a deadlock
punto muerto: There was a deadlock in the dispute between management and workers over pay.
to object
- oponerse: Some objected to fighting for moral reasons. Would you object if I open the window?
- objetar: He objected that it was too expensive.
a sticky situation
una situación difícil, peliaguda
inconsciente, ajeno: He's totally oblivious of the risks. She went on, oblivious to what was happening.
eterno, interminable
struggle for supremacy
la lucha por la supremacía
to clear up
- ordenar, limpiar, recoger: Mom wnats you to clear up your room.
- desaparecer: Your cold seems to have cleared up.
a takeover
toma de poder (país); absorción (empresa)
a turnover
- facturación: Annual turnover exceeds five million pounds.
- movimiento, rotación (plantilla)
- empanadilla
to flog
hostigar, espolear
a trough /trÉ’f/
depresión, punto más bajo
to mean well
tener buenas intenciones
to be cross
estar enfadado
to diminish
- disminuir: The measures were designed to diminish the threat of war.
- degradar: It would diminish my son to say that I understood him.
tonterías: TV shows offer nothing but pap nowadays.
tonto, insulso, intrascendente
educación: The godparents take responsibility for the child religious or moral upbringing.
to assess
evaluar: Teachers have to assess their pupils' level.
owing to
debido a: Some pupils pass out during an examen owing to stress and anxiety.
to bequeath
legar: He bequethed his violin to his best pupil.
hasta ahora, hasta la fecha: Hitherto unknown techniques.
an extent
extensión, alcance: The extent of alcohol addiction among young drinkers has increased in the last years.
to steer
conducir, manejar
to fidget
moverse con impaciencia: The audience began to cough and fidget.
to rivet
fascinar, enganchar: The plot ot the play held the audience riveted.
to come across
encontrarse con
to stick out
sacar, asomarse: He stuck his head out of the window.
to loom
surgir, acercarse amenazadoramente, cernirse: The day of the interviw was looming. The threat of plague loomed over the city.
in the nick of time
justo a tiempo: I arrived (just) in the nick of time.
to shrink (shrink, shrank, shrunk)
encogerse, hacerse pequeño