Chap 11 Microbio (2)

  1. intermediate host
    An organism that harbors a sexually immature stage of a parasite
  2. karyogamy
    precess by which a nuclei fuse to produce a diploid cell
  3. mastigophoran
    A flagellate protozoan such as Giardia
  4. mechanical vector
    A vector in which the parasite does not complete any part of its life cycle
  5. merozoite
    a malaria trophozoite found in infected red blood or liver cells
  6. metaceraria
    The postcerarial encysted stage in the development of a fluke, proir to transfer to the final host.
  7. Microfilaria
    An immature microscopic roundrworm larva
  8. Miracidium
    ciliated, free-swimming first-stage fluke larva that emerges from an egg
  9. mycelium (mycelia)
    In fungi, a mass of long, threadlike structures (hyphae) that branch and intertwine
  10. mycology
    the study of fungi
  11. mycosis (mycoses)
    A disease caused by a fungus
  12. nematode
  13. obligate parasite
    A parasite that must spend some or all of its life cycle in or on a host.
  14. Oomycota
    water mold
  15. parasite
    an organism that lives in or on, and at the expense of, another organism, the host
  16. parasitology
    The study of parasites
  17. pathogen
    any organism capable of causing disease in its host.
  18. pellicle
    an outercovering membrane
  19. permanent parasite
    A parasite that remains in or on a host once it has invaded the host.
  20. plasmodial slime mold
    fungilike protist consisting of a multinucleate amoeboid mass, or plasmodium, that moves about slowly and phagocytizes dead matter.
  21. plasmogamy
    Sexual reproduction in fungi in which haploid gametes unite and their cytoplasm mingles.
  22. proglottid
    one of the segments of a tapeworm, containing the reproductive organs.
  23. protist
    a unicellular eukaryotic organism that is a member of the kingdom Protista
  24. protozoan (protozoa)
    Single-celled, microscopic, animal-like protists in the kingdom Protista
  25. Pseudocoelom
    A primitive body cavity, typical of nematodes, that lacks the complete lining found in higher animals
  26. Pseudoplasmodium
    a multicellular mass composed of individual cellular slime mold cells that have aggregated.
  27. redia
    the development stage of the fluke immediately following the sporocyst stage
  28. reservoir host
    an infected organism that makes parasites available for transmission to other hosts.
  29. roundworm
    A worm with a long, cylindrical, unsegmented body and a heavy cuticle
  30. sac fungus
    A member of a diverse group of fungi htat produces saclike asci during sexual reproduction
  31. saprophyte
    An organism that feeds on dead or decaying organic matter.
  32. scolex
    head end of a tapeworm, with suckers and sometimes hooks that attach to the intestinal wall
  33. septum (septa)
    A cross-wall separating two fungal cells
  34. slime mold
    A funguslike protist
  35. sporocyst
    laval form of a fluke that develops in the body of its snail or mollusk host
  36. sporozoite
    a malaria trophozoite present in the salivary glands of infected mosquitoes.
  37. tapeworm
    flatworm that lives in the adult stage as a parasite in the small intestine of animals
  38. teleomorphic
    sexual part of the life cycle of a fungus
  39. temporary parasite
    A parasite that feeds on and then leaves its host (such as a biting insect)
  40. test
    a shell made of calcium carbonate and common to some protists
  41. Thallus
    the body of a fungus
  42. trichocyst
    tentaclelike structure on ciliates for catching prey (for attachment)
  43. trophozoite
    vegetative form of a protozoan such as Plasmodium
  44. vector
    an organism that transmits a disease-casuing organism from one host to another
  45. watermold

    a funguslike protist that produces flagellated asexual spores (zoospores) and large, motile gametes
  46. zygomycota
    bread mold
  47. zygospore
    in bread mold, a thick-walled, resistant, spore-producing structure enclosing a zygote
  48. endoparasite
    a parasite that lives within the body of another organism
  49. plasmodium
    A multinucleate mass of cytoplasm that forms one of hte stages in the life cycle of the plasmodial slime mold.
  50. schizogony
    multiple fission, in which one cell gives rise to many cells
Card Set
Chap 11 Microbio (2)
chapter ll (50-99)