sem 2 anat 1

  1. innervation of the scalp
    • V1(ophthalmic)--> supratrochlear and supraorbital
    • V2(maxillary)--> zygomaticotemporal
    • V3(mandibular)--> auriculotemporal (innervates the parotid gland)
  2. cervical enlargement
    - same as brachial plexus- C5-T1
  3. lumbar enlargement
    same as lumbar plexus- L1-S3
  4. Innervation of the face
    • -CN V
    • - V1 triangle to the tip of the nose
    • -V2- triangel to the upper lip
    • -V3 triangle to the chin
  5. where to perform and emergency tracheotomy
    • - technically it is a cricothyroidotomy
    • -cricothyroid membrane- the membrane between the thyroid and cricoid cartilage.
    • - palpate for the adams apple, below that you should be able to palpate the cricoid cartilage. In between the two the is a small indentation, this is where the incision should be made
  6. most common site of pharyngeal diverticula
    • Killians Dehiscence
    • - b/t thyropharyngeus and cricopharyngeus (inferior constrictor)
  7. Br 4
    • - primary motor area
    • - precentral gyrus
    • - lesion- contralateral flaccid/spastic paralysis
  8. Br 6
    • - premotor area
    • - lesion- hypokinesia
  9. Br 8
    • - cortical center for eye movements
    • - normally controls contraleteral congugate gaze (R side cortex moves eyes to the left
    • - lesion- "right way eyes"- eyes look toward lesion (R lesion-> eye gaze right)
  10. Br 3,1,2
    • - primary somatosensory area
    • - postcentral gyrus
    • - VPL and VPM p/w terminate here
    • - lesion- contralateral sensory deficits
  11. Br 41
    • - primary auditory cortex
    • - superior temporal gyrus
  12. Br 17
    • - primary visual cortex
    • - around calcarine fissure (cuneate and lingual gyri)
    • - optic radiation ends here
  13. prefrontal lobe
    • - higher cortical function
    • - drive, motivation, emotion, judgement, personality etc
    • -lesion- variable- personality change, intellectual performance
    • -L- more typical depression
    • -R- manic behavior, impulsivity, agression
  14. Br 44 and 45
    • - Brocas motor speech area
    • - L inferior frontal gyrus (pars triangularis and pars opercularis)
    • - lesion- Broca apahsia- comprehension intact, broc-uh-uh-uhs
  15. Br 22, 39, 40
    • - Sensory speech center
    • -L superior termporal, angular and supramargianl gyri
    • - connected to Brocas area via arcuate fascicle
    • - lesion- Word salad
  16. kisselbachs area
    • Anastomosis of arteries of nose in anterior of nose
    • - anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries (opthalmic a)
    • - sphenopalatine artery (maxillary a)
    • - greater palatine
    • - superior labial (facial)
    • - descending palatine (maxillary a)
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sem 2 anat 1
sem 2 anat 1