Eng EP's

  1. Dual Engine Failure
    • Warnings (3)
    • 1) Pilot response to single or dual failure is dictated by GW, ambient conditions, RW, & ALT. These factors will determine to land immediately or initiate a flyaway recovery.
    • 2) If the alt hold is engaged it will inc the coll, the pilot must positively control coll.
    • 3) refer th HVD and single eng failure charts
    • Cautions (2)
    • 1) Refer to Eng Contingency PWR (2min lim), the Ability to Mx LvL Flt and Q-Req for Towing
    • 2) Nose high attitudes shall be avoided near surface. % degrees nose high may cause TR contact on the water
    • Notes (6)
    • 1) Pickle if LVL flt can't be mx. Stop jettisoning before landing
    • 2) Careful monitoring of the main tank fuel qty is required when using the range extender tanks and fuel is not being depleted from all tanks. May cause over spillage
    • 3) A roll on ldg will decrease pwr req. minimize drift.
    • 4) Determine which eng has failed and perform the ENG SHUTDOWN in FLT and RESTART if possible
    • 5) The FCU will atuo inc Ng T5 and Q into the contigency range if Rotor droop is encountered. Avoid rapid collective movements.
    • 6) The OVERTORQUE cl will flash and the aural tone will activate above 137% and the cl will remain on above 156%
    • Steps:
    • *1) Collective-Mx Nr at or above 90%
    • Warning: Premature collective red may set up and excessive ROD that remaining pwr available may not arrest. Mx coll pos while remaining eng's accel to pick up the load. Allow Nr to droop to > or = 90% if necessary boefore reducing the collective
    • *2)A/s-As req for single/dual eng capablity
    • *3) Pickle-As Desired
    • *4)SCL-As Req (shut off the affected eng conditions permiting)
    • 5) LASA practical
  2. Triple Eng Failure
    • -Preform an Auto except while flying a low alt-a/s combo.
    • -Refer to HVD (3 Eng Fail)
    • -Dep on GW, DA, Proximity to LZ, and RW
    • -Nr will decay fast and helo will yaw left (use right pedal) and immediately enter an auto by lowering the collective, Mx Nr bt 100-103%
    • Warning: After 3 eng fail, corrective action has to be completed immediately however it must be smoothly to prevent rotor fuselage contact
    • Notes (2)
    • 1) Flare effectiveness at a/s for min rod will be marginal in arresting ROD
    • 2) Max glide distance provides improved flare effectiveness

    • Auto LDG:
    • -Dep on DA, PA, Gn, GW
    • -Mx Nr bt 100-103%
    • -A/s depends on chart (95-110...120 Max)
    • -Perform the LDG checklist (for the gear)
    • -At 125-150' AGL begin flare (25-30 degrees)
    • -At 50-75' AGL lower nose to landing attitude and begin to cushion the LDG
  3. 3 Eng Fail while hovering at low alt 0-50'
    • -Right Pedal
    • -Inc Collective to cushion and maintain hover attitude unitl ground contact then move it to a neutral position and lower collective upon ground contact
    • -Apply brakes, Start APP and apply the rotor brake
  4. 3 Engine Failure in Hover or Takeoff
    • *1) Collective- Reduce if Alt permits to maintain Nr
    • *2) A/s- As Req
    • *3) Pickle-As Req
    • *4) SCL-As Req
    • *5) Collective- Inc to cushion LDG
  5. 3 Eng Failure in Cruise
    • *1) Collective - Reduce to maintian Nr at 100-103%
    • *2) A/s- As req (max glide distance a/s provides improved flare effectiveness)
    • *3)Pickle-As desired
    • *4) SCL's- As req
    • *5) Auto Ldg execute
  6. 3 Eng Failure at High PWR and Low A/s
    • -Reduce collective pitch and apply fwd cyclic for a min of 80 KIAS
    • -Execute the Auto
  7. 3 Eng Failure at High PWR and High A/s
    Constant A/s may result in several hundred feet lost. Apply aft cyclic and adjust collective for sufficient Nr. The amount of aft cyclic and the duration of nose high attitude determines the rate of decel and alt lose. Judicious use of coll pitch in the flare to keep Nr from building also reduces ROD.
  8. 3 Eng Failure at High A/s and low Alt
    Immediately apply smooth aft cyclic to hold alt and adjust collective pitch to maitain Nr.
  9. Eng Chip Light
    • Vibs, high/low press/temp is a cause to suspect eng failure within 10-15 secs
    • Steps:
    • *1) Est dual end flt conditions
    • *2) Inst check. If secondaries exist perform eng failure procedures
    • *3) If chip light is not accompanied w/ secondary indications of mal, pull and reset chip CB
    • 4) if chip light returns
    • a) No 1/3 retard the affected eng to idle
    • b) No 2 perform eng failure procedures
    • Caution Excessive temps w/in the #2 eng compt may occur with #2 at idle resulting in compt fire
    • 5) if critical pwr req exist consideration should be given to rematching eng Q with affected eng
    • 6) if the chip goes out cont mission and monitor eng performance
    • Warning if the alt hold is engaged the collective pitch will attempt to hold alt. the collective must be positively controlled by the pilot
  10. Eng Compartment Fire on Ground
    • *1) SCL-Shut Off
    • *2)Emer T Handle-Pull Aft. This shuts off fule and selects eng compartment for the fire extinguisher
    • Note if more than 1 emer t-handle is moved aft the fire ext agent will be directed to the eng comprt of the last emer t handle activated
    • *3)Main Eng Fire Ext switch-Main, Reserve if Necessary
    • 4) Ground Crew-Alert
  11. Eng Compartment Fire in FLT
    • First turn the A/c 90 degress to see if it's due to the sun. Most likely cause is a ruptered fuel/oil line. Confirm the fire then:
    • *1)Collective-Maintian Nr
    • *2)A/s as req for single/dual eng capability
    • *3)Picke as desired
    • *4)SCL as req affected eng SHUT OFF
    • *5)Fire T-Handles pull aft for Affected Engines
    • Note as pervious
    • *6)Main Eng Fire Ext Switch-Main Reserve as Necessary
    • *7)If fire continues land immediately
    • *8) if fire extinguishes LASA possible
  12. Compressor Stall
    • Affected Engine:
    • T5 increases and the other engine insturments decrease. If the affected Eng has usable Q Nf will remain matched with normal NR/NF. If Q goes to 0 Nf will split off and decay
    • Operating Engines:
    • All parameters increase except NF/NR. If PWR available is not sufficient Nf/NR may droop. If PWR is available then the NF/NR will droop 1-2% as the good engines take on the load.
    • Note A CS is accompained with a yaw kick, unusual sounds and illumination of ENGINE FUEL BOOST and FUEL FILTER due to Ng decay
    • Steps:
    • *1) Collective-Maintian Nr at or above 90%
    • *2)A/s as Req for single/dual Eng Capability
    • *3)Pickle-As desired
    • *4) SCL- For #2 Eng Secure SCL ASAP and cont with End Shutdown in FLT, FOR #1/#3 Engines Below Min GOV
    • *5) If T5 cont to rise position SCL to SHUT OFF and follw ENG SHUT DOWN in FLT
    • Warning With a CS in the #2 Eng and delay in shutdown can result in a hot extaguish backflow creating a fire hazard. If a #2 Eng stall is suspected reduce a/s to less than 85 KIAS to reduce backflow and shut down the Eng

    • *6)If T5 decreases and stall clears slowly advance SCL to re-est matched Q's
    • *7) If stall recurs, secure affected eng and proceed to eng shutdown in flt
  13. Engine Driven Fuel Pump Failure
    • The Affected Eng will shutdown due to fuel starvation. Reference Eng Shutdown in FLT:
    • *1) SCL-Shutoff
    • Warning If an operating eng and a failed or secured eng have the same tank selected the operating eng may flame out if the failed or secured eng fuel select lever was not shut off
    • *2) Fuel Select Lever-Shutoff
    • Caution If an eng post fire should occur as indicated by a continous T5 of 320 motor the eng with starter to extinguish the fire
    • 3) Adjust power on operating engines
    • 4)EAPS doors closed
    • Warning If the #2 Eng is shutdown and/or subseq. restarted, reduce a/s to less than 85 KIAS during the shutdown and start sequence to reduce the possiblity of a fire hazard caused by hot exhaust gas backflow
  14. Fuel Boost Bypass
    If illumination of the ENG FUEL BOOST and ENG FLTR BYPASS the Eng driven pump will supply enough fuel for normal operation. Check Eng operation and Wf. LASA practical (Extended Flt is not recommended. The LDG site and duration of FLT is at the discretion of the PIC)
  15. FCU Sys Malfunction
    Reference the Q-meter accompanied by a large decay in T5 and Nf for the FCU malfunction. An eng Stall is usually a rise in T5 and hung up Ng with rumble, vibs or popping. A Flame out will be an indication that all eng insturments decay. If not Eng Mal was noticed, perform an Eng Restart. If an Overspeed is indicated, retard SCL to 100% Nf or if this does nothing raise the collect to droop the rotor. If this doesn't assist with Nf control secure the affected engine and restart if it was a momentary FCU malfunction.
  16. #2 Eng Overheat
    • *1) Collective-Maintain Nr
    • *2)A/s as req
    • *3)Pickle as desired
    • *4)SCL-#2 shut off
    • 5) perform single or dual eng failure procedures
    • 6)if subsequent fires are detected/suspected perform single or dual eng comprt fire in flt procedures
    • CautionDo not attempt to restart affected engines
Card Set
Eng EP's
Fam 2 EP's