Extra Points Location.txt

  1. sishencong
    what is the "four intelligence points," located 1 cun anterior, posterior ad lateral on both sides from DU 20?
  2. sishencong
    what extra points are used for headache, vertigo, poor memory, poor concentration, insomnia, epilepsy and seizure attacks?
  3. yintang
    which point is at the glabella, the midpoint between the medial ends of the eyebrows?
  4. yintang
    which extra point is used for headaches, nose problems, emotional imbalance
  5. yuyao
    which point is "fish waist", located in the middle of the eyebrow or, if unibrowed, the midpoint between the inner and outer canthus on the eyebrow?
  6. yuyao
    which point is used for orbital headaches, eye twitches, ptosis,?
  7. taiyang
    which point is located in the obvious depression at the temple about 1 cun posterior to the midpoint between the lateral extreme of the eyebrow and the outer canthus?
  8. taiyang
    which extra point is used for headaches, migraines in the temporal region, and can be bleed for hypertension?
  9. qiuhou
    which point is called "behind the ball" and is located on the inferior edge of the infraorbital margin?
  10. qiuhou
    which extra point is good for all types of eye disease, including those of vision and physical malfunction of the eyes?
  11. bitong
    which point is located at the highest point of the nasolabial groove close to LI20?
  12. bitong
    which extra point is good for symptomatic nasal allergies, rhinitis, congestion, nasal bleeding, polyps?
  13. jinjin yuye
    which points are located on the veins under the tongue on either side of the frenulum? gold fluid _______ is on the left, jade fluid ________ is on the right
  14. jinjin yuye
    which extra point is used for thirst, especially the wasting disease type thirst such as diabetes mellitus, vomiting, tongue swelling, mouth ulcers?
  15. jiachenjiang
    which point is 1 cun lateral to Ren 24 and over the mental foramen?
  16. jiachenjiang
    which point is used for swelling and pain of the gums, deviation of the mouth?
  17. anmian
    which point is "peaceful sleep" and is located midway between GB20 and SJ17 on the base of the skull?
  18. anmian
    which extra point is used for insomnia, vertigo, headaches, and bipolar disorder?
  19. bailao
    which point is "hundreds of taxations" and is located 2 cun superior to DU14 and 1 cun lateral to the midline?
  20. bailao
    which point is used for scrofula, tuberculosis "consumption", stiff neck?
  21. erjian
    which point is located on the apex of the ear?
  22. erjian
    which point is for hypertension and clears the type of toxic heat that causes fever and conjunctivitis?
  23. jing bi (neck arm)
    what point is located on the medial 2/3 from the sternum to the acromion, directly above the clavical?
  24. jing bi
    if you have shoulder pain, numbness of arm, paralysis of the arm from stroke, which extra point can you choose?
  25. carotid artery
    what do you have to be sure not to hit when needling jing bi?
  26. sanjiao jiu (triangle moxibustion)
    what points are located on the lower abdomen in an equilateral triangle with the top point resting in the umbilicus? MOXA ONLY! 5-7 cones
  27. sanjiao jiu
    if a patient has a hernia, abdominal pain, especially menstrual and abdominal pain related to coldness, what extra points can you choose?
  28. tituo (lift and support)
    what point is located 4 cun lateral to Ren 4?
  29. tituo
    if there is prolapse of the uterus, stomach, rectum and other organs, or hernia, what extra point will you choose?
  30. zigong (palace of the child)
    which point is 3 cun lateral to Ren 3?
  31. zigong
    which point is commonly used in clinic for prolapse of the uterus, infertility, and irregular menstruation?
  32. dingchuan (calm dyspnea)
    which point is located 0.5 cun lateral to Du 14?
  33. dingchuan
    which point is very good for asthma with coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath?
  34. huatuojiaji
    which points are located 0.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline of th ebody level with the lower borders of the spinous processes of the 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar vertebrae?
  35. huatuojiaji
    which points will be good for back problems and nerve problems?
  36. weiguanxiashu
    which point is located 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of T8 vertebra?
  37. weiguanxiashu
    which point will you choose for diabetes/wasting and thirsting disorder?
  38. pigen (masses root)
    what point is located 3.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the L1 vertebra?
  39. pigen
    what point is good for abdominal masses, tumors, fibroids, etc. or local back pain?
  40. yaoyan (eyes of the lower back)
    which point is located in the two dimples on the lower back about 3-4 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of L4?
  41. shiqizhuixia (below the 17th vertebrae)
    which point is located in the depression below the spinous process of L5?
  42. yaoyan, shiqizhuixia
    what two points will be good for lumbar pain of any etiology and for uterus/menstruation problems?
  43. yaoqi
    which point is located 2 cun above the tip of the coccyx?
  44. yaoqi
    which point is good for epilepsy, headaches, constipation, insomnia?
  45. huanzhong
    which point is located midway between gb30 and du2? on the lateral 1/3 of the line with gb30
  46. huanzhong
    which point will you choose for sciatica pain?
  47. shixuan (ten spreading points)
    which points are at the tips of the fingers 0.1-0.2 cun from the fingernails on the palmar side of the hand?
  48. shixuan
    which extra points are used to let out heat for excess conditions, coma, loss of consciousness, seizure, heat with high fever?
  49. sifeng
    which points are on the palmar surface of the hand at the midpoint of the transverse creases of the proximal interphalangeal joints of the fingers? not on the thumb
  50. sifeng
    what points are used to treat malnutrition in children of whooping cough?
  51. baxie (eight demons)
    what points are located on the dorsum of the hand btwn. the heads of the metacarpal bones on the border where the skin changes color and/or texture?
  52. baxie
    which points are used for eye pain, pain in the hands and fingers locally, snake and insect bites?
  53. luozhen (stiff neck)
    which point is on the dorsum of the hand in the depression just proximal to the 2nd and 3rd MCP joints?
  54. yaotongxue (lumbar pain point)
    what point is located on the dorsum of the hand on either side of the tendon of the extensor digitorium communis? locate this point just distal to the junction where the 2nd and 3rd bones meet and the 4th and 5th bones meet.
  55. erbai (two whites)
    which points are located 4 cun proximal to the transverse wrist crease on both sides of the flexor carpi radialis?
  56. erbai
    what points are good for hemorrhoids?
  57. zhoujian (elbow tip)
    which point is located on the tip of the ulnar olecranon process? moxa for scrofula
  58. luozhen
    which distal extra point is good for stiff neck?
  59. jiahexue
    which point is the "tuberculosis point"?
  60. jiahexue
    which point is located 3.5 cun lateral to Du14?
  61. zhong kui
    which point is located on the proximal interfalangeal crease on the dorsum of the 3rd finger?
  62. zhong kui
    which point is good for nausea, vomiting, stimulate hunger, hiccups? name is "middle emminence"
  63. heding
    which extra point is used for weakness, stiffness and pain of the knee?
  64. heding
    which point is located in the depression at the midpoint of the upper margin of the patella? "crane head"
  65. baichongwo
    which point is used for skin conditions like eczema, rashes, boils, ulcers, and parasites/worms? called "hundred bug burrow"
  66. baichongwo
    which point is located 1 cun superior to sp10 or 3 cun above the superior medial border of the patella?
  67. xiyan
    which point is used for pain/swelling of he knee, joint knee pain?
  68. xiyan
    which point is located in a depression on both the medial and lateral sides of the patellar ligament on the lower border of the patella? "knee eye"
  69. dannangxue
    which point is located 2 cun below gb34? "gallbladder point"
  70. dannangxue
    which point is used to treat accute infection of GB or chronic infection of the GB like gallstones, parasites in the GB?
  71. lanweixue
    which point is located 2 cun below st36?
  72. lanweixue
    which point is the "appendix point", used for appendicitis, accute attakc to the appendix?
  73. bafeng
    which points are located on the border of the dorsum side of the foot where the skin changes color?
  74. bafeng
    which points are used for pain in the local area (foot), snake bites, and insect bites?
  75. Jian Qian/Jian Nei LIng
    which point is on the anterior aspect of the shoulder joint: 2 locations: i) 1 cun directly superior to the anterior axillary fold (have the PT drop the arm naturally), OR ii) midway between the anterior axillary crease and LI-15. Palpate!
  76. Jian Qian/ Jian Nei Ling
    which point is used for shoulder and arm problems: paralysis or pain
Card Set
Extra Points Location.txt
Extra Points Location