1. Give 7 general characteristics of NF:
    • 15% of the clinical isolates
    • Ubiquitous
    • Environment (plants, soil, water)
    • Dialysis fluids, saline, A lines, catheters
    • Opportunistic
    • Gram =
    • Motility (flagella diff types)
  2. What types of specimens can be collected for NF?
    • Blood
    • Wound
    • Respiratory tract
    • Foreign body implantation
    • Infused fluids
    • Immunocommpromised patients (differ sites)
  3. What types of disease can be associated to NF Bacteria?
    • Diabetes
    • Cancer
    • Steroid treatment
    • Transplantation
    • Catheters (prosthetic devices)
    • Dialysis patients
  4. What are the Growth Characteristics of NF?
    • Colony size is variable
    • Pigment
    • Hemolytic
    • 35 and 25
    • Aerobes
    • Utilize Entner-Dudoroff Pathway
    • Oxidize CHO
    • Slow growers
  5. What are the KEY characteristics for clinical diagnosis of NF?
    • No acid production from CHO
    • TSI K/K
    • Growth on Mac
    • Motility
    • Oxidase + but may vary
    • Slow grower
    • Oxidizer
    • Resistant to various antibiotics (aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones
  6. What are the 3 types of Motility?
    • Polar
    • Bipolar
    • Lophotrichous
  7. What organisms are Motile Saccharolytic?
    • Pseudomonas fluorescens

    • P. aeuriginosa

    • P. stutzeri

    • Burkholderia cepacia

    • B. pseudomallei putrefaciens

    • Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

    • Ralstonia picketii

  8. What organisms are Motile Non-Saccharolytic?
    • Alcaligenes faecalis

    • Achromobacter

    • Pseudomonas alcaligenes

    • P. pseudoalcaligenes

    • Shewenella

  9. What are 3 clues that tell you an organism is a NF?
    • No glucose fermentation
    • Oxidase +
    • No growth on Mac
  10. What are the main biochemicals for NFs?
    • OF
    • Nitrate
    • Growth on Mac
    • Motility
    • Indole
    • Urea
    • Esculin hydrolysis
    • Pigment
    • Decarboxylation
    • H2S
    • Temperature
  11. What are the Medically Important Organisms for NFs?
    • Acinetobacter
    • Burkholderia
    • Chrysobacterium
    • Flavobacterium
    • Moraxella
    • Pseudomonas
    • Stenotrophomonas
    • Shewenella putrefaciens
  12. Give characteristics of P. aeruginosa:
    • Pyocyanin +
    • Fluorescin +
    • Pyoverdin +
    • Oxidase +
    • Growth @ 42 C
    • Motile
    • Mac +
    • Resistant to various antibiotics
  13. Give characteristics of P. fluroescens:
    • Oxidase +
    • Fluroescin +
    • Pyocyanin =
    • Growth 42 C =
    • Motile
    • Mac +
  14. Give characteristics of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia:
    • Oxidase +
    • Maltose +
    • Esculin +
    • DNase +
    • Mac +
    • Motile
  15. Give characteristics of Shewenella putrefaciens:
    • Oxidase +
    • DNase +
    • H2S +
    • Mac +
    • Motile
  16. Give characteristics of Acinetobater:
    • Mac +
    • Oxidase =
    • Non-motile
    • Coccobacilli
  17. Give characteristics of Alcaligenes faecalis and Pseudomonas alcaligenes :
    • Mac +
    • Oxidase +
    • Non-motile
  18. Give characteristics of Moraxella:
    • Mac =/+
    • Oxidase +
    • Non-motile
  19. Give characteristics of Cryseobacterium and Meningocepticum:
    • Mac +
    • Indole +
    • Oxidase +
    • DNase +
    • Non-motile
  20. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections:
    • Bacteremia (6%)
    • Endocarditis
    • Pulmonary Infections
    • Ear Infections
    • Burn wound infections
    • UTI
    • Gastroenteritis
    • Eye infection
    • Nonsocomial (75%)
    • Cystic fibrosis
  21. What are the Virulent factors for P.aeruginosa?
    • Proteases
    • Exotoxin A
    • Phospholipase
    • Capsule (CF patients)
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