Branchial Arches

  1. The trigeminal nerve (CN V) is derived from which branchial arch?
    Arch 1
  2. The maxillary process is derived from which branchial arch?
    Arch 1
  3. The mandibular process is derived from which branchial arch?
    Arch 1
  4. Meckel's cartilage is derived from which branchial arch?
    Arch 1
  5. What muscles are derived from the 1st branchial arch?
    • Muscles of mastication
    • Anterior Digastric
    • Mylohyoid
    • Tensor Veli Palatini
    • Tensor tympani
  6. The malleus and Incus are derived from which branchial arch?
    Arch 1
  7. The sphenomandibular ligament is derived from which branchial arch?
    Arch 1
  8. The Facial Nerve (CN VII) is derived from which branchial arch?
    Arch 2
  9. Reichert's cartilage is derived from which branchial arch?
    Arch 2
  10. What muscles are derived from the 2nd branchial arch?
    • Muscles of facial expression (frontalis, orbicularis oris, orbicularis oculi, zygomaticus, buccinator, platysma)
    • Stapedius
    • Stylohyoid
    • Posterior belly of the digastric
  11. The lesser horn and superior body of the hyoid bone is derived from which branchial arch?
    Arch 2
  12. The stylohyoid ligament is derived from which branchial arch?
    2nd arch
  13. The glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) is derived from which branchial arch?
    3rd arch
  14. The greater horn and inferior body of the hyoid bone is derived from which branchial arch?
    3rd arch
  15. The stylopharyngeus muscle is dervied from which arch?
    3rd arch
  16. The Vagus nerve (CN X) is derived from which arch?
    4th and 6th arches
  17. The laryngeal cartilages are derived from which branchial arch?
    4th and 6th arches
  18. What muscles are derived from the 4th and 6th branchial arches?
    • cricothyroid
    • intrinsic muscles of larynx
    • contrictors of the pharynx
Card Set
Branchial Arches
Branchial Arches for Orthodontic Boards