
  1. From Think Again (4)
    Thinking and decision making are prone to biasing tendencies: misleading experiences, misleading prejudgements, inappropriate self-interest and inappropriate attachments

    Key is to recognize these "red flag" conditions and apply appropriate safeguards: 1) experience, data & analysis 2) group debate and challenge 3) monitoring and changing the incentives = change the context (i.e. safeguards are about structuring

    Anchoring: We tend to "anchor" to original plan, etc. equals thoughts, facts and ideas that are already in the brain.

    Emotional Tagging: emotions tag experiences
  2. From Brand Bubble (3)
    Brands that succeed today exhibit an insatiable appetite for creativity and a questing spirit for change- a set of characteristics that can be captured as Energized Differentiation

    Brands must have a future orientation and a consistent and convicted point of view about what it stands for and where it is going

    To accomplish this we need to maintain a much greater regard for the value of change- the biggest asset a brand can possess is its capacity to change
  3. From The Design of Business (3)
    Need both Exploration and Exploitation Activities-- Value is generated by driving insights along the knowledge funnel from "mystery" to "heuristic" to "algorithm" (the paring away of detail through the funnel)

    We favor reliability driven activities (consistent predictable outcomes) over validity driven ones (outcomes that meet a desired objective). You cannot prove new knowledge in advance- can only validate through the unfolding of future events. (Like emergent over deliberate)

    Organizations are structured to resist dynamic change. They build up permanent departments staffed by people in permanent slots. Structures should be both permanent and project based where teams and people "FLOW to the WORK"
  4. From A Bias for Action (4)
    Success comes from purposeful action versus busyness or active nonaction. Managers tend to "get lost in their own stream of activities" and spend time "making the inevitable happen" ignoring or postponing dealing with the organizations most critical issues. Tendency is to engage in poorly reflected, activity-obsessed behaviors that are coupled with a lack of goal orientation, a reduced use of information and a superficial or diminished planning of activities.

    Must move beyond motivation to willpower. To do so, must create a "productive zone" that fosters real vs superficial commitment.

    Real commitment comes from a "bottom-up" approach where purposeful action occurs with projects and tasks that are clearly articulated, regulated, etc.

    Willpower requires a need to regulate flow of emotions, etc.

    Watch out for: Superficial harmony and the conspiracy of silent disharmony AND inauthentic consensus.
  5. From The Game Changer (5)
    Innovation can result in sustained organic growth only through a systematic process that looks much like a factory process- input to process to output.

    • This process requires regular good project management with regular reviews that encourage debate, nurturing and exploring issues. Communications over control.
    • Innovation is a social process requiring "just-enough structure" (creative but not chaotic) and a culture that is courageous and connected.

    Must muddle through and build the innovation muscle over time. Also requires bringing the outside in (connect and develop)

    Must be clear about motivating purpose and values and goals and strategies and unique core strengths.
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