) (e.g.: the headlines/ the early bus/ it)
achieve a goal, be successful at achieving sth. (e.g. getting into the news; catching the early bus; having financial/ economic/ social success in life; etc.);
es/etw. schaffen
can’t be used in factual article; polemic term for investigative journalist; cf.whistleblower: informant, source; squealer, snitch, rat (rat so. out/ rat on so.), canary, sneak, fink (also: hired strikebreaker); stool pigeon/ stoolie (also: police decoy: Lockvogel)
press release
issued by PR depts., not the press; official public announcement/ statement
criminal/ also: overdue: a delinquent account (ueberfaellig); so. guilty of delinquency/ unlawful acts: often: juvenile delinquent
(be) on target
accurate, precise, valid; spot on
left-wing/ right-wing;
leftist; centrist; radical; extremist; conservative; liberal; moderate; the left/ the right; left-/ right-leaning; left-/right-of-center; right-/ left-wing extremist; a fringe conservative/ he conservative fringe…
declare solemnly that one will follow a particular course of action; cf. promise to write soon; pledge to uphold the law; swear to get revenge; vow to fight to the finish; cf. threaten, warn
consequence, esp. of a disaster, misfortune; period following a disastrous event; cf. in the wake of; upshot, outcome, result, ramifications, repercussions, after/effects
cf. indiscretion; spill the beans/ blab/ let the cat out of the bag/ let slip; cf. betrayal, disclosure, revelation, exposure, divulgence, admission, unearthing, uncovering
marked by/ exercising/ showing prudence/ circumspection and wise self-restraint in speech and behavior; circumspect; modest, unpretentious: diskret, verschwiegen, dezent, umsichtig;(handle sth. with discretion)
separate/ distinct in form or concept; individual; unconnected, standing on its own: eigenstaendig, separate,
circumspection/ quality of being discreet; prudence; ability/ power to decide responsibly; freedom to act/ judge on one’s own; tact, consideration, judgment; choice, preference: Ermessen, Urteil, Besonnenheit…
He conducted the whole affair with the utmost discretion.
The money was left to them to spend at their own discretion.