Chapter 12 (4)

  1. Describe Epineurium.
    • Outermost covering of nerve.
    • Dense network of collagen fibers.
  2. Describe Perineurium.
    • Middle layer Fibers extend inward from epineurium.
    • Divide nerve into compartments that contain bundles of axons (fascicles).
    • Branching blood vessels from epineurium continue on to form capillaries in endoneurium.
  3. Describe Endoneurium.
    • Innermost layer.
    • Delicate connective tissues surrounding individual axons.
    • Capillaries here supply axons, Schwann cells, and fibroblasts.
  4. What is a ramus?
    A branch of the spinal nerve.
  5. What do dorsal rami innervte?
    • muscles
    • joints
    • skin of the back
  6. What do ventral rami innervate?
    structures of lateral & anterior trunk and limbs
  7. Where are communicating rami located and what do they contain?
    • Present in thoracic and superior lumbar segments.
    • Contain axons on sympathetic neurons.
  8. What is a dermatome?
    It is a specific bilateral region of skin surface monitered by a single pair of spinal nerves.
  9. What is the virus that causes shingles?
    varicella-zoster virus
  10. Shingles is viral infection of what?
    dorsal root ganglia
  11. What do dorsal rami contain and what do they innervate?
    • Somatic and visceral motor fibers.
    • Skin and skeletal muscles of back.
  12. What do ventral rami contain and what do they innervate?
    • somatic and visceral motor fibers
    • ventrolateral body surface, structures of body wall, and limbs.
  13. What are communicating branches of the spinal cord?
    Rami communicantes
  14. Describe white rami.
    • Preganglionic fibers that are myelinated.
    • Visceral motor fibers to sympathetic ganglion.
  15. Describe gray rami.
    • Postganglionic fibers that are unmyelinated.
    • Innervate glands and smooth muscles of body wall or limbs.
  16. Describe sympathetic nerves.
    Preganglionic and postganglionic fibers to structures of thoacic cavities.
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Chapter 12 (4)
Lecture test number one.