HSC101 Ch4

  1. Diagnosis
    Identification of a disease or condition by a scientific evaluation of physical signs, symptoms, history, tests, and procedures
  2. Prognosis
    The predicted outcome of a disease
  3. Acute
    Having a short and relatively severe course
  4. Chronic
    Exists over a long time
  5. Signs
    Objective or definitive, evidence of an illness or disordered function that are perceived by an examiner such as a fever, a rash, or evidence established by radiologic or laboratory testing
  6. Symptoms
    Subjective evidence as perceived by the patient such as pain
  7. WNL
    Within Normal Limits
  8. Vital Signs
    pulse rate, respiration rate, body temperature
  9. Pulse
    The rhythmic expansion of an artery that occurs as the heart beats
  10. Respiration
    The number of breaths per minute
  11. Body Temperature
    Measured through mouth, rectum, armpit, external opening of ear canal
  12. Blood Pressure
    pressure exerted by the circulating volume of blood on the walls of the arteries and veins and on the chambers of the heart
  13. Systolic Pressure
    higher reading
  14. Diastolic Reading
    Lower reading
  15. Palpation
    Feeling texture, size, consistency, and location of certain body parts with the hands
  16. Percussion
    tapping body to evaluate the size, borders, and consistency of internal organs and to determine the amount of fluid in a body cavity
  17. Auscultation
    Listen for sounds within the body to evaluate the heart, blood vessels, lungs, intestines, or other organs, or to detect the fetal heart sound
Card Set
HSC101 Ch4
medical terminology