Chap 11 Microbio (1)

  1. Accidential Parasite
    A parasite that invades an organism other than its normal host
  2. Amebozoa
    Major group of protozoans which move by pseudopodia and ingest food by phagocytosis
  3. Anamorphic
    Asexual part of the life cycle of a fungus.
  4. Antibiosis
    The natural production of an antimicrobial agent by a bacterium or fungus.
  5. Apicomplexan
    also called sporozoan

    a parasitic proozoan such as Plasmodium, that generally has a complex life cycle.
  6. Arachnid
    An anthropod with two body regions, for pairs of legs, and mouth parts that are used in capturing and tearing apart prey.
  7. Arthrodop
    Makes up the largest group of living organisms, characterized by a jointed chitinous exoskeleton, segmented body, and jointed appendages associated with some or all of the segments
  8. Ascomycota
    Sac Fungus

    A member of a diverse group of fungi that produces saclike asci during sexual reproduction.
  9. Ascospore
    One of the eight sexual spores produced in each ascues of a sac fungus.
  10. Ascus (Asci)
    Saclike structures produced by sac fungi during sexual reproduction
  11. Basidiomycota
    club fungus
  12. basidiospore
    A sexual spore of the club fungi
  13. basidium (basidia)
    a clublike structure in club fungi bearing four external spores on short, slender stalks
  14. biological vector
    An organism that actively transmits pathogens that complete part of their life cycle within the orgainsm.
  15. Bread mold
    A fungus with complex mycelia composed of aseptate hyphae with chitinous cross walls
  16. Cellular Slime Mold
    Funguslike protist consisting of amoeboid, phagocytic cells that aggregate to form a pseudoplasmodium
  17. cercaria
    A free-swimming fluke larva that emerges from the snall or mollusk host
  18. Chitin
    A polysaccharide found in the cell walls of most fungi and the exoskeletons of athropods.
  19. Ciliate
    A protozoan that moves by means of cilia that covers most of its surface.
  20. Club fungus
    A fungus, including mushrooms, toadstools, rusts, and smuts, that produces spores on basidia
  21. coelom
    The body cavity between the digestive tract and body wall in higher animals
  22. commensal
    An organism that lives in or on another organism without harming it and that benefits from the relationship.
  23. conidium (conidia)
    a small, asexual, aerial spore organized into chains in some bacteria and fungi
  24. conjugation
    the exchange of information between two ciliates (protists)
  25. crustacean
    a usually aquatic athropod that has a pair of appendages associated with each body segment.
  26. cysticercus
    bladder worm

    an oval white sac with a tapeworm head invaginated into it.
  27. definitive host
    An organism that harbors the adult, sexually reproducing form of a parasite.
  28. Deuteromycota
    Fungi Imperfecti
  29. diatom
    An alga or plantlike protist that lacks flagella and has a glasslike outer shell
  30. dikaryotic
    referring to fungal cells within hyphae that have nuclei, produced by plasmogamy in which the nuclei have not united.
  31. dimorphism
    the ability of an organism to alter its structure when it changes habitats
  32. dinoflagellate
    an alga or plantlike protist, usually with two flagella
  33. ectoparasite
    A parasite that lives on the surface of another organism
  34. euglenoid
    an alga or plantlike protist, usually with a single flagella and a pigmented eyespot (stigma)
  35. eutrophication
    The nutrient enrichment of water from detergents, fertilizers, and animal manures, which causes overgowth of algae and subsequent depletion of oxygen.
  36. facultative parasite
    A parasite that can live either on a host or freely
  37. flatworm
    (also called Platyhelminthes)

    A premitive, unsegmented, hermaphroditic othen parasitic worm
  38. fluke
    A flatworm with a complex life cycle, can be an internal or external parasite.
  39. Fungi (Fungus)
    The kingdom of nonphotosynthetic, eukaryotic organisms that absorb nutrients from their environment
  40. Fungi Imperfecti
    also called Deuteromycota

    Group of fungi termed "imperfect" because no sexual stage has been obsered in their life cycles.
  41. gametocyte
    a male or female sex cell
  42. helminth
    a worm, with bilateral symmetry; includes the roundworms and flatworms
  43. hermaphroditic
    having both male and female reproductive systems in one organism
  44. host
    any organism that harbors another organism
  45. host specificity
    the range of different hosts in which a parasite can mature
  46. hydadid cyst
    An enlarged cyst containing many tapeworm heads
  47. hyperparasitic
    the phenomenon of a parasite itself having parasites
  48. hypha (hyphae)
    A long, threadlike structure of cells in fungi or actinomycetes
  49. Insect
    An arthropod with three body regions, three pairs of legs, and highly specialized mouthparts
Card Set
Chap 11 Microbio (1)
cards 1-49 of chapter 11