Module 9 vocab.txt

  1. adamantin-
    enamel [use longer Greek root]
  2. adamant-
    enamel [use shorter Greek root]
  3. amel-
    enamel [don't use adamantin-; adamantin]
  4. alve-
    tooth socket; any bodily socket or cavity [use shorter root]
  5. alveol-
    tooth socket; any bodily socket or cavity [use longer root]
  6. alve-; alveol
    tooth socket; any bodily socket or cavity [both roots]
  7. append-
    appendix [shorter root]
  8. appendic-
    appendix [longer root]
  9. cholang-
    bile duct
  10. cholecyst-
    bile bladder; gall bladder
  11. choledoch-
    common bile duct; duct which carries bile from gall bladder and liver to duodenum
  12. col-
    colon; large intestine [shorter root]
  13. colon-
    colon; large intestine [longer root]
  14. duoden- duodenum; the first part of the small intestine
  15. enter- intestines
  16. epipl-
    omentum; fatty membrane lining abdominal cavity [greek root]
  17. oment-
    omentum; fatty membrane lining abdominal cavity [latin root]
  18. esophag-
    esophagus; tube connecting the pharynx and the stomach [shorter root]
  19. oesophag-
    esophagus; tube connecting the pharynx and the stomach [longer root]
  20. gastr-
    stomach [shorter root]
  21. stomach-
    stomach [longer root]
  22. gingiv-
    gums (longer root)
  23. ul-; gingiv-
    gums (2 roots)
  24. gloss-
    tongue; language (not lingu-)
  25. lingu-
    tongue; language (not gloss-)
  26. gloss-; lingu-
    tongue; language [2 roots]
  27. hepat-
  28. hepatic-
    hepatic duct
  29. ile-
    ileum; portion of small intestine between jejunum and cecum
  30. jejun-
    jejunum; portion of small intestine between duodenum and ileum
  31. mandibul-
    mandible; lower jaw
  32. maxill-
    maxilla; upper jaw
  33. odont-
    tooth; teeth (longer root)
  34. dent-
    tooth; teeth (shorter root)
  35. pancreat-
  36. pancreatic-
    pancreatic duct
  37. peritone-
    peritoneum; serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity
  38. proct-
    rectum; anus; rectum and anus (longer root)
  39. rect-
    rectum; anus; rectum and anus (shorter root)
  40. proct-; rect-
    rectum; anus; rectum and anus (2 terms)
  41. ptyal-
    saliva (longer root, greek root)
  42. sial-
    saliva (shorter root)
  43. sial-; ptyal-
    saliva (2 roots)
  44. pylor-
    pylorus; lower portion of stomach
  45. sphincter-
    sphincter (any circular muscle closing an orifice)
  46. splanchn-; viscer-
    viscera; the internal organs, collectively (longer root)
  47. splanchn-
    viscera; the internal organs, collectively (longer root)
  48. viscer-
    viscera; the internal organs, collectively (shorter root)
  49. staphyl-; uvul-
    uvula (2 roots)
  50. staphyl-
    uvula (greek root)
  51. uvul-
    uvula (Latin root)
  52. stom-; stomat-; or-
    mouth (3 roots)
  53. typhl-
    cecum; first part of large intestine (Greek root)
  54. caec-; cec-
    cecum; first part of large intestine (Latin roots)
  55. ul-
    gums; scar
  56. uran-; uranisc-; palat-
    palate (3 roots)
  57. uran-
    palate (shorter Latin root)
  58. uranisc-
    palate (longer Latin root)
  59. palat-
    palate (greek root)
  60. acr-
    extremities (of the body); height; tip(s)
  61. anomal-
  62. ather-
    yellowish plaque
  63. bromat-
    food (
  64. sit-
  65. dors-
    back (as opposed to front)
  66. febr-
    fever [followed by the connecting vowel ā€œiā€]
  67. heter-
    different; other
  68. hom-*; home-; homoi-
    same; unchanging [See Mod. 4, hom-]
  69. phag-
    eating; chewing; biting; swallowing; devouring
  70. troph-
  71. nutri-; nutrit-
    nutrition (2 roots, not troph-)
  72. troph-
    nutrition [Note: may also mean "growth," see Discussion] (not nutri, nutrit)
  73. ventr-*
    front [See Mod. 4]
  74. anter-
    before; front; in front
  75. dextr-
    right (as opposed to left)
  76. dist-
    distal; farthest (from the centre or from the point of reference)
  77. extern-
  78. infer-
  79. intern-
  80. lev-
    left; counter-clockwise
  81. opisth-
    behind; back; receding
  82. poster-
  83. proxim-
    proximal; nearest (from the centre or from the point of reference)
  84. retro-
    behind; backward
  85. sinistr-
  86. super-
    above [not a prefix when it is followed by a connecting vowel]
  87. tel-; tele-
    distant; at a distance; end [end is a noun, but these 2 terms also act as adjective roots; no connecting vowel follows one of them]
  88. -pepsia
  89. -clasis; -clasia
    act of breaking (something) up (2 terminations)
  90. -clysis
  91. -plasia
    proliferation; growth; development [applied mostly to tissue or cells]
  92. -phage
    one that eats
  93. -phagia; -phagy
    eating; chewing; biting; swallowing; devouring (2 terminations)
  94. -schisis
  95. -tripsy; -tripsis
    crushing; rubbing; friction
  96. -trophy
    nutrition; growth
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Module 9 vocab.txt
Mouth and Digestive System