- author "Doug"
- tags "Chapter content, Hebrews, James, Peter Jude"
- description "Seminary"
- fileName "Hebrews & General Epistles"
- freezingBlueDBID -1.0
- Hebrews 1
- Jesus the radiance of God
- Superior to angels
Hebrews 2
- Necessity of Christ's humanity
- Christ tastes death for every man
Hebrews 3
- Christ our Apostle
- Better than Moses
- Warning based on Israel's disbelief
Hebrews 4
- Rest theology
- The powerful Word
- Merciful high priest tempted in all points
- Throne of grace
Hebrews 5
- Christ though a son, learned obedience.
- Prayed for deliverance from death
- General requirements for priesthood
Hebrews 6
- The principles of the doctrine of Christ
- Anchor of hope
Hebrews 7
- Historic explanation of Melchizedek
- Christ, the surety of a better covenant
Hebrews 8
The true tabernacle which the Lord pitched
Hebrews 9
- -References to the furniture of the tabernacle
- -The death of the testator
- -Christ's second coming w/out sin
- -No remission w/out shedding of blood
Hebrews 10
- Imperfect law-animal sacrifice
- Once for all sacrifice of Christ
- The just shall live by faith
Hebrews 11
- Without faith impossible to please God
- All died w/out receiving the promise
- Not perfected w/out us
Hebrews 12
- ·For the joy set before
- ·Chastening of the Lord
- ·Peace & holiness w/ all men-no root of bitterness
- ·Zion over Sinai
Hebrews 13
- Be content...the Lord is my help
- Suffered w/out, the gate
- We have no continuing city
James 1
- Law of liberty
- Trials
- ·Ask in...doubleminded
- Rich fade away
- Hear & do
- Pure religion, orphan and widows
James 2
- Royal law
- Sin of partiality-love your neighbor
- Faith w/out works its dead
James 3
- Taming the tongue
- Wisdom from above, pure...
- Harvest of righteousness...
James 4
- Friendship of the world is enmity w/God
- Opposes the period, have to humble
- Boasting about future
James 5
- Steadfastness in suffering.
- Purpose of the Lord, he its compassionate and merciful.