Intro to Nutrition

  1. What is Nutrition?
    The science of foods and the substances they contain
  2. What can food provide?
    Energry and nutrients used by the body for maintenance, growth, and repair
  3. What is a diet?
    Food one consumes, whose quality can affect the risk of chronic diseases
  4. What are some food choices?
    • - Postive and negative associations
    • - Emotional comfort
    • - Vaules
    • - Body weight and image
  5. What are functional foods?
    • Provide health benefits beyond their nutrient contributions
    • i.e- whole foods, and fortified foods
  6. What do you need in order to maintain a healthy body?
    Replenishment of energy and nutrients from food.
  7. Six classes of nutrients are...
    Carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water
  8. What are the energy yielding nutrients?
    Carbohydrates, fat, and protein
  9. Carbohydrates, fat, and proteins are often called what?
  10. Chemical composition of nutrients includes what two compounds?
    Inorganic and Organic
  11. Inorganic compounds are what?
    Minerals and Water
  12. What are the Organic nutrients?
    Carbonhydrates, Fats, Proteins, and vitamins (all contain carbon)
  13. What are essential nutrients?
    Those the body can no make or is unable to make sufficient quantities to meet needs. Also known as indispensable nutrients.
  14. What is metabolism?
    The process by which food is broken down to yield energy
  15. What is energy measured by?
    KCalories (calories, kilocalories, Kcal)
  16. How is energy density determined?
    • By its macronutrient compostion
    • High energy density= weight gain (high fat content)
    • Low energy density= weight loss (low fat grains, veggies, fruit)
  17. What are Vitamins?
    Organic, not energy-yielding, essential, thirteen different vitamins that play an essential role in health and disease management
  18. What are minerals?
    Inorganic, not energy-yielding, essential, with 16 known minerals that play an essential role in human nutrition.
  19. Different between minerals and vitamins
    Minerals are indestructible, where as vitamins are
  20. What is water?
    Inorganic, not energy-yielding, essential
  21. What does the science of nutrition do?
    Studies the nutrients in food and how the body utilizes these nutrients
  22. Two different types of the science of nutrition?
    Human genome and nutritional genomics
  23. When does the scientifc method get used in nutrition research?
    Epidemiological studies, laboratory- based studies, and human intervention/clinical trils
  24. What are epidemiological studies?
    Determind the incidence and distribution of diseases in populations. Studies include cross-sectional, case-control, and cohort
  25. What are laboratory-based studies?
    Explore the effects of a specific variable on a tissue, cell, or molecule. Studies are often conducted in test tubes or on animals
  26. What are human intervention or clinical trials?
    Involve human beings who follow a specified regiman
  27. What are the stages of nutrient deficiency?
    Overt (easy to observe), primary (inadequate intake), secondary (caused by drug or disease, subclinical (early stages with outward sign, covert (hidden deficiency)
  28. What are parts of a research article?
    Abstract, introduction, review of literature, methodology (define key terms and describes instruments and procedures), results, conclusions, and references.
  29. What are the principles to diet planning?
    Adequacy, balance, Kcalorie control
  30. What is the healthy eating index?
    Food guide pyramind, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, s
Card Set
Intro to Nutrition
Lecture Cards