Semester 1 History Final

  1. What is the Hebrew code that focuses more on morality and ethics and less on politics?
    The Ten Commandments
  2. Probably the greatest legacy of Rome was the establishment of what through the law?
  3. A concept from classical Athens that is central to Western political thought today is that individual achievement, what, and worth are of great importance?
  4. Who believed that in an ideal society the government should be controlled by a class of "philosopher kings"?
  5. The ancient Roman Republic and the United States share the idea of establishing what kind of government?
  6. Under what, persons accused of a crime had the right to face the accuser and offer a defense?
    Roman law
  7. Jesus of Nazareth teachings were rooted in what traditions?
  8. The idea that alll people, including leaders and kings, are under the law, because God gave the the law. Jews believe in the what?
    Rule of the Law
  9. The what tradition, in regards to political thought, is most concerned with laws and the overall structure of government?
  10. In terms of political thought, the what tradition is most concerned with ethical living by the individual?
  11. James 1 of England believed in the what, which is the belief that a king was granted wisdom of God upon ascending to the throne, and therefore faultless.
    Divine Right of Kings
  12. In England history, the Magna Carta(1215), the Petition of Right(1628), the Bill of Rights(1689) all reinforced the concept of a what?
    Limited monarchy
  13. The foundation for a constitutional monarchy in England was laid by the what?
    Glorious Revolution
  14. Plato and John Locke's writing heavily emphasizes the nature and what of government?
  15. What's biggest contribution to the development of Democracy is the beginning of moral laws?
  16. The idea that no one can be put in jail without first being charged witha specific crime is called what?
    Habeas Corpus
  17. What is a government system where citizens elect leaders who make government decisions.
    A republic
  18. Who is the principal author of the Declaration of Independence?
    Thomas Jerfferson
  19. What states taht all government power comes from the people?
    Popular Sovereignity
  20. What should be given to people because they are naturally good?
    Natural rights
  21. Who is the first government to use Enlightenment ideals as its foundation?
    The United States of America
  22. Who is the author of The United States' Constitution?
    James Madison
  23. Enlightenment thinkers were influenced by the idea of natural law that emerged form the what?
    Scientific Revolution
  24. Who argued that life, liberty, and property are natural rights that should be protected by government?
    John Locke
  25. When a country's constitution requires branches of government to remain independent of each other, it is adhering to the constitutional principle of what?
    Separation of powers.
  26. The idea of separation of powers in the Constitution was borrowed from the Enlightenment thinker who?
  27. Who believed in the "general will" of the people? This was due to his belief that people were basically good.
  28. What is a system of government in which a ruler holds total power?
  29. Who was inspired by the ideas of the American Revolution and the Enlightenment to lead the liberation of much of South America from Spain?
    Simon Bolivar
  30. What is the first democratic document to limit governmental power?
    The Magna Carta
  31. The English Bill of Rights in 1689 established what?
    A limited monarachy
  32. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizens models the American what?
    Declaration of Independence
  33. What protects the basic rights of citizens of the United States?
    The Bill of Rights
  34. The American victory over who, not only gave the colonies freedom, it also showed the world that they could overthrow oppressive government and institute Enlightenment ideas?
  35. Both the American and Frech Revolution favored what kind of governments?
  36. Members of the Third Estate took the what in (1789) at the start of the Revolution to draft a new constitution?
    Tennis Court Oath
  37. The fall of what was the first popluar protest that would play a role in the French Revolution?
  38. Throughout the French Revolution, Kings from surrounding kingdoms, like Austria and Prussia intervene or threaten to tinterven to protect the French what?
  39. Who believed that the best way to protect the new government in France was to suppress oppostition to the government by using force?
  40. Under what, men regained complete control of their wives?
    Napoleanice Code
  41. Who took advantage of a weak French gonvernment to seize control?
  42. Creating a lasting peace by restoring a balance of power, and protecting the monarchies of Europe were all goals of the what?
    Congree of Vienna
  43. Results of the actions taken at Vienna created what of peace that would end with the rise of nationalism?
    100 Years
  44. By ensuring a what between nations the Congress of Vienna and the Concert of Europe suppressed nationalism between 1815-1848?
    Balance of Power
  45. Who invented the cotton gin?
    Eli Whiteny
  46. What is a new way to make things which involved one person performing a task, placing the product on a converyor belt so that another person could perform the next task ultimatley increasing the production of goods?
    Assembly line
  47. What economics argues that the natural laws of supply and demand should be allowed to operate without government interference?
    Laissez faire
  48. Who used his literacy skills to bring social ills to light with books like Oliver Twist and Hard Times.
    Charles Dickens
  49. What allowed for replacement parts to be nterchanged for broken parts in machines and other devices?
    Interchangable parts
  50. Who was the first to industrialize because of a variety of natural resources, stable government, and many waterways and ports for shipping goods and transporting natural resources?
    Great Britain
  51. The research of who into germ theory is important because it proved that cleanliness helped prevent infections?
    Louis Pasteur
  52. The what changes in England during the 1600s contributed to England's later industrial development by producing more food with fewer workers?
  53. In the 19th century, what developed mostly in response to wages and working conditions?
    Labor unions
  54. To increase production output during the what business owners primarily invested in machinery?
    Industrial Revolution
  55. Socialists that live in a society where all people work and share their good and produce their best while viewing themselves as equals are known as what?
  56. What is a political ideology in which there is a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism?
    Social Democracy
  57. Karl Marx developed an ideology that said workers in a country would eventually revolt against the government and take over the means of production. This ideology is known as what?
  58. Socialists believe the what ought to be controlled by the people as a whole.
    Means of Production
  59. What was a European artistic movement that arose as a reaction against Classicism's emphasis on reason?
  60. Charles Dickens' novels were a response to conditions brought about by what?
  61. In the mid-1700's, trade contributed to the early growth of an industiral economy in Great Britain by giving British what the captial needed to open new factories?
  62. What provided Great Britain a strategic shipping route to its colonies?
    The Suez Canal
  63. At the end of the 1800's colonies were generally seen as a country's relative what?
  64. In the 1500's what lands extendedfrom Western Africa to Southeast Asia?
  65. Industrialization allowed who to expand resources on military and coonial expansion?
  66. Greck-Roman tradition differs from Jewish and what beliefs in matters of concerning the importance of belief in one God?
  67. By 1914, Ethiopia and Liberia were the only two what countires to retain Independence?
  68. The collapse of the last Chinese Empire in 1912 was caused by the imperial government's failure to control what influence?
  69. In 1900, anti-foreign sentiment in China led to an uprising known as the what?
    Box Rebellion
  70. Who used his philosophy of nonviolent noncooperation in an effort to achieve India's independence from Britain?
    Mohandas Gandhi
  71. What allowed Japan to expend pesources on military and colonial expansion?
  72. Hte letter that who carried to japan demanded Japan to open its ports for trade?
    Matthew Perry
  73. What stated that no European countries could colonize in the Americas anymore?
    The Monroe Doctrine
  74. The Western countries had a trade deficit with who?
  75. "The sun never sets on the British Empire" indicates how what the British Empire was?
  76. The Sepoy Rebellion in India and the Boxer Rebellion in China were responses to European what?
  77. THe theroy of what was sometimes used to justify European Imperialism in the late 19th century?
    Social Darwinism
  78. The government of Great Britain built railroads, schools, and irrigation system in colonial India primarily to strengthen Great Britain's political and economic contro in where?
  79. Europeans used what to govern their colonies in which they provided colonial people basic needs but did not give them full rights?
  80. The entire international community to this day does not recognize the that Armenian what ever happened?
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Semester 1 History Final
Semester 1 History Final