Points 3

  1. GB1
    Which point is in the depression on the lateral border of the orbital margin, 1/2 cun lateral to the outer canthus?
  2. GB2
    Which point is in the depression just in front of the intertragic notch of the ear and posterior to the Condyloid process of the mandible?
  3. GB3
    Which point is on the upper border of the zygomatic arch, anterior to the ear and directly superior to ST7?
  4. GB4
    Which point is in relation to ST8 and GB7, 1/4 of the distance from ST8 on the curved line?
  5. GB5
    Which point is in relation to ST8 and GB7, 1/2 of the distance from ST8 on the curved line?
  6. GB6
    Which point is in relation to ST8 and GB7, 1/4 of the distance from GB7 on the curved line?
  7. GB7
    Which point is in the temporal region within the hairline, level with the apex of the ear and one finger breadth anterior to SJ20?
  8. GB8
    Which point is in a slight depression 1 cun above the apex of the ear (and SJ20)?
  9. GB9
    Which point is in a slight depression 1/2 cun posterior to GB8?
  10. GB10
    Which point is located in 1/3 below GB9 on the line connecting GB9 and GB12?
  11. GB11
    Which point is located 1/3 above GB12 on the line connecting GB12 and GB9?
  12. GB12
    Which point is in the depression just posterior to the lower border of the mastoid process, and inferior?
  13. GB13
    Which point is on the forehead, 1/2 cun into the anterior hairline, 2/3 of the distance btw DU24 and ST8 (or 3 cun lateral to DU 24)?
  14. GB14
    Which point is midway btw the inner and outer canthus of the eye and 1 cun superior to the eyebrow/supraorbital ridge?
  15. GB15
    Which point is 1/2 cun within the hairline midway btw DU24 and ST8?
  16. GB16
    Which point is located 1.5 cun within the anterior hairline, 1 cun posterior to GB15?
  17. GB17
    Which point is located 2.5 cun within the anterior hairline btw GB14-GB20?
  18. GB18
    Which point is located 4 cun into the anterior hairline btw GB14-GB20?
  19. GB19
    Which point is located in a depression in the occipital region, level with DU17 and Bl9. about 1 cun lateral to Bl9 in line btw GB14-GB20?
  20. GB17
    Which point is good to treat lip spasms?
  21. GB20
    Which point is located in the depression btw the origins of the SCM and the trapezius muscles on the lower margin of the skull?
  22. GB21
    Which point is located on the crest of the trapezius muscle on the shoulder?
  23. GB22
    Which point is located on the mid-axillary line in the 4th intercostal space?
  24. GB23
    Which point is located 1 cun anterior to GB22 and along the 4th intercostal space?
  25. GB24
    What is the Front Mu point of the gallbladder channel which treats the Yang (Fu) Organs?
  26. GB24
    Which point is located on the level of the mammillary line in the 7th intercostal space?
  27. GB25
    Which point is on the edge (anterior and inferior) of the tip of the 12th rib?
  28. GB25
    What is the Front Mu point of the KD channel?
  29. GB26
    Which point is called Dai Mai and is located at the intersection of a vertical line drawn through the free end of the 11th rib and horizontal line drawn through the center of the umbilicus?
  30. GB27
    Which point is located in a depression just anterior (inferior) to the anterior superior iliac spine, off of the bony point by about 1/2 cun?
  31. GB28
    Which point is located 1/2 cun anterior and inferior to GB 27?
  32. GB26,27,28
    Which three point are located on the Dai channel?
  33. GB29
    Which point is on the lateral aspect of the hip joint at the midpoint of a line drawn btw the ASIS and the prominence of the greater trochanter of the hip?
  34. GB30
    Which point is located on the posterior/lateral side of the hip? Draw a line from the greater trochanter of the hip and the sacral hiatus. This point lies on the border btw the lateral 1/3 and the medial 2/3?
  35. GB31
    Which point is located on the midline of the lateral aspect of the thigh, 7 cun superior to the popliteal crease?
  36. GB32
    Which point is located on the midline of the lateral side of the thigh about 2 cun inferior to GB31 and in btw the vastus lateralis and biceps femoris muscles?
  37. GB33
    Which point is located on the lateral side of the knee in a depression above the lateral epicondyle of the femur, btw the femur and the tendon of the biceps femoris?
  38. GB34
    What is the He-sea point of the GB?
  39. GB34
    Which point is located 1 cun anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula?
  40. GB35
    Which point is located on the lateral aspect of the lower leg 7 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus and 9 cun inferior to the popliteal crease, on the posterior aspect of the fibula?
  41. GB35
    What is the xi-cleft point of the Yang Wei channel?
  42. GB36
    What is the xi-cleft point of the gallbladder channel?
  43. GB36
    Which point is located on the lateral aspect of the lower leg 7 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus and 9 cun inferior to the popliteal crease, on the anterior aspect of the fibula?
  44. GB37
    Which point is located on the lateral aspect of the lower leg 5 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, on the anterior aspect of the fibula?
  45. GB38
    Which point is located on the lateral aspect of the lower leg 4 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus on the anterior border of the fibula?
  46. GB39
    Which point is located 3 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus and on the posterior border of the fibula?
  47. GB37
    What is the Luo-connecting point of the gallbladder channel?
  48. GB38
    What is the Jing-river point of the gallbladder channel?
  49. GB39
    What is the Hui-meeting point of the Marrow?
  50. GB40
    What is the Yuan-source point of the gallbladder channel?
  51. GB37
    What distal point is good for eye problems and breast problems? Named brightness or bright light
  52. GB40
    Which point is located at the intersection of a line drawn vertical to the anterior border of the lateral malleolus and a line drawn horizontally to the bottom margin of the lateral malleolus?
  53. GB41
    What is the Shu-Stream point of the GB channel? And is the Confluent point of the Dai Mai?
  54. GB41
    Which point is located in the depression distal to the junction of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, on the lateral side of the tendon of m. extensor digitorum longus?
  55. GB42
    Which point is located between the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, medial to the tendon of the extensor digitorum longus?
  56. GB43
    What is the Ying-spring point of the gallbladder channel?
  57. GB44
    What is the Jing-well point of the gallbladder channel?
  58. GB43
    Which point is located btw the fourth and little toe at the point where the skin changes color/texture and distal to the knuckles of the toes?
  59. GB44
    Which point is located on the lateral corner of the nail of the 4th toe?
Card Set
Points 3
Points 3