The T wave of an electrocardiogram represents which event?
A)ventricular depolarization
B)atrial repolarization
C)ventricular repolarization
D)atrial depolarization
C)ventricular repolarization
The central cardiac control region is in the _____ of the brain.
B)medulla oblongata
B)medulla oblongata
The electrical initiation of a heartbeat begins in the _____ chamber wall.
A)left ventricle
B)right ventricle
C)right atrium
D)left atrium
C)right atrium
The last in the cardiac conduction sequence is the _____.
A)SA node
B)AV node
C)AV bundle
D)Purkinje fibers
D)Purkinje fibers
The first heart sound is caused by closure of the _____ valves.
A)pulmonary semilunar
C)aortic semilunar
Cardiac output can be determined by the following formula:
B)HR divided by SV
Which structure contains the lowest amount of oxygen?
A)pulmonary vein
C)vena cava
D)right ventricle
C)vena cava
The aortic semilunar valve prevents blood from returning to the _____.
A)left ventricle
C)right ventricle
D)left atrium
A)left ventricle
The pulmonary semilunar valve prevents a back-flow of blood into the _____.
A)pulmonary artery
B)right ventricle
C)left ventricle
D)right atrium
B)right ventricle
The _____ valve lies between the right atrium and right ventricle.
B)aortic semilunar
C)pulmonary semilunar
How many openings are in the right atrium?
Which membrane is closest to the heart muscle?
A)pericardial sac
B)fibrous pericardium
C)parietal pericardium
D)visceral pericardium
D)visceral pericardium
The inability of the left ventricle to pump blood adequately to the body's cells is indicative of ________________.
A)an embolus
B)cardiac tamponade
C)congestive heart failure
C)congestive heart failure
A unique venous system, called the ________________, carries blood directly from the intestines to the liver for processing rather than directly into the inferior vena cava.
A)hepatic portal system
B)superior mesenteric vein
C)saphenous vein
D)gonadal vein
A)hepatic portal system
Blood is drained from the face, scalp, and superficial regions of the neck by the _______________.
A)carotid arteries
B)external jugular veins
C)internal jugular veins
D)brachiocephalic veins
B)external jugular veins
A deep wound to the upper thigh might damage the _____________ artery.
C)anterior tibial
Which artery supplies blood to the ilium and muscles of the lower back?
B)common iliac artery
C)internal iliac artery
D)iliolumbar artery
D)iliolumbar artery
What does the electrocardiogram (ECG) QRS wave indicate is happening in the heart?
A)The atria are depolarizing
B)The ventricles are depolarizing while the atria repolarize.
C)The ventricles are repolarizing.
D)The heart is at rest.
B)The ventricles are depolarizing while the atria repolarize.
How does the impulse to contract slow down slightly before it is transferred into the ventricles?
A)It makes a detour and travels to the brain and back.
B)There is a parasympathetic brake on the AV node.
C)Junctional fibers leading into the AV node have very small diameters.
D)The skeleton of the heart prevents the impulse from being transmitted rapidly.
C)Junctional fibers leading into the AV node have very small diameters.
When do the A-V valves close during the cardiac cycle?
A)when pressure inside the ventricles is at its lowest
B)when pressure inside the atria is greater than that inside the ventricles
C)when ventricular pressure exceeds that of the atria
D)when pressure is greater in the aorta than in the left ventricle
C)when ventricular pressure exceeds that of the atria
Someone suffering a heart attack in his anterior lower right ventricle probably had a blockage in which coronary artery?
A)anterior interventricular artery
B)circumflex artery
C)posterior interventricular artery
D)marginal artery
A)anterior interventricular artery
Freshly oxygenated blood enters the heart through the ______________, and is pumped out the _____________.
A)right atrium; aorta
B)left atrium; aorta
C)right ventricle; pulmonary arteries
D)left ventricle; pulmonary arteries
B)left atrium; aorta
The _____________ has the thickest wall because it pumps blood to the ________________.
A)right atrium; systemic circuit
B)right ventricle; lungs
C)left atrium; lungs
D)left ventricle; systemic circuit
D)left ventricle; systemic circuit
The bicuspid valve __________________.
A)is located on the left side of the heart
B)guards the auricles of the heart
C)guards the entrance to the aorta
D)guards the entrance to the pulmonary trunk
A)is located on the left side of the heart
The layer of the heart that forms a smooth, protective lining of the heart chambers and valves is the _______________.
D)parietal pericardium
Which layer of the heart or pericardium serves the dual purpose of lining the pericardium and forming the outermost wall of the heart?
A)fibrous pericardium
B)parietal pericardium
C)visceral pericardium (epicardium)
C)visceral pericardium (epicardium)
What is the thickest layer of the heart wall?
In an ECG pattern, the P wave is caused by : depolarization of atrial muscle fibers.
depolarization of atrial muscle fibers.
The ________ pumps blood into the aorta, and the _________ receives blood from the vena cavae.
left ventricle:right atrium
What term is used to describe a slow heartbeat?
The term for an abnormal heartbeat that exceeds 100 beats per minute?
The membranous covering of the heart is the _________, which includes a loosely fitting sac composed of an inner ________ and an outer _________.
An increase in the frequency of sympathetic impulses to arteries and arterioles, produces ________, which ________ blood pressure and velocity.
vasoconstriction; increases
What supplies the heart with the blood it needs to function?
the coronary circulation which recieves blood from the right coronary artery and the left coronary artery
Where is the right coronary artery located? What are it's branches?
apperars on the surface of the heart, originates from the aorta, between the pulmonary trunk and the right atria
it's branches are marginal artery and posterior interventricular sulcus
Where is the left coronary artery located? What are it's branches?
apperars on the surface of the heart, originates from the aorta, between the pulmonary trunk and the left atria
it's branches are circumflex artery and anterior interventricular sulcus
What is anastomoes?
a joining of vessels
What is the function of mycardium having anastomoes?
to provide alternate(collateral circulation) pathways if a blood vessel becomes obstructed
The myocardium contains _________ fes by the branches of __________.
capilleries: coronary artery
What recieves the least amount of blood during a ventricular contraction?
Where is most of the blood supplied to the myocardium returned?
cardiac veins (run parallel to coronary arteries) to coronary sinus, to right atria
What is a cardiac cycle? Simply terms
The simultaneous contraction of both atria, followed by th simultaneous contraction of both ventricles and finally relaxation of the heart
Diastole means
Systole means
What happens during atrial diastole?
atria fill with blood
When are atrial valves open?
during atrial systole
When are the semilunar valves closed and AV valves open?
During ventrical diastole
What causes the AV valves to open?
When atrial pressure is greater than ventricular pressure
Most blood flows passively from atria to ventricles, but all blood going to the atreries is actively pumped by the ventricles.
What causes the sound of the heartbeat?
heart valves closing
What causes the first cardiac sound(Lubb)?
AV valves closing
What causes the second cardiac sound(Dupp)?
the semilunar valves closing
Where can the mitral and tricuspid valves be heard clearly?
Mitral-5th intercostal space, left of the nipple
Tricuspid valve- 5th intercostal space, right of the sternum
Where can the semilunar valves be heard clearly?
aortic- 2nd intercostal space, right
pulmonic- 2nd intercostal space left
What is a murmur?
abnormal heart sound caused by valvular issues
What are the two functional syncytiums of the heart?
atrial syncytium
ventricular syncytium
What is the function of the functional syncytium?
If any part of the syncytium is stimulated, whole structure contracts as a unit
What seperates the atrial and ventricular syncytium?
the fibrous skeleton, except for a small region on the inferior portion of the right atria
What is the pacemaker of the heart?
SA node(Sinoartial)
Where is the SA node located?
posterior wall of right atria just below the opening of the superior vena cava, beneath the epicardium
What is the function of the SA node?
Establish heart rate
Where does the SA node send the impulse?
AV node
Describe the structure and function of an AV node?
small diameters, causes impulse delay which allows atiria to complete their contraction and empty all the blood into the ventricles before the ventricles contract
The atrioventricular node is the only normal conduction pathway between atrial and ventricular syncytia.
When does the AV node send the impulse to?
AV bundle
Where is the AV bundle located?
Superior portion of the Interventricular septum
Describe the structuer of the AV bundle.
Located Superior portion of the Interventricular septum and breaks off into right and left branches, which extend towards the apex of the heart in the interventricular septum
Where do the AV bundles transmit the impulses to?
Purkinje fibers
What is the structre of purkinje fibers?
large fibers, barrel shaped, contain myofibrils(located in the endocardium)
What is the function of purkinje fibers?
transmit impulses quickly to the ventricular walls and complete the conduction pathway
How are ventricular muscle fibers arranged and what type of movement does that cause?
Whorls, twisting motion
What is an EKG/ECG?
graphic representation of the cardiac cycle, or electrical changes in the myocardium as it contracts and relaxes
What is occuring during a P wave?
Atrial depolarization
What occurs during QRS complex?
Ventricular depolarization
What occurs during T wave?
Ventricular repolarization
Why doesn't atrial repolarization appeat as a separate wave?
Beacuse it is masked by the QRS complex
What is a baseline?
no detectable electrical changes, heart is returning to polarized state
What nodes are inervated by the autonomic nervous system?
AV and SA nodes
What is the pathway for the parasympathetic impulses?
medulla oblongata, vagus nerves, SA and AV nodes
What neurotransmitter does the parasympathetic impulse cause to be realsed and what effect does it have on the heart?
Acetylcholine; decreases heart rate
What is the pathway for the sympathetic impulses?
medulla oblongata, accelerator nerves, SA and AV nodes
What neurotransmitter does the sympathetic impulse cause to be realsed and what effect does it have on the heart?
Norepinephrine; Increases heart rate and the force of the myocardial contraction
What part of the brain maintains a balance between the parasympathetic and the symapathetic impulses?
The cardiac control center of the medulla oblongata
What are baroreceptors(pressoreceptors)?Where are they located?
used to detect changes in blood pressure and send info to the control center of the medulla oblongata, they are located in the aorta and cartoin arteies
Factors that influenced heart rate.
Emotions, Exercise, Body temperature, Ion concentration
Blood vessels that form a closed circiut of tubes that carry blood from the heart to the body tissues and then return the blood to the heart.
Vascular System
3 Layers of an artery
Tunica Interna
Tunica Media
Tunica Externa
What Tunica is present in all types of blood vessels?
Tunica Interna
What Tunica of the artery has smooth endothelium to prevent blood clotting and secreate biochemicals to inhibit aggregation.
Tunica Interna
Which Tunica of the artery is the extension of the endocardial lining of the heart?
Tunica Interna
What is only found in Arteries and seperates Tunica Interna from Tunica Media?
Internal Elastic Lamina
What Layer of an artery has Fenstrae to nourish underlying cells and a crinckled apperance?
Internal Elastic Lamina
What is the thickest layer of Tunica of the artery?
Tunica Media
Which layer of Tunica of the artery consist of smooth muscle fibers and thick layer of elastic CT?
Tunica Media
What layer of Tunica of the artery is composed of elastin?
Internal Elastic Lamina
What Tunica of the artery gives rise to minute vessels that give rise to capilleries that provide blood to external cells of the atrial wall?
Tunica Externa
Which Tunica of the artery contains Vasa Vasorum(Vessel of Vessels)?
Tunica Externa
Which Tunica of the artery is a thin layer and consists of elastic and collegan fibers?
Tunica Externa
What are the characteristics of an artery?
Elastcity and contractility
Which Tunica of the artery is intervated by the sympathetic nervous system?
Tunica Media
What does Vasoconstriction mean?
Reduction in the diameter of the blood vessels
What does Vasodilation mean?
Increase in the diameter of the blood vessel
Card Set
Chapter 15, Cardiovascular System, Part 2
Chapter 15, Cardiovascular System, Anatomy and Physiology