VTA 125

  1. Of the origin and the insertion of a muscle, which is least moveable?
  2. Does the production, resorption and repair of bone continue in old age?
    yes, processes continue throughout life
  3. What does the autonomic nervous system (ANS) control?
    Visceral organs-automatic organs
  4. What is the largest peripheral nerve?
    • Vagus is the main nerve
    • Sciatic nerve is another major nerve located in the rear legs
  5. What is the scapulohumeral joint?
  6. What is the most caudal part of the sternum?
    Xiphoid process
  7. What is the hole in the occipital bone of the cranium where the spinal cord enters the brain?
    foramen magnum
  8. What covers the articular surface of long bones?
  9. What is another name for the hip joint?
    • acetabulum
    • coxofemoral
  10. 3 functions of bone:
    • supports body
    • protects internal organ
    • produce blood (bone marrow)
  11. origin (re muscle)
    • starting point and least moveable part of the muscle
    • where muscle attaches to bone
  12. insertion (re muscle)
    • where muscle inserts into bone
    • this portion of muscle is more moveable than the origin
  13. pyo-
  14. equine equivalent of rabies
    • equine encephalomyelitis
    • (causes seizures, ataxia and death)
  15. Axial skeleton includes:
    • Skull
    • Spinal column
    • Ribs
    • Sternum
  16. What is the significance of 7-13-7-3?
    • vertebrae in spinal column:
    • 7 cervical
    • 13 thoracic
    • 7 lumbar
    • 3 sacral
  17. Appendicular skeleton includes:
  18. What are the parts of the forelimb?
    • Scapula
    • Olecranon (elbow)
    • Humerus (proximal to the olecranon)
    • Radius (larger of 2 bones distal to the olecranon)
    • Ulna (smaller of """ )
    • Carpus
    • Metacarpals
    • Phalanges
  19. What are the parts of the pelvis?
    • Ilium
    • Ischium
    • pubis
    • acetabulum (hip socket)
  20. What are the parts of the rear leg?
    • Femur
    • Stifle
    • Patella
    • Tibia (larger)
    • Fibulua (smaller)
    • Hock
    • Tarsus
    • Metatarsals
    • Phalanges
  21. 3 types of joints:
    • Fibrous (skull sutures)
    • Cartilagenous (growth plates, growing area of bone starts as cartilage)
    • Synovial (hinge, pivot and ball&socket)
  22. Where 2 bones meet at a fibrous joint is called...?
    articular surface
  23. what is a digital flexor?
    • muscle that flexes the digits
    • there are 2 digital flexors
  24. What muscles in the chest that adducts the shoulder?
  25. what do the triceps do?
    extend the foreleg by increasing the angle of the elbow
  26. what do the biceps do?
    flexes the foreleg by decreasing the angle of the elbow
  27. what is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic muscles?
    • Intrinsic: wholly within one area of the body
    • Extrinsic: run from one part of the body to another
  28. Which muscles assist in breathing?
    Internal and external intercostals
  29. What is the main muscle involved in respiration?
  30. what is the linea alba?
    • midline where the incision for a spay is made
    • end point for external obliques
  31. What is the difference between sympathetic ANS and parasympathetic ANS?
    • Sympathetic is responsible for increasing vital signs when the flight or fight response is triggered
    • Parasympathetic regulates the body back to normal by slowing vitals
  32. How is West Nile Virus transmitted?
  33. What is the function of the thalamus?
    processes info from sensory organs and sends it to the brain
  34. What is the hypothalamus?
    an endocrine gland that produces hormones
  35. What are the functions of the pituitary gland?
    • produces hormones
    • controls body functions
  36. What are the parts of the brain and the function of each?
    • Cerebrum (vol. mvmnt/thought)
    • Cerebellum (coordination)
    • Brain Stem (maintains life)
    • Medulla Oblongata (respiration)
    • Midbrain (senses)
  37. Synapse
    The junctions between neurons where neural impulses are xmitted
  38. Afferent
    • conducting toward the center of a specific site of reference
    • incoming
  39. Efferent
    progressing away from the center of a specific point of reference
  40. Meningitis
    inflammation of the meninges, as a pathological condition
  41. Cerebrospinal
    pertaining to brain and spinal cord
  42. Ataxia
    failure of muscular coordination
  43. Olfactory
    pertaining to sense of smell
  44. Tactile
    pertaining to sense of touch
  45. Gustatory
    pertaining to taste
  46. Auditory
    pertaining to sense of hearing
  47. Hemiplegia
    paralysis of one side of the body
  48. Paraplegia
    paralysis of hind limb(s) and sometimes the posterior part of body
  49. Quadraplegia
    paralysis of all 4 limbs
  50. Anisocoria
    unequal/asymmetric pupils
  51. Nystagmus
    periodic, rhythmic, invol movement of both eyeballs in unison
  52. what minerals are commonly stored in bones?
    • calcium
    • phosphorous
  53. what are the fibrous bands of tissue that connect one bone to another?
  54. what is the common name for the bone at the point of the rear leg where the tibia and fibula meet?
  55. name and describe the muskuloskeletal condition that large breed dogs are prone to:
    • hip dysplasia
    • the ball and socket joint of the pelvis and femur becomes diseased and does not sit right
  56. name and describe a common disorder affecting older animals:
    • Arthritis
    • joints become inflammed; condition causes lameness and pain increases over time
  57. What is the division of the autonomic nervous system that is concerned with body functions under stress?
    sympathetic nervous system
  58. What is the type of nerve that carries impulses away from the CNS and toward muscles?
    motor neuron
  59. What is the largest portion of the brain that is concerened with thought and memeory?
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VTA 125