SPSC325 - B-03 Leadership

  1. Dimensions used to classify followers include _______________ ______________ _______________
  2. - active/passive
    • - critical/uncritical
    • - thinkingindependent/dependent
  3. T or F- The Michigan leadership studies are part of the evidence accumulated for behavioral theories of leadership and emphasize the implications of leadership style for the emotional atmosphere.
  4. True
  5. T or F- According to LMX theory, out-group members are more likely to support the values of the organization and become models of appropriate behavior.
  6. T or F- One finding of research on LMX theory shows that member of the out-group who communicate more often with their superiors tend to receive lower performance ratings.
  7. T or F- The Situational Leadership Model by Hersey and Blanchard suggest that a leader’s behavior should be adjusted to the maturity level of the followers.
  8. True
  9. T or F- When the task is difficult and employees are highly trained, a directive style of leadership should be used.
  10. True
  11. T or F- Effective followers are active, independent, critical thinkers.
  12. T or F- The traditional stereotype of the follower is someone who is in a potent, active, significant role.
  13. False
  14. T or F- Servant leaders try to determine their own personal needs, as well as the needs of the group and then lead based on the joint outcomes determined by this process.
  15. False
  16. T or F- Leading virtual teams requires higher emotional intelligence than trust because face-to-face interaction is not possible.
  17. False
  18. T or F- Some researchers argue that emotional intelligence is more important for effective leadership that either IQ or technical skills
  19. Which of the following statements best reflects the support for the trait theories to identify universal distinguishing attributes of leaders?
    Findings on traits as a basis for explaining leader effectiveness are neither strong nor uniform.
  20. Trait leader theories focus on all the following EXCEPT __________.physical attributes, personality characteristics, abilities, situational awareness
  21. situational awareness
  22. Which of the following is NOT one of the leadership theory categorization factors? Physical attributes, Personality, Abilities ,Attitudes
  23. Trait theories of leadership attempt to _____________________
  24. focus on leaders physical attributes personality and abilities
  25. T or F- Encouraging mutual respect and interpersonal trust are NOT considered to be behaviors of initiating structure.
  26. The important underlying behaviors of the Ohio State leadership studies are _____________________________.
  27. consideration and initiating structure
  28. The most pronounced consequence of laissez-faire leadership tends to be?
  29. Chaos in the work environment
  30. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an autocratic leader? Strongly controlling work relationships, explicit work orders and minimal follower flexibility, highly structured work situation and close supervision, employee centered.
    Employee centered
  31. The impoverished manager is one who ___________________.
  32. exerts just enough effort to avoid being fired
  33. Blake and Moutons Leadership Grid identifies the country club manager as someone who ________________________________.
  34. creates a pleasing happy work environment and applies minimal supervision
  35. According to the Michigan studies on leadership, which of the following statements regarding the emotional climate of the work situation is most correct?
  36. Anxiety may be the result of either autocratic or democratic leadership styles
  37. The path-goal theory of leader effectiveness by Robert House is based on?
    The expectancy theory
  38. The key situational variable of the Hersey Blanchard leadership model is ­­­______________.
  39. maturity level of employees.
  40. The Vroom-Yetton-Jago normative decision model helps leaders and managers know ______________________________.
  41. when to have employees participate in the decision making process
  42. According to the Vroom-Yetton-Jago normative decision model all of the following are possible appropriate decision making strategies except _____.
    Normative decision model, Authoritative, Democratic, Consultative &Laissez-fair.
  43. laissez-faire
  44. Transformational leaders _______________________________.
  45. inspire and stimulate followers to high performance levels.
  46. Recent research on LMX theory has revealed the surprising
    result that __________________________________.
  47. increase communication between the supervisor and out group members may lead to lower performance ratings.
  48. The basic idea behind leader-member exchange (LMX) theory is __________________________.
  49. leaders form two groups of followers (in-groups and out groups)
  50. A multidimensional construct that includes transformational
    charismatic or transactional leadership as the situation might demand is known as __________ ______________.
  51. Authentic leadership
  52. The ability of a leader to create a vision and convince others to become a part of it even skeptics is known as ­­­­­­­­­_________________.
    reality distortion field.
  53. The positive face of charismatic leadership is most strongly associated with ______________.
    personalized power motivation
  54. Followers who tend to be passive but capable of independent and critical thinking are__________.
  55. Follower motivational training would be least successful with___________ ____________.
    alienated followers.
  56. In contrast to leadership, the topic of followership has ______________________.
    not been extensively researched.
  57. Which of the following is NOT a conclusion drawn by the text authors concerning the role and importance of leadership?
    Good leaders are not likely to be good followers
  58. T or F- According to Kotter, effective leadership produces useful change?
  59. T or F- John Kotter suggests that leadership and management are two distinct, yet complementary systems of action in organizations. Specifically, he believes that effective leadership controls complexity in the organization and its environment while management produces useful change in organizations?
  60. T or F- Leaders agitate for change and new approaches, managers advocate stability and the status quo.
  61. T or F- Trait theories of leadership place emphasis on the leader’s ability to develop meaningful interpersonal relationships with employees.
  62. T or F- The Michigan leadership studies saw the dimensions of leadership as coexisting.
  63. T or F- Comparing the work environments under autocratic and democratic leadership is easier than attempting to compare work environments under laissez faire leadership.
  64. T or F- When a leader has strong position power, the task is moderately structured, and leader-member relations are good, a laissez-faire leadership style is appropriate.
  65. T or F- Autocratic leaders tend to be task oriented and utilize initiating structure behavior.
  66. T or F- The Leadership Grid approach to leadership evaluates the (9,9) team manager as the very best style of managerial behavior.
  67. T or F- The path-goal approach to leadership is based on expectancy theory and postulates that the basic role of the leader is to enhance follower motivation so that the followers are able to experience need gratification.
  68. T or F- Transactional leaders use formal rewards and punishments to manage followers.
  69. T or F- Transformational leaders inspire and excite followers to high levels of performance.
  70. T or F- Adolf Hitler is an example of a charismatic leader.
  71. T or F- Transformational leaders are more abstract, manage diverse and complex inputs, and emphasize vision over goals.
  72. T or F- Transactional leadership adds to the effects of transformational leadership, but exceptional transformational leadership cannot substitute for transactional leadership.
  73. T or F- Research on charismatic leadership has revealed that firms headed by more charismatic leaders outperformed other firms, especially in difficult times.
  74. According to John Kotter, leadership (in contrast to management)
    entails ________________________________.
    setting direction for the organization.
  75. Kotter suggests that leadership and management are _________.
    two distinct, yet complimentary systems of action in organizations
  76. According to Zaleznik’s thinking on leaders as distinct personalities, leaders and managers differ along four different dimensions of personality. Which is NOT one of those dimensions?
    Internal versus external orientation
  77. A major difference between trait and behavioral theories of
    leadership is____________________________________________.
    trait theories emphasize personality and ability attributes versus actions and abilities
  78. When considering the type of leadership style exhibited according
    to the behavioral theories, which of the following is most accurate?
    Situational characteristics are not important because the leader’s style does not vary over different situations.
  79. A major difference between the Michigan approach to leadership and the Ohio State approach was __________________________.
    do not closely supervise and allow employee initiative and decision making.
  80. A major difference between the Michigan approach to leadership and the Ohio State approach was __________________________.
    The Ohio studies see the dimensions as coexisting where the Michigan studies see them as mutually exclusive.
  81. An important conclusion of the Ohio State leadership studies
    was __________________________________________________.
    leadership climate was a more important determinant of leader behaviors than was training.
  82. According to the Michigan studies on leadership, a work environment characterized by constant influence attempts on the part of the leader through closer supervision or written rules and regulations is likely the result of ____________________________.
    Production-oriented style.
  83. According to the Leadership Grid approach to leadership, the manager who exerts just enough effort to avoid being fired would be consistent with what position on the grid?
  84. According to Blake and Mouton and their Leadership Grid, a manager with a high concern for production and low concern for people would be in what position on the grid?
  85. Contingency theories of leadership, in determining appropriate leader behavior and style, focus strongly on _______________________________.
    the importance and characteristics of the situation as well as particular traits.
  86. The theories of leadership concerned with identifying the specific leader behaviors that are most effective in specific leadership situations would be ______________ ___________.
    Contingency theories
  87. The variables used to determine the most appropriate leader behavior in House’s Path-Goal Theory are________________________.
    follower characteristics and task characteristics.
  88. Which of the following is NOT one of the leader behavior styles one can choose from when using the path-goal theory of leader effectiveness?
  89. The path-goal theory assumes that leaders_____________________________________.
    adapt their behavior and style to fit the characteristics of the work environment and followers.
  90. In the Hersey-Blanchard leadership model, the leadership style most appropriate with very mature followers is____________.
  91. The telling style of leadership in the Hersey-Blanchard leadership model entails______________________________________.
    low concern of relationships and strong initiating structure.
  92. In the Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership model, maturity is determined by________________________________________________.
    a follower’s ability and willingness to accept responsibility for completing work.
  93. The leadership approach that leaders may form different relationships with followers is the __________.
    LMX theory
  94. Transformational leaders have been found to______________________.
    Inspire followers to perform beyond expectations.
  95. Howard Shultz, CEO of Starbucks, is attempting to re-ignite Starbucks emotional attachment with the Starbucks brand and streamline the company’s international expansion. Schultz is using his charisma along with inspirational motivation and intellectual stimulation to change Starbucks. This reflects what type of leadership?
  96. Charismatic leadership rests greatly with _________ power.
  97. Charismatic leadership ____________________________________.
    Has great potential for high levels of achievement but also risks of destructive courses of action.
  98. Authentic leaders are NOT characterized by ________________.
  99. Emotional intelligence is made up of all of the following competencies except:
    Higher cognitive functioning
  100. Which of the following statements best characterizes emotional intelligence and leadership?
    Emotional intelligence can be learned through honest feedback.
  101. The glass cliff refers to _____________________________________.
    a trend in organizations to place more women in difficult leadership situations.
  102. The LPC scale is ___________________________________________.
    a projective technique that evaluates the person a leader has least preferred to work with.
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SPSC325 - B-03 Leadership
Study Guide