Cardio Drugs Antiarrhythmics

  1. Disopyramide
    • - Class IA Sodium Channel Blocker
    • - Intermediate kinetics and increases action potential duration
    • - caution with renal dysfunction
    • Side effects:
    • - Cause Long QT (potassium channel blocker like)
    • - anti parasympathetic (anticholinergic)
    • - negative inotrope
    • Uses:
    • - Supraventricular tachycardia, VT, AF
    • - proarrythmic
  2. Procainamide
    • - Class IA Sodium Channel Blocker
    • - Intermediate kinetics and increases action potential duration
    • - caution with renal dysfunction
    • - Cause Long QT (potassium channel blocker like)
    • Uses:
    • - SVT, AF, VT
    • Side effects:
    • - torsades, lupus like syndrome
  3. Lidocaine
    • - IV administration
    • - Class IB Na channel blocker
    • - preferentially affect ventricle due to affinity for open channels
    • - caution in hepatic dysfunction
    • - Reduce action potential duration
    • Uses: VT, Digoxin induced VT and torsades/long QT
    • Side effects: neurological dizziness confusion etc., sinus slowing
  4. Mexilitine
    • - Oral
    • - Class IB Na channel blocker
    • - preferentially affect ventricle due to affinity for open channels
    • - caution in hepatic dysfunction
    • - Reduce action potential duration
    • Uses: VT, Digoxin induced VT and torsades/long QT
    • Side effects: neurological dizziness confusion etc., sinus slowing
  5. Flecainide, Propafenone
    • Class IC Na Channel Blocker
    • - severe blocking effect
    • - widens QRS
    • Uses: AF, refactory SVT
    • Side effects: parasthesia (tingling) diplopia (double vision) chest pain
    • - Very proarrhythmic ((can cause 1:1 AV conduction if not used with AVnode blockers))
  6. carvedilol, propanolol, esmolol, labetolol
    • carvedilol (PO),propanolol (PO),esmolol (IV),labetolol (IV/PO)
    • Class II beta- adrenergic blockers
    • o Slow sinus rate, prolong AV‐node conduction and refractoriness,inhibit automaticity
    • oUses: SVTs, VT‐due to MI, mortality benefit in MI/CHF patients
    • o Side effects: bradycardia, fatigue, dizziness, hypotension, depression
  7. amiodarone, sotalol, dofetilide, ibutilide, dronedarone
    • Class III: Potassium Channel Blockers
    • amiodarone (IV/PO), sotalol (PO) ,dofetilide (PO), ibutilide (IV), dronedarone (PO)
    • o Prolong refractoriness (i.e. phase III) by blocking K+ channels
    • o Uses: Atrial fibrillation, VT
    • -Sotalol- greater effect at slower heart rates
    • - may be better at preventing arrhythmias than stopping them
    • o Side effects: LongQT-->Torsades de Pointes
    • Note: amiodarone: most effective drug for preventing recurrent AF and for treating VT/VF, but has adverse effects in almost every organ system (see lecture for all side effects), also decreases automaticity
  8. diltiazem, verapamil
    • Class IV Ca channel blockers
    • diltiazem (IV/PO), verapamil (PO)
    • Block L-type Ca channels (phases 4 & 0)
    • o MAJOR: Prolonged AV node conduction and refractoriness
    • oMinor: sinus node slowing, reduce automaticity
    • Uses: rate control for AF/Atrial Flutter, treatment of SVT
    • o Side effects: bradycardia, CHF, fatigue, dizziness, edema, gingivalhyperplasia
  9. Digoxin
    • o Increase vagal tone via CNS effect--> binds to Na pumps in neuronal plasma membranes and inhibits sympathetic outflow
    • o Decreases AV nodal conduction and increases AV refactoriness
    • o Also blocks Na‐K ATPase--> increases intracellular Ca++-->+ inotropy
    • o Uses: AF (CHF patients)
    • o Side effects: narrow therapeutic window, AV block, bradycardia,visual disturbances (i.e. seeing yellow/green)
  10. Adenosine
    • - binds to adenosine A1 receptor
    • o Slows SA and decreases AV nodal conduction; also activated outward K+ channel in atrium, shortening atrial refractoriness
    • o Uses: diagnosis and treatment of SVTs
    • o Side effects: AV block/asystole, flushing, headache, bronchospasm (not for asthmatics)
  11. Atropine
    • o Blocks the action of acetylcholine at parasympathetic sites
    • o Uses: symptomatic sinus bradycardia or AV node block
    • o Side effects: tachycardia, glaucoma, urinary retention, dilated pupils
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Cardio Drugs Antiarrhythmics
Cardio Drugs Antiarrhythmics