Anatomical Position
 - Patients are standing up facing forward w/ arms & standing up, palms forward.
High fowlers Position
 - Patient sitting w legs down, w/ the body at a 90 angle.
- Allows examination of head, neck, chest
Supine Position
- Lies on back facing up
- Allows examination of breast & abdomin
Prone Position
 - Patient lying on stomach w/ head turned to one side.
- Allows for examination of spine & back
Knee chest Position
 - Chest & knees arr placed flat against table with knees separated
- Anus & rectum exam
Sim's Position
 - Patient is on left side w/ left leg slightly flexed & the right leg sharply flexed upward
Semi-fowlers Position
 - Patient is resting against back of table
Lithotomy Position
 - patient sits at end of table and lies back, leg are supported in stirrups and hips are moved to end of table.
Dorsal Recumbent Position
 - Patient flt on table, places bottom of both feet flat on table.
- Used for gynocologist exams
Trendelenburg Position
- Patient lies on table & the end of the table is rised, so the feet are higher than the head.
- Used to treat patients with hight blood pressure, trauma, & certain abdominal procedures.
Jack Knife Position
 - Patient laying on table, head & eet raised
- Allows for rectal & anal exams.
Procological Position
 - Patientbents over examination table, lays on stomach
- Used for rectal/anal exams,