Science 4

  1. amino acid
    any 1 of 20 different naturally occurring organic molecules that combine to form proteins
  2. biochemical compound
    any organic compound that has an important role in living things
  3. bond angle

    the angle formed by 2 bonds to the same atom
  4. bond length
    the average distance between the nuclei of 2 bonded atoms
  5. carbohydrate
    any organic compound that is made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and that provides nutrients to the cells of living things
  6. chemical bond
    the attractive force that holds atoms or ions together
  7. chemical structure
    the arrangement of bonded atoms or ions within a substance
  8. covalent bond
    a bond formed when atoms share 1 or more pairs of electrons (NM + NM)
  9. empirical formula
    the simplest chemical formula of a compound that tells the smallest whole number ration of atoms in the compound
  10. ionic bond
    a bond formed by the attraction between OPPOSITLY charged ions
  11. metallic bond
    a bond formed by the attraction between POSITIVELY charged metal ions and the electrons around them
  12. molecular formula
    a chemical formula that reports the actual numbers of atoms in one molecule of a compound
  13. organic compound
    any covalently bonded compound that contains carbon
  14. polyatomic ion
    an ion made of 2 or more atoms that are covalently bonded & act like a single ion
  15. polymer
    a large organic molecule made of many smaller bonded units
  16. protein
    a biological polymer made o fbonded amino acids
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Science 4
science 4 flashcards