Word Groups 1 Definitions

  1. Abridge
    • verb (used with object), a·bridged, a·bridg·ing.
    • 1.to shorten by omissions while retaining the basic contents: to abridge a reference book.
    • 2.to reduce or lessen in duration, scope, authority, etc.; diminish; curtail: to abridge a visit; to abridge one's freedom.
    • 3.to deprive; cut off.
  2. Compendium
    • noun, plural
    • 1.a brief treatment or account of a subject, especially an extensive subject; concise treatise: a compendium of medicine.
    • 2.a summary, epitome, or abridgment.
  3. Cursory
    • adjective
    • going rapidly over something, without noticing details; hasty; superficial: a cursory glance at a newspaper article.
  4. Curtail
    • verb (used with object)
    • to cut short; cut off a part of; abridge; reduce; diminish.
  5. Syllabus
    • noun, plural
    • 1.an outline or other brief statement of the main points of a discourse, the subjects of a course of lectures, the contents of a curriculum, etc.
  6. Synopsis
    • noun, plural
    • 1.a brief or condensed statement giving a general view of some subject.
  7. Terse
    • adjective
    • 1.neatly or effectively concise; brief and pithy, as language.
    • 2.abruptly concise; curt; brusque.
  8. Abet
    • verb (used with object), a·bet·ted, a·bet·ting.
    • to encourage, support, or countenance by aid or approval, usually in wrongdoing: to abet a swindler; to abet a crime.
  9. Advocate
    • verb (used with object)
    • 1.to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly: He advocated higher salaries for teachers.
  10. Ancillary
    • adjective
    • 1.subordinate; subsidiary.
    • 2.auxiliary; assisting.
  11. Bolster
    • noun
    • 1.a long, often cylindrical, cushion or pillow for a bed, sofa, etc.
    • 2.anything resembling this in form or in use as a support.
    • 3.any pillow, cushion, or pad.
  12. Corroborate
    • verb (used with object)
    • 1.to make more certain; confirm: He corroborated my account of the accident.
  13. Countenance
    • noun
    • 1.appearance, especially the look or expression of the face: a sad countenance.
    • 2.the face; visage.
    • 3.calm facial expression; composure.
    • 4.approval or favor; encouragement; moral support.
  14. Espouse
    • verb (used with object), -poused, -pous·ing.
    • 1.to make one's own; adopt or embrace, as a cause.
    • 2.to marry.
  15. Mainstay
    • noun
    • 1.Nautical . the stay that secures the mainmast forward.
    • 2.a person or thing that acts as a chief support or part: Coffee is the mainstay of the country's economy.
  16. Munificent
    • adjective
    • 1.extremely liberal in giving; very generous.
    • 2.characterized by great generosity: a munificent bequest.
  17. Proponent
    • noun
    • 1.a person who puts forward a proposition or proposal.
    • 2.a person who argues in favor of something; an advocate.
    • 3.a personwho supports a cause or doctrine; adherent.
  18. Stalwart
    : marked by outstanding strength and vigor of body, mind, or spirit
  19. Sustenance
    • 1 a : means of support, maintenance, or subsistence : living
    • b : food, provisions; also : nourishment
    • 2 a : the act of sustaining : the state of being sustained
    • b : a supplying or being supplied with the necessaries of life
    • 3 something that gives support, endurance, or strength
  20. Apace
    • Adverb
    • : at a quick pace : swiftly
  21. Abrupt
    • Adjective
    • 1 a : characterized by or involving action or change without preparation or warning : unexpected b : unceremoniously curt c : lacking smoothness or continuity
  22. Headlong
    • Adverb
    • 1: headfirst
    • 2: without deliberation : recklessly
    • 3: without pause or delay
  23. Impetuous
    • Adjective
    • 1: marked by impulsive vehemence or passion
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Word Groups 1 Definitions
Word Groups 1 Definitions