absence or lack of usual muscle tone.
dilation and curettage (D&C)
stretching of the cervical os to permit suctioning or scraping of the walls of the uterus. The procedure is performed to obtain samples of uterine lining tissue for laboratory examination, during the postpartum period to remove retained placental fragments, and in abortion.
a mass that may be composed of a thrombus (blood clot) or amniotc fluid released into the bloodstream to cause obstruction of pulmonary vessels.
localized collection of blood in a space or tissue.
excess volume of amniotic fluid (more than 2000 mL at term). Also called polyhydramnios.
abnormally decreased volume of circulating fluid in the body.
hypovolemic shock
acute peripheral circulatory failure caused by loss of circulating blood volume.
infection of the breast.
infection of the decidua, myometrium, and parametrial tissues of the uterus.
placenta accreta
placenta that is abnormally adherent to the uterine wall. If the condition is more advanced, it is caled placenta increta (the placenta extends into the uterine muscle) or placenta percreta (the placenta extends through the uterine muscle.
mental state in which a person's ability to recognize reality, communicate, and relate to others is impaired.
slower than expected return of the uterus to its nonpregnancy size after childbirth.
collection of blood factors, primarily platelets and fibrin, that may cause vascular obstruction.
bluish discoloration of the hands and feet caused by reduced peripheral circulation.
insufficient oxygen and excess carbon dioxide in the blood and tissues.
unusable component of hemolyzed (broken down) erythrocytes.
brown fat (or brown adipose tissue)
highly vascular specialized fat found in the newborn that provides more heat than other fat when metabolized.
cafe au lait spots
light brown birthmarks.
caput succedaneum
area of edema over the presenting part of the fetus or newborn, resulting from pressure against the cervix. Often called simply "caput.:
bleeding between the periosteum and skull from pressure during birth; does not cross suture lines.
choanal atresia
abnormality of the nasal septum that obstructs one or both nasal passages.
ventral curvature of the penis.
premature closure of teh sutures of the infant's head.
failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum.
abnormal placement of the urinary meatus on the dorsal side of the penis.
erythema toxicum
benign rash of unknown cause in newborns, with blotchy red areas that may have white or yellow papules or vesicles in the center.
fetal lung fluid
fluid that fills the fetal lungs, expanding the alveoli and promoting lung development.
first period of reactivity
period beginning at birth in which newborns are active and alert. It ends when the infant first falls asleep.
excessive amount of bilirubin in the blood.
abnormal placement of the urinary meatus on the ventral side of the penis.
yellow discoloration of the skin and sclera caused by excessive bilirubin the blood; call called icterus.
fine, soft hair covering the fetus.
white cysts, 1 to 2 mm in size, from distended sebaceous glands.
shaping of the fetal head during movement through the birth canal.
mongolian spots
bruiselike marks that occur mostly in newborns with dark skin tones.
neutral thermal environment
environment in which body temperature is maintained without an increase in metabolic rate or oxygen use.
nevus simplex (salmon patch, stork bites, telangiectatic nevi)
flat, pink areas on the nape of the neck, forehead, or eyelids resulting from dilation of the capillaries.
nevus flammeus
permanent purple birthmark; aslo called port-wine stain.
nevus vasculosus
rough, red collection of capillaries with a raised surface that disappears with time. Also called straberry hemangioma.
nonshivering thermogenesis
process of heat production, without shivering, by oxidation of brown fat.
periodic breathing
cessation of breathing lasting 5-10 seconds followed by 10-15 seconds of rapid respirations without changes in color or heart rate.
point of maximum impulse
area of the chest in which the heart sounds are loudest when ausultated.
abnormally high number of erythrocytes.
more than 10 digits on the hands or feets.
vaginal bleeding in the newborn, resulting from withdrawal of placental hormones.
second period of reactivity
period after the first sleep following birth when the newborn may have an elevated pulse and respiratory rate and excessive mucus.
a turning inward ("crossing") or outward of the eyes caused by poor tone in the muscles that control eye movement.
combination of lipoproteins produced by the lungs of the mature fetus to reduce surface tension in the alveoli, thus promoting lung expansion after birth.
webbing between fingers or toes.
respiratory rate greater than 60 breaths per minute in the newborn after the first hour of life.
heat production.
maintenance of body temperature.
vernix caseosa
thick, white substance that protects the skin of the fetus.
breast fluid secreted during pregnancy and the first 7 to 10 days after childbirth.
swelling of the breats that occurs when milk begins to be produced.
first breast milk received in a feeding.
breast milk recieved near the end of a feeding; contains higher fat content than foremilk.
attachment of the infant to the breast.
let-down reflex
see milk-ejection reflex.
inflammation of the breast, usually caused by engorgement with stasis of milk in the ducts or by infection.
mature milk
breast milk that appears after the first 2 weeks of lactation.
milk-ejection reflex
release of milk from the alveoli ino th ducts; also called as the let-down reflex.
nonnutritive sucking
sucking during which little or no milk flow is obtained or with an object such as a pacifier or finger.
nutritive suckling or sucking
steady, rhythmic suckling at the breast or sucking at a bottle to obtain milk.
hormone produced by the posterior pituitary gland that stimlates uterine contractions and the milk-ejection reflex; also prepared synthetically.
anterior pituitary hormone that promotes growth of breat tissue and stimulates production of milk.
giving or taking nourishment from the breast. Sometimes used interchangeably with sucking, which refers to drawing into the mouth with a partial vacuum, as with a bottle or pacifier.
transitional milk
breast milk that appears between secretion of colostrum and mature milk.