Dogwood Borer
- Is a day flying moth that looks like a wasp
- is best controlled by foliar spray treatments in mid may
- gains entrance to cambium through wounds
- is controlled by bark drench treatments with permethrin
- best time to treat is mid-may throughout the summer
- lindane will treat it fourteen days after the first capture of dogwood borer moths
Black vine weevil
- is a pest on yew, azalea, taxus and rhododendrons
- adults are unable to fly
- has one generation a year
- feed at night
- larvae feed on young roots and bark of large roots often result in death
- best to treat later in day, with acephate, azadirachtin
- treatment should be between june 10-20. a second app three weeks if u see adults in burlap traps.
- adults are matalic green with copper wings
- feed on foliage during day, most active on sunny warm days
- eggs are laid in the soil
- larvae are grayish-white grubs with brown heads
- 1generation/year
- larvae chew off grass roots so that the turf can be rolled up like a carpet, grass turns brown and dies
- for grubs- control mid-april to mid-may or between or late july to mid-september
- adults - control july through late august
Chinch bug
- black with shiny whit wings that have a black spot on them
- older nymphs are black with easily visible, developing wing pads
- one to two generations per year
- adults become active in temp above 45deg
- they thrive in hot, dry weather in turf with heavy thatch
- often appears first on dry, sunny, dry areas on southerly slopes, or on turfgrass adjacent to driveways sidewalks or other radiate heat.
Sod Webworm
- Adults may be seen facing downward on the turfgrass stem
- whitish to light gray or tan in color, and have a snoutlike projection from their heads
- Larvae have a caterpillar-shaped body, are gray to beige-brown with dark spots, and have three pairs of front legs and five pair of back legs
- two generations/year
- larvae can be expected two weeks after peak moth flights
Bill Bug
- Gray, black, or brown weevils though newly emerged adults may be reddish brown in color
- chewing mouthparts
- have a long snout or "bill"
- larvae are white grubs with brown head capsules all instars resemble eachother except for their size
- damage looks like that of a chinch bug but the bill bug leaves a whitish saw dust like material which may be found around the base of the plant
- treatment in april through late may
- nematodes treat billbugs
Boxwood leafminer
- all varieties of boxwood attacked
- orange nat-like flies, tiny yellowish-orange maggots feed inside the leaves
- 1 generation per year
- mined or blistered foliage is evident in mid-summer
- infested leaves are spotted yellow and may drop prematurely
- continuous infestations result in dead twigs and a weakened plant
- foliar spray treatments on underside of leaves in May to control adult flies before they lay eggs
- systemics will control young larvae in leaves late May-early june
- acephate, carbaryl,acamectin
Holly leafminer
- English holly
- adults are black flys that appear in mid-late May
- eggs are laid inside newly developing leaves
- larva is a yellowish-colored maggot that forms slender trail-like mines or blotch mines in the leaf by feeding on plant tissue. mines have a brownish appearance due to loss of chlorophyll
- 1 generation/year
- tree will drop leaves in a heavy infestation
- adult females use their ovipositor to puncture the leaf tissue and feed on the sap that exudes from the wound.
- foliar spray on upper and lower surfaces of leavesin mid to late May when adult flies are seen around new growth.
- systemics will control young miners in foliage, early spring
- acephate, carbaryl, bifenthrin
Bronze Birch borer
- grayish-black beetle with a faint bronze-metalic sheen
- 1 generation/year
- larvae bore under bark causing girdling and dieback, dieback begins at top
- they make D-shaped holes in the bark
- spray terminals and bark
- bifenthrin, permethrin
Lace bugs
- azalea, rhododendron, sycamore
- adults are flat, beautifuly sculptured and resemble an intricate, lacy network
- most species are host specific
- nymphs are dark colored and often spiny
- 2 or more generations/year depending on species
- piercing-sucking mouth parts
- feed on the undersurface of a leaf results in white flecks that can be seen on the upper leaf surface due to the loss of chlorophyll, similiar to leafhoppers but dark varnish-like spots of excrement are present on underside of leaves
- check underside of leave for adults nymphs and tar spots
- treat underside of leave when population is detected usually late spring through summer
- acephate, bifenthrin, carbaryl
Hemlock woolly adelgid
- eastern hemlocks
- females are circular and black
- nymphs are reddish-brown to black
- overwintering stage lays eggs in Feb-march, first generation of nymphs hatches out april-may, eggs are laid in june , hatch in early july. Immatures rest through summer then feed during the fall into winter-mature in fall
- overwinter as mature females
- 2 generations/year
- feed on plant juices
- discolor needles that drop prematurely, killing branches
- small trees die in 1yr, larger trees 2-6yrs
- can travel on birds so dont put birdfeeders near hemlocks
- dont fertilize infested trees, nitrogen stimulates the adelgids