Chapter 21

  1. Why is it important that the pesticide applicator take the time to dispose of surplus pesticides and empty containers carefully?
    Improper disposal of pesticides and containers could lead to health hazards for people or livestock. A buildup of pesticide waste allows chemicals to accumulate in the soil, which then might leach into groundwater.
  2. What problems can result from buying more pesticides than you can use?
    Leftover pesticides are a potential health hazard if improperly stored or left unattended in a field. It is illegal and might hurt a crop production if the dose rate is surpassed on the label. Container disposal must follow label instructions.
  3. What are the porper ways to dispose of surplus concentrated pesticides that are still in their original containers?
    If the container has never been opened, try to return it to the manufacturer or distributer. Surplus concentrated pesticides can also be given to another certified applicator who could use it according to label directions.
  4. If you can't dispose of your surplus pesticides right away, what should you do with them?
    Proper safe storage of pesticides is important. If storage requirements are unlcear, contact your regional EPA representative.
  5. If you have rinsed out an empty pesticide container three times, can you toss them aside or give them to children to play with?
  6. What should you do to the rinse water if you cant use it in the tank mix?
    Apply rinsewater on sites that have the same pest control problem.
  7. If you have a couple of empty cardboard fungicide containers, how should you dispose of them ?
    Read the pesticide label for proper disposal instuctions.
  8. If cardboard containers held 2,4-d how would you dispose of them?
    Read the pesticide label
  9. What should you do to dispose of empty metal, glass, or plastic containers?
    Triple-rinse the container
  10. What does encapsulation mean?
    Encapsulation seals the pesticide container so that leaking of dangerous chemicals does not occur in the final disposal.
  11. Incineration is an acceptable method of pesticide disposal. Does that mean you can throw them in a wood stove or trash fire?
  12. How should you choose a site to burry surplus pesticides and empty containers?
    Consult the pesticide label for proper disposal. If this is still unclear, consult the regional EPA rep.
  13. Can you incinerate or bury surplus pesticides or containers that have mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic or other inorganic chemicals in them?
  14. Identify which federal laws regulate pesticide disposal methods
    FIFRA, Resource conservation and recovery act, and the Clean Air Act deal with pesticide waste disposal.
  15. What are the ways to dispose of pesticide rinsate remaining after an application job has been completed?
    Remaining rinsate should be used on an area with the same pest control problem. Be careful not to exceed the dose rate listed on the container label.
  16. Describe the triple rinse steps for cleaning pesticide containers and explain why it is important to follow them prior to final disposal.
    Fill the pesticide container with clean water. Rotate the container. Empty the container into the tank mix for futer applications if possible. Repeat these steps two more times. Puncture the container and or crush unless it is an aerosol. A triple rinse container is free of potentially dangerous residues.
  17. Cite reasons why burial is not a good disposal method with pesticides compared to incineration
    Burial of empty containers might lead to pesticides eventually leaching into the soil. A buildup of pesticide waste underground means the environmental fate is unclear. This is both a health and safety hazard.
  18. Name the ways to prevent pesticide waste surplus and point out the benefits
    Only buy the amount of pesticides needed. After calculating how much you need, calibrate the application equipment so that the application rate satisfies the level of needed pest control.
  19. Disposal of pesticide waste can indirectly lead to contamination of drinking water supplies. Explain the ways this might happen
    Slow leaking of containers can mean that pesticide can leach through the soil into groundwater. When an overdose of pesticide application occurs, rain may carry pesticides through the soil to the groundwater. Dumping containers into surface waters means groundwater will eventually receive this flow.
  20. What type of pesticide container cannot be punctured for disposal?
  21. In terms of disposal, Why should pesticides be kept in the original container with the label intact?
    A container with no label means theres no way of finding out the disposal instructions.
  22. Why are EPA approved sanitary landfills more appropriate for pesticide waste disposal over municipal dumps?
    Some pesticides are hazardous materials under the Resource conservation Act. Disposal is regulated by EPA because of operation, certified personnel, and construction of these landfills must meet federally approved standards.
  23. Identify the consequences of final disposal of pesticide waste and how it relates to groundwater.
    Final disposal by leaching in the soil and burial can mean that pesticide concentrates and diluted chemicals can eventually conditions carry pesticides through soil layers. This can contaminate water supplies.
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Chapter 21