Bikram yoga 26 postures

  1. Standing Deep Breathing
    • (Pranayama) SDB helps prevent respiratory problems such as bronchitis, emphysema and shortness of breath.
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  2. Half Moon Pose
    • (Ardha-Chandrasana) Strengthens core, especially abdomen; increases flexibility of spine, from coccyx to neck; promotes kidney function; helps to cure enlargement of the liver and spleen. Trims the waistline, hips, abdomen, buttocks and thighs.
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  3. Hands to Feet
    • (Pada-Hasthasana) Stretches the spine and increases flexibility. Works the muscles, ligaments,tendons of the legs.
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  4. Awkward Pose
    • (Utkatasana) Tones and shapes legs. Heals chronically cold feet.Helps relieve rheumatism and arthritis in the legs; and helps cure slipped discs and other problems in the lower spine.
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  5. Eagle Pose
    • (Garurasana) Opens 14 largest joints of skeletal system. Improves flexibilities in hips, knees, ankles. Supplies fresh blood to the reproductive system and sex organs, and kidneys, which increases sexual vitality.
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  6. Standing Head to Knee
    • (Dandayamana-Janushirasana) Improves flexibility of sciatic nerves and strengthens hamstrings/leg muscles. Works muscles of the back, the biceps, and the triceps. Helps squeeze & flush out internal abdominal organs, such as gall bladder, pancreas and spleen, as well as the uterus and overies.
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  7. Standing Bow Pose
    • (Dandayamana-Dhanurasana) Moves blood from one side of the body to the other, then back again. Develops balance, increases the size and elasticity of the rib cage, firms the abdominal wall and upper thighs. Improves the flexibility and strength of the lower spine. Builds patience, determination and concentration.
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  8. Balancing Stick
    • (Tuladandasana) Sends high-speed blood pouring into the heart, especially the neglected region, cleaning out the veins and all the arteries, strengthening the heart muscle. Rejuvenating flood rushes into the brain as well. Strengthens your powers of concentration.
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  9. Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose
    • (Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimotthanasana) Like kryptonite for sciatica! Stretches and strengthens sciatic nerves, as well as all the tendons in the legs. Messages [sic.] internal abdominal organs, small and large intestines, and gives added flexibility in the pelvis, ankles, hip joints and especially in the last five vertebrae of the spine.
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  10. Triangle Pose
    • (Trikanasana) Improves every bone, muscle, joint, tendon and internal organ, and it revitalizes nerves, veins and tissues. Can alleviate crooked spines by flexing and strengthening the last five vertebrae. Good for rheumatism and lower back pain. Benefits the heart and lungs.
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  11. Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose
    • (Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana) Trims abdomen, waistline, hips, buttocks and thighs. Messages and compresses thyroid gland, which helps to regulate the metabolism and the immune system.
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  12. Tree Pose
    • (Tadasana) Improves posture and balance. Increases flexibility of ankles, knees, and hip joints. Prevents hernia by strengthening the internal oblique muscles.
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  13. Toe Stand
    • (Padangustasana) Strengthens knees and therapeutic for rheumatism of the knees, ankles, and feet. Opens up knee and hip joints, helps cure hemorrhoid problems. Develops mental strength.
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  14. Dead Body Pose
    • (Savasana) Facilitates powerful blood flow, lets circulation return to normal, creating internal cleansing and magnifying benefits of postures that precede it. We begin to learn relaxation.
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  15. Wind-Removing Pose
    • (Pavanamuktasana) Compresses and messages ascending and descending colon. Messages transverse colon and compresses the entire digestive system. Strengthens arms, prevents flatulence, improves hip flexibility, firms the abdomen and thighs.
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  16. Cobra Pose
    • (Bhujangasana) Strengthens lumber spine, relieves pain and combats slipped or herniated discs, scoliosis and arthritis in region. Improved digestion, relief from menstrual disorders, improved appetite, and raising low blood pressure. Improves functioning of liver and spleen.
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  17. Locust Pose
    • (Salabhasana) Same benefits as Cobra. Strengthens upper spine and relieve tennis elbow. Locust can help with varicose veins in the legs.
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  18. Full Locust Pose
    • ( Poorna-Salabhasana) Increases strength in middle spine; good for scoliosis, kyphosis, spondylosis and slipped discs. Opens up and increases elasticity in rib cage. Firms the abdominal muscles, upper arms, hips and thighs.
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  19. Bow Pose
    • (Dhanurasana) This 360-degree flexion of the spine opens up the rib cage, which allows lungs to expand. Revitalizes spinal nerves by increasing circulation; strengthens spine along its entire length. Aids digestion, fights constipation, combats bronchitis and diabetes, improving functioning of the large and small intestines, the liver, kidneys and spleen.
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  20. Fixed Firm Pose
    • (Supta-Vajrasana) Strengthens flexibility of lower spine, hips, knees, and ankle joints. Increases circulation to lower limbs. Therapeutic for lower back pain, sciatica, rheumatism and varicose veins. Prevents hernias.
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  21. Half Tortoise Pose
    • (Ardha-Kurmasana) Great for tense necks and shoulders. Increases blood flow to brain, enhancing memory and mental clarity. Stretches lower part of lungs, which is therapeutic for asthma. Counters indigestion, flatulence, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.
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  22. Camel Pose
    • (Ustrasana) Creates maximum compression of spine, which stimulates nervous system. Improves flexibility of neck and spine, relieves backache, and helps degenerative spinal problems such as kyphoscoliotic deformities and cervical spondylosis. Stretches the throat and thyroid and parathyroid glands. Helps constipation.
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  23. Rabbit Pose
    • (Sasangasana) Maximum extension of the spine. Increases mobility and elasticity. Does the same for the back muscles. Expedites feeding of the nervous system with fresh blood and oxygen. Relieves tension in neck, shoulders, and back. Helps alleviate colds, sinus problems, and chronic tonsillitis. Through compression of thyroid and parathyroid, rejuvenates those glands as well. Therapeutic for insomnia, diabetes and depression.
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  24. Head to Knee Pose and Stretching Pose
    • (Janushirasana and Paschimotthanasana) Excellent for immune and lymphatic systems. Increases circulation to liver, pancreas, thyroid, thymus and intestines. Improves digestion and good for allergies and arthritis. Relieves chronic diarrhea by improving the circulation in the bowels.
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  25. Spine-Twisting Pose
    • (Ardha-Matsyendrasana) Only posture that twists spine from top to bottom. This increases circulation to all the spinal nerves, veins, and tissues, and improves the elasticity of the spine. Relieves lower back pain and helps prevent slipped discs, rheumatism of spine, kyphosis, scoliosis, cervical spondylosis and arthritis. Calms the nervous system.
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  26. Blowing in Firm Pose
    • (Kapalbhati in Vajrasana) Improves digestion and circulation. Increases elasticity of lungs. You generate prana, and push out every ounce of carbon dioxide, replacing it with life-giving oxygen. Strengthens abdominal organs and increases circulation.
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Bikram yoga 26 postures
The official 26 Bikram yoga postures