Author Llwy
ID 130261
Card Set KDL 7ves rann
Description Seythves rann yw homma a'n steus ebost KDL (<a href="http://www.kesva.org/KDL">Kernewek Dre Lyther</a>). Nyns eus saw gerva an dyskansow 17, 18 ha geryow erell ynni. Nyns yw ryw an treylyans diskwedhys pub eur oll y'n rann ma, awos yw kler lieskweyth a'n gettestenn. Pan yw treylyans na welyn ni lieskweyth, diskwedhys yw.
This is the seventh part of the e-mail course KDL (<a href="http://www.kesva.org/KDL">Kernewek Dre Lyther</a>). Only the wordlist of the lessons 17, 18 and other words are in it. The kind of the mutation is not always shown in this part, because it is often clear from the context. When it is a mutation that we do not see often, it is shown.