External Anatomy

  1. Phylum
  2. Subphylum
  3. 4 common features of embryonic Development
    • 1. Presence of Notochord
    • 2. Dorsal Hollow Nerve Cord
    • 3. Pair of Pharyngeal Gill Slits
    • 4. Postnatal Tail
  4. Notochord
    Bakcbone support of lower chordata
  5. Nerve Chord
    Hollow Nerve cord that develops into brain and spinal cord CNS
  6. Types of Axial Support
    • 1. Cranium
    • 2. Vertebral Column
    • 3. Ribs
    • 4. Sternum
    • 5. Appendicular Componenent
    • 6. Skeletal Components of appendages
  7. Appendicular Component is composed of...
    Pelvic and Pectoral Gridles
  8. Class
  9. Human Order
  10. Pigs Order
  11. Commonalities in Mammals
    • 1. Endothermal Regulation- Warm Blooded
    • 2. Movable Eyelids
    • 3. Non Nucleated erythrocytes
    • 4. diaphragm- seperates thoracic and abdominal cavity
    • 5. Milk- nurses young
    • 6. Intrauterin Embryonic development
  12. External Anatomy
    • 3 Parts
    • 1. Head and Neck
    • 2. Trunk and Related Appendages
    • 4. Tail
  13. Head and Neck
    • 4 parts
    • 1. Nares
    • 2. Snouth
    • 3. Teeth
    • 4. Pallilae on tongue- cntain taste buds and aid in food intake
  14. Erythrocytes
    Red blood Cells
  15. Thorax
    Anterior Region of Trunk
  16. Abdomen
    Posterior Region of trunk
  17. Umbilical Cord
    contains arteries and Veins that provide food to fetus
  18. Allantoic Stalk
    Carries waste away from fetus- part of umbilical cord
  19. Mammary Papillae
    protrusions that surround umbilical cord and are used to nurse the young
  20. Genital Papillae
    second opening under the anus which only the female contains
  21. Males have
    Scrotal sac= 2 large folds of skin
  22. Preputial Orifice
    Protrusion posterior to umbilical cord that contains penis
  23. Two Divisions under Phylum
    • Invertebrate animals:
    • urocordates- sea squirts
    • ccephalocordates- lancets
  24. Vertebral Column
    same thing as notocord in higher cordates. only remnants of the notocord are remaining
  25. Pharynx
    anteriormost portion of the digestive tract located just behind the mouth
  26. Class
    Vertebrates or Mammalia
  27. Nicitating Membrane
    a translucent covering that cleans the eyeball by sweeping across its surface
  28. Thorax
    anteriormost region of the trunk
  29. abdomen
    posteriormost region of the trunk (bulk of the trunk)
  30. sternum
  31. Total Number of Ribs
    • 12 -
    • 7 connected via cartilage to the sternum
    • 5 connect through common cartilage with sternum or float
  32. Xiphoid Process
    The posterior most bone of the sternum
  33. Epithelia is advantageious because
    It divides the Thoracic cavity and the lungs to minimize trauma
  34. Pericardial Sac
    the epithelium that covers the heart
  35. Thymus
    • Posterior portion located above heart on outside
    • Is an endocrine gland that is active in maintining an immune system
  36. Duodenum
    the site where the fbile duct connects to the small intestine
  37. Pancreas
    plays a role in digestive and endocrine system
  38. Jejunum
    the area where the bulk of chemical digestion takes place.. connects to duodenum
  39. Caecum
    • small pouch or Blind sac.. beginning of large intestine
    • Appendix in hmans
  40. Parts of large intestine
    • Caecum- appendix = cellulose digestion and fermentation reservoir
    • Colon- largest part of large intestine, joins small intestine in the posterior of the abdomen
    • decending colon- posterior dorsal portion of colon that empties into the rectum
    • Rectum- storage of feces until expulsion thorugh anus
  41. alimentary canal
    storage solvent of digestive juijces and enzymes recovered in large intestine
  42. Esophogous
    lies adjacent to trachea on dorsal surface
  43. Messentary
    small blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic vessels that supply the small intestine
Card Set
External Anatomy
General information on fetal pig dissection