keratin, hard, hornlike
abnormal softening
enlargement, large
eating or swallowing
hardened condition
instrument used to cut
skin injury that scrapes away the surface of the skin
infection by pyogenic bacteria resulting in localized collection of pus
basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
- carcin/o = cancer
- -oma = tumor
- Skin cancer in basal cell layer of the epidermis; very common cancer caused by sun exposure but rarely metastasizes or spreads.
biopsy (BX, bx)
- bi/o = life ; -opsy = to view
- surgical procedure to remove a piece of tissue by needle, knife, punch, or brush to examine under a microscope in order to make a diagnosis
bacterial infection of a hair follicle; also called a furuncle
burn, 1st degree
mild burn that damages epidermis only; results in erythema but no blisters; generally, there is no scarring
burn, 2nd degree
burn damage that extends through the epidermis and into the dermis, causing blisters to form; scarring may occur
burn, 3rd degree
Burn damage to the full thickness of skin and into underlying tissues; infection and fluid loss are major concerns; usually requires skin grafts to cover burned areas; scarring will occur
Intentional destruction of the tissue by a caustic chemical, electric current, laser or freezing
inflammation of connective tissue cells of skin
- chem/o = chemical
- Removal of superficial layers of skin using chemicals; also called chemical peel
blunt trauma to skin that results in bruising
- cry/o = cold
- Using extreme cold to freeze and destroy tissue
culture and sensitivity (C&S)
Lab test that grows a colony of bacteria removed from infected area in order to identify the specific type of bacteria and then determine its sensitivity to a variety of antibiotics
fluid-filled sac under the skin, usually not infected
removal of foreign material and dead or damaged tissue from a wound
decubitus ulcer (decub)
- open sore caused by pressure over bony prominences obstructing blood flow; can appear in bedridden patients who lie in one position too long and can be difficult to heal.
- commonly called bedsore or pressure sore
- derm/o = skin
- scraping skin with rotating wire brushes or sandpaper; used to remove acne scars
"black and blue" skin bruise caused by blood collecting under skin after trauma.
- erythr/o = red
- redness of skin
cracklike break in skin