Hlth 345 quiz questions

  1. The definition of epidemiology includes the term distribution. Which of the following best describes this term?
    frequency and pattern
  2. Characterizing the distribution of health-related states or events according to person, place, and time is:
    descriptive epidemiology
  3. Analytic Epidemiology may involve which of the following?
    identifying why a certain group of people developed a given disease
  4. An outbreak of salmonella traced to some chicken served at a potluck supper that was cooked and held at an improper temperature is an example of:
    point source epidemic
  5. Public health surveillance involves all of the following:
    • A. collection of health data
    • B. analysis of health data
    • C. interpretation of health data
    • D. dissemination
  6. Effectiveness of a program refers to which of the following?
    the ability of a program to produce benefits among its participants
  7. The primary cause of death in 1900 was ____.
    pneumonia and influenza
  8. The epidemiologic triangle is based on the communicable disease model and is useful in showing the interaction and interdependence of certain factors. Which of the following best describes the host?
    what harbors a disease
  9. The advanced triangle of epidemiology attempts to capture ________?
    • A. the need to identify multiple causes or etiologic factors of disease
    • B. the need to identify disability
    • C. the need to identify injury
    • D. the need to identify death
  10. Primary prevention - give an example:
    education about the hazards of cigarette smoking
  11. Secondary prevention - give an example:
    mammograms for early detection of breast cancer and surgical intervention if necessary
  12. Tertiary prevention - give an example:
    physical therapy for stroke victims
  13. All of the following are activities that fall under completing the clinical picture of disease:
    • - identifying the environment where an infectious agent resides
    • - identifying the types of symptoms that characterize the disease
    • - identifying probable outcomes (recovery, disability, or death) associated with different levels of the disease
  14. Referring to Rothman’s pies, the different component causes include what three things?
    A. agent B. host factors C. environmental factors
  15. In talking about disease transmission, you were introduced to the terms “vehicle” and “carrier.” Which of the following statements best characterizes a vehicle?
    a nonliving intermediary such as a fomite, food, or water that conveys the infectious agent from its reservoir to a susceptible host
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Hlth 345 quiz questions
Questions and answers to Hlth 345 quiz questions.