Government Test 3

  1. The collective political beliefs and attitudes of the public , or groups within the public, on matters of relevance to government is called:
    Public opinion.
  2. An issue’s importance to a person, or to the public in general is known as
  3. In the social sciences because social scientists ideally want to measure the total universe of public opinion we say that public opinion is measured in the
  4. The likelihood that public opinion will change, the speed with which the change would occur, and the likelihood that the new opinion would endure is known as
  5. In public opinion the tendency for or against some phenomenon is called
  6. The strength of the direction of public opinion is called
  7. Taking a small fraction of something that is meant to represent a larger whole is known as
  8. A population sample in which it is equally likely that each member of the population will be included in the sample is a
    Random sample
  9. The range surrounding a sample’s response within which researchers are confident the larger population’s true response would fall is called
    Margin of error
  10. The principle that what is learned first is learned best and lodged most firmly in one’s mind is called
  11. The principle that political lessons, values and attitudes learned early in life tend to structure political learning later on in life is called
  12. The situation in which younger citizens are influenced by events in such a fashion that their attitudes and beliefs are forever rendered distinct from those of older generations is called
    Generational effect.
  13. Attitudes or physical characteristics that change as one ages no matter the time period or generation are called
    Life cycle effect.
  14. Individuals who can legitimately claim high levels of interest and expertise in politics, and seek to communicate their political beliefs to others are known as
    Opinion leaders.
  15. A benefit everyone enjoys, regardless of whether or not they contributed to its attainment is called a
    Collective benefit
  16. A combination of an individual’s occupation, income and education levels is known as
    Socioeconomic status (SES)
  17. The skills of writing, speaking, analyzing and organizing that reduce the cost of political participation are known as
    Civic skills.
  18. )Legislation that abolished literacy tests as a requirement to register to vote was the
    Voting Rights Act of 1965.
  19. Term used by campaign professionals to describe the various activities candidates, political parties, activists, and interests groups use to make sure their likely supporters go to the polls on election day is called
  20. Efforts to get persuade citizens to contact their elected officials regarding a particular issue or piece of legislation is called
    Grassroots lobbying.
  21. What is the difference between voting and lobbying?
    Unlike voting lobbying involves an attempt to directly influence a government official.
  22. The main problems with voting as a form of political participation is that
    that citizens cannot communicate very much information by only casting a ballot.
  23. The term turnout describes the number of people who
    Actually vote.
  24. What job does Rahm Emmanuel do for President Obama?
    Chief of Staff.
  25. On the weekend of November 20th then President Bush met with leaders of 20 other countries in Washington, D.C. what did they discuss?
    The world economic crisis.
  26. On November 10, 2008 what did the Obamas do in Washington, D.C.?
    Tour the White House with President and Mrs. Bush
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Government Test 3
government test