Cardiac Drugs

  1. Aspirin
    Inhibits platelet aggregation

    Chestpain associated with MI

    81-324 mg PO
  2. Amiodarone
    Prolongs the duration of the action potential and refractory period. Slows the sinus rate, increases PR and QT intervals.

    Treatment of persistant VF/pulseless VT. Can also be used in hemodynamically stable VT, SVT, & A-Fib

    • VF or Pulseless VT: 300 mg IVP, may repeat in 4 min with 150 mg
    • RVR: 150 mg IVP over 10 min
  3. Atropine
    Blocked vagal effects result in positive chronotropy and positive dromotrophy

    • Hemodynamically significant Bradycardia
    • Asystole
    • Slow PEA

    • Bradydysrhythmias: 0.5 mg IVP q 4 min to a max of 0.04 mg/kg
    • Asystole / Slow PEA: 1.0 mg IVP q 4 min
  4. Adenosine
    Slows conduction through AV node, interrupt reentry pathways through AV node

    Conversion of reentry PSVT to sinus rhythm when vagal maneuvers are unsuccessful

    • 6 mg IVP
    • 12 mg IVP
    • 12 mg IVP
    • (all doses are followed by a 20cc saline flush)
  5. Calcium Chloride
    Needed for normal cardiac contractility

    • Hyperkalemia
    • Magnesium Sulfate Overdose
    • Calcium Channel Blocker overdose

    500mg - 1g IV
  6. Dopamine
    Act primarily on Alpha1 and Beta1, increasing systemic vascular resistance and exerting a positive inotropic effect

    hypotension in the absence of hypovolemia

    • Alpha response: 10-20 mcg/kg/min
    • Beta response: 2-20 mcg/kg/min
    • (titrate to desired BP)
  7. Diltiazem
    Prolongs AV node refractory period

    • A-Fib with RVR
    • A-Flutter with RVR
    • PSVT

    • 0.25 mg/kg IVP
    • may be repeated at 0.35 mg/kg
  8. Diazepam
    Raises the seizure threshold, induce amnesia and sedation

    • Seizure activity
    • Acute Anxiety
    • Sedation prior to cardiovesion

    5-10mg IVP
  9. Epinephrine
    Stimulates Alpha1, Beta1, and Beta2 adrenergic receptors. Can be used in all forms of cardiac arrest.

    • Profound symptomatic bradycardia
    • Cardiac arrest

    • Bradycardia: 2-10 mcg/min drip
    • Cardiac Arrest: 1mg IVP q 4 min
  10. Magnesium Sulfate
    Reduces Striated muscle contractions

    • Seizures of eclampsia
    • Asthma unresponsive to conventional therapy
    • Torsades de Pointes

    • Torsades: 2 g IVP
    • Asthma: 2 g IVP
    • Seizure: 4 g IV
  11. Metoprolol
    Beta blocking agent

    • PSVT
    • A-Flutter with RVR
    • A-Fib with RVR

    5 mg slow IV at 5 min intervals to a total of 15mg
  12. Nitroglycerine
    Dilation of arterioles and veins in the periphery. Decreases workload of the heart and decreases myocardial O2 demand

    • Ischemic Chest Pain
    • CHF

    0.4 mg SL
  13. Lidocaine
    Stabilizes cell membranes, depresses action potential, raises Ventricular Fibrillation threshold

    Acute Ventricular Dysrhythmias

    • V-Fib / pulseless VT: 1.5 mg/kg IVP repeat at half dose in 4 min. 1-4mg/min matintenance infusion
    • Stable VT / malignant PVC's: 1-1.5mg/kg IVP repeat at half dose after 5-10 min. 1-4mg/min if pulse returns to normal
  14. Procainamide
    Depresses action potential, slows conduction velocity, may depress myocardial contractility

    recurrent VF, pulseless VT, Stable VT

    • With pulse: 100 mg IV every 5 min until dysrhythmia is terminated, QRS widens by more than 50%, hypotension occures, or 17mg/kg has been reached
    • Without pulse: 250 mg IV every 5 min until dysrhythmia is terminated or 17mg/kg has been reached
Card Set
Cardiac Drugs
Cardiac Drugs