Time for Learning Animals.txt

    • author "Caitlin Wettlaufer"
    • tags "Elaine's Vocab Test"
    • description ""
    • fileName "Time for Learning Animals"
    • freezingBlueDBID -1.0
    • Blubber
    • A thick layer of fat.
  1. Camoflouge
    When an animal blends in to it's surroundings.
  2. Metbolism
    The rate at which food is converted in to energy.
  3. Ecosystem
    System formed by the interaction of a community of living things and their enviroment.
  4. Food Web
    Connecting Food Chains.
  5. Climate
    Weather conditions of an area.
  6. Cold-Blooded
    Animals that depend on the enviroment to maintain internal heat.
  7. Grasslands
    Flat grassy areas with small trees.
  8. Biome
    An area where living things live.
  9. Food Chains
    What animals eat to get energy.
  10. Adapt
    Changing to survive.
  11. Decomposers
    Animals that break down and eat other animals remains.
  12. Consumer
    Animals that must eat other living things for energy and food.
  13. Trophic Levels
    Omnivore, Herbavore, Carnivore
  14. Omnivore
    Eats both animal and plant foods.
  15. Carnivore
    Eats only animals for food.
  16. Herbivore
    Eats only plants for food.
  17. Hibernate
    Sleep deeply through the winter.
  18. Habitat
    Place where an animal lives.
  19. Producer
    Produces their own food.
  20. Niche
    Where a living thing lives and eats.
  21. Region
    Large area of land.
  22. Portion
    A part of the whole.
  23. Symbiotic Relationships
    Animals and plants that depend on each other to survive.
  24. Tundra
    Simplest biome, a treeless plain.
  25. Fatal
    Could kill.
  26. Forest
    Biggest land biome with lots of trees.
  27. Vital
  28. Mature
    Fully grown.
  29. Rainforest
    Forest with hot, humid climate.
  30. Bromeliads
    Plants that collect pools of water in their leaves.
  31. Desert
    An area with little rainfall and little to no vegetation.
  32. Vegetation
    Plant life.
  33. Joey
    Baby kangaroo.
  34. Different
    Not alike.
  35. Aquatic
    Water biome.
  36. Mammal
    Gives birth to live babies and feeds milk to its young.
  37. Bioluminescence
    Production of light by living things.
  38. Estuaries
    Where fresh water from a river meets the sea.
  39. Lodges
    Beaver homes made of mud and sticks.
  40. Kits
    Baby beavers.
  41. Migration
    Move to another place for the rest of the year.
  42. Species
    A group of animals having things in common.
  43. Prey
    An animal that is hunted.
  44. Preditor
    The hunter.
  45. Beneficial
  46. Permafrost
    Frozen subsoil.
  47. Threat
    Something that causes trouble or harm.
  48. Surroundings
    The enviroment around you.
  49. Efficient
    Functioning at your best.
  50. Variety
    A number of different types of things.
  51. Breif
    Lasting a short time.
  52. Occupy
    To take up space.
  53. Scavengers
    An animal that feeds on dead and leftover animals.
  54. Fierce
    Wild and Violent
  55. Humid
    Containing a high amount of water.
  56. Artificial
    Not living.
  57. Nourish
    to supply with food and nutrients.
  58. Captive
    A prisoner.
  59. Offspring
  60. Abundant
    A large amount.
  61. Explore
    To look and examine.
  62. Poison
    Something that can harm or kill you.
  63. Energy
    The ability to do activity.
  64. Able
    Having the skill.
  65. Body Language
    communication using only your body and no words
  66. Venom
  67. Mimic
    to copy
  68. Unusual
    not common
  69. Extinct
    When a species no longer exists
  70. Evolution
    When a population changes to survive
  71. gradually
  72. Endangered Species
    Whe a species is almost extinct
Card Set
Time for Learning Animals.txt
vocab and concept from the book