IB 140 Practice Exam 3 MTII April 2008

  1. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the X-Chromosome?

  2. Why do males only require one allele for baldness to become bald, whereas women require two alleles to become bald because:
    A. males have higher levels of testostorone than women
  3. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the Y Chromosome?

  4. Which of the following is true about sexual differentiation in humans?
    B. Genital ridges develop into indifferent gonads during 5TH WEEK of development
  5. Which of the following is true about gonadal development in humans?
    C. primordial germ cells arise in the developing allantois
  6. During what time of gestation do the ovaries descend from the abdominal position to the pelvic cavity?
    A. 1-2 months
    B. 3-4 months
    C. 5-6 months
    D. 7-9 months
    E. 10-12 months
    D. 7-9 months
  7. Which of the following is true about testes development?
    E. Human Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a LH-like gonadotropin which may pass to male fetus and stimulate Leydig cells to begin secreting testostorone.
    E. Human Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a LH-like gonadotropin which may pass to male fetus and stimulate Leydig cells to begin secreting testostorone.
  8. Normal Wolffian duct system development proceeds with:
    C. SRY gene on Y chromosome in XY individual
    C. SRY gene on Y chromosome in XY individual
  9. Which of the following male reproductive structures develops best with DHT (dihydroxytestostorone)?
    D. Prostate
    D. Prostate
  10. Greater and lesser vestibular glands are formed from:
    B. Urethral Tissue
    B. Urethral Tissue
  11. Lower 2/3rds of vagina is formed from:
    A. urogenital sinus
    A. urogenital sinus
  12. What reproductive system development would occur if male rat embryo is orchidectomized and receives testorone but NO MIS (Mullerian inhibiting substance)?
    C. BOTH wolffian and mullerian duct development
    C. BOTH wolffian and mullerian duct development
  13. Urogenital folds form from which of the following:
    A. Ventral aspect of penis shaft including corpus spongiosum
    A. Ventral aspect of penis shaft including corpus spongiosum
  14. Which of the following female structure(s) is/are homologous to the scrotum?
    A. oviducts
    B. labia majora & mons pubis
    C. labia minora
    D. lower 2/3rds of vagina
    E. anus
    B. labia majora & mons pubis
  15. What is the most common manifestation of intersex?
    A. gonad contains combination of ovarian and testes tissue
    A. gonad contains combination of ovarian and testes tissue
  16. Which of the following is NOT true about the reproductive capabilities of intersex people?
    A. There are documented cases of true intersex XY males who have fathered children.
    B. There are documented cases of true intersex XX females who have produced viable offspring.
    C. There are documented cases of true intersex people who have successfully self-fertilized and produced viable offspring
    D. Most commonly in intersex people, the ovarian tissue is normal and the testicular is dysgenetic
    C. There are documented cases of true intersex people who have successfully self-fertilized and produced viable offspring
  17. What is NOT true about people with testicular feminization syndrome?
    A. Have normal male chromosome (46:XY)
    B. not able to produce testostorone
    C. testes have not descended
    D. Have female secondary sex characteristics
    B. not able to produce testostorone
  18. why do external genitalia of people with 5ALPHA reductase enzyme defficiency enlarge to the size of a penis as puberty progresses?
    D. At puberty, their bodies start producing much higher amounts of testostorone
    D. At puberty, their bodies start producing much higher amounts of testostorone
  19. What is the average age for females to demonstrate accelerated skeletal growth rate which is the earliest pubertal change?
    A. 7
    B. 8
    C. 9
    D. 10
    E. 11
    C. 9
  20. What is the most typical chronological order of pubertal changes in females?
    A. axillary hair, pubic hair, female voice deepens, acne develops
    B. pubic hair, female voice deepens, axillary hair, acne develops,
    C. axillary hair,pubic hair, acne develops, female voice deepens
    D. pubic hair, axillary hair, female voice deepens, acne develops
    E. pubic hair, axillary hair, acne develops, female voice deepens
    E. pubic hair, axillary hair, acne develops, female voice deepens
  21. What is the most DEFINITE sign of puberty in females?
    A. pubic hair
    B. breast development
    C. menarche
    D. acne
    E. deepening of voice
    C. menarche
  22. What is the average age for the male growth spurt to begin?
    A. 9
    B. 10
    C. 11
    D. 12
    E. 13
    C. 11
  23. What is the average age that Leydig cells appear in males to intiate the early satges of spermatogenesis?
    A. 7-8
    B. 9-10
    C. 11-12
    D. 13-14
    E. 15-16
    B. 9-10
  24. What is the most typical chronological order for pubertal changes in MALES?
    A. pubic hair, axillary hair,testes enlargement, penis enlargement,
    B. axillary hair, testes enlargement, pubic hair, penis enlargement
    C.pubic hair, testes enlargement, penis enlargement, axillary hair
    D. testes enlargement, penis enlargement, pubic hair, axillary hair
    E.testes enlargement,pubic hair, penis enlargement, axillary hair
    D. testes enlargement, penis enlargement, pubic hair, axillary hair
  25. What is the average age for a male to have his first fertile ejaculate?
    A. 9
    B. 11
    C. 12-13
    D. 14-15
    E. 16-17
    D. 14-15
  26. Which of the following is NOT true about pubertal androgens in females?
    A. These androgens are primarily weak androgens, DHEA and androstenedione, produced by adrenal gland
    B. Cause sebaceous gland and acne development
    C. Make voice higher pitched
    D. Supports long bone growth
    E. Increased sex drive
    C. Make voice higher pitched
  27. Which of the following is NOT true about puberty?
    A. Sensitivity of the hypothalamus to steroidal negative feedback on GnRh decreases as puberty approaches
    B. Leptin produced by fat cells increases GnRh release at puberty
    C. At pubery, both males and females develop steroidal positive feedback on GnRH release which results in a surge of LH and FSH secretion
    D. Melatonin levels drop significantly before the onset of puberty
    E. Some studies have suggested that psychological stress in female girls is associated with delayed sexual maturation in females
    C. At pubery, both males and females develop steroidal positive feedback on GnRH
  28. Which of the following is TRUE about andropause?
    A. Estrogen levels may rise
    B. Testostorone levels rise
    C. Number of Leydig cells stays the same
    D. Blood supply is increased to the testes
    E. Usually lasts no more than 5 years
    A. Estrogen levels may rise
  29. Which of the following is NOT associated with the later onset of menopause?
    A. Breast feeding
    B. Use of oral contraceptives
    C. Women with short and more frequent menstrual cycles
    D. Women who have had multiple children
    E. females who had alte menarche
    C. Women with short and more frequent menstrual cycles
  30. Which of the following profiles is assocaited with the Late Reproductive Phase?
    C. Menstrual cycles regular and FSH elevated
    C. Menstrual cycles regular and FSH elevated
  31. Which of the following is NOT true about aneuploidy in humans?
    A. IS most common form of chromosomal abnormality that causes early miscarriages
    B. Production of embryos that have more than 2 full sets of homologous chromosomes
    C. May represent embryos with one too few chromosomes
    D. May represent embryos with one too many chromosomes.
    E. More common than polyploidy
    B. Production of embryos that have more than 2 full sets of homologous chromosomes
  32. Menopausal symptoms are most directly associated with which hormonal change?
    A. Drop in circulating estrogen
    B. Elevation in circulating estrogen
    C. Drop in circulating androgens
    D. elevation in circulating androgens
    E. drop in circulating progesterone
    A. Drop in circulating estrogen
  33. Which of the following is true about the endocrine changes during menopause/premenopause?
    A. decline in release of FSH
    B. Ovaries response to LH and FSH increases
    C. Increased estradiol production by ovaries
    D. Decline in release of LH
    E. Decline in release of inhibin from ovaries
    E. Decline in release of inhibin from ovaries
  34. Which of the following decreases the likelihood developing osteporosis?
    A. smoking
    B. no history of bearing children
    C. fair complexion
    D. obesity
    E. low physical activity
    D. obesity
  35. Regular consumption of tea (Camellia Sinensis) has the following effect on humans?
    A. Lowers the risk of osteporosis and lowers the risk of heart attacks
    B. Increases the risk of osteoporosis and increases the risk of heart attacks
    C. Lowers the risk of osteoporosis and increases the risk of heart attacks
    D. Increases the risk of osteoporosis and lowers the risk of heart attacks
    A. Lowers the risk of osteporosis and lowers the risk of heart attacks
  36. Somebody who has undergone surgical and/or hormonal treatments to change his or her reproductive system best represents:
    A. Transgender
    B. Transvestite
    C. Transexual
    D. Intersex
    E. Androgeny
    C. Transexual
  37. Which of the following is NOT true?
    A. Copulin is released by ovulating female Rhesus monkees
    B. Copulin increases sex drive of male monkees
    C. Female humans secrete copulin in vaginal secretions near time of ovulation
    D. There is no evidence that copulin makes human females more sexually attarctive to men
    E. Female body odors smell more pleasant to males when released from women in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle compared to the luteal phase
    D. There is no evidence that copulin makes human females more sexually attarctive to men
  38. Certain musk odors are only smelled by:
    A. Only adult females at the time of ovulation
    B. Onky adult males at the time of ovulation
    C. Both adult males and adult females at the time of ovulation
    D. Male children
    E. Female Children
    A. Only adult females at the time of ovulation
  39. Which of the following is NOT true?
    A. women are attracted to scents of men who are mmost unlike themselves in major histocompatibility genes (MHC's)
    B. Human mate pairs with similar MHC's tend to be more fertile with lower miscarriage rates
    C. The more dissimilar the MHC's of a human male/female pair, the better their offsrping immune systems will be at detecting foreign proteins, e.g. viruses or toxins
    D. Sweaty T-Shirt experiment by Swiss scientists demonstrated that odots influence human mate choice
    B. Human mate pairs with similar MHC's tend to be more fertile with lower miscarriage rates
  40. What is the first change in the excitement phase of female sexual response cycle?
    C. Vaginal Lubrication
    C. Vaginal Lubrication
  41. Which of the following is NOT tru about the female orgasm?
    A. 20% of women rarely or never reach orgasm during masterbation
    B. 33% of women rarely or never reach orgasm during coitus
    C. Rhythmic contraction of the uterus are probably supported by oxytocin
    D. The larger the penis the more likely that a woman will have an orgasm during coitus
    E. Some women experience female ejaculation during orgasm from the lesser vestibular glands
    D. The larger the penis the more likely that a woman will have an orgasm during coitus
  42. Which of the following is true about the excitement phase of the male secual response cycle?
    A. testes become elevated because of contraction of cremaster musclein lower end if spine initiate the erection reflex
    B. Sympathetic nerves in the erection center
    C.Scrotal skin thins out
    D. Sympathetic nercous system dilates arterioles in penis
    E. ejaculation occurs
    A. testes become elevated because of contraction of cremaster muscle
  43. Which of the following are NOT true about orgasmic phase of the male sexual response cycle?
    A. Contraction of smooth muscle in the wall of the testes during emission
    B. Muscular sphincter contracts which blocks the opening of the urethra into the urinary bladder
    C. Expulsion contractions are around 0.8 seconds apart
    D. Activation of the ejaculatory center of spinal chord stimulates parasympathetic nervouse system to cause contractions of bulbocavernosus muscle
    E. Contraction of smooth muscle in the wall of the prostate gland
    D. Activation of the ejaculatory center of spinal chord stimulates parasympathetic nervouse system to cause contractions of bulbocavernosus muscle
  44. Which of the following is true about hormones and sexual behavior?
    A. Adequately high progesterone levels can reduce the libido in some women
    B. In females,, levels of DHEA and testostorone both peak at the beginning fo the follicular phase
    C. Both oxytocin and vasopressin are released from the adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary) during the sexual response in both females and males
    D. erotic arousal in men can stimulate LH which decreases testostorone levels
    E. Sexually active men over the age of 70 do not have higher levels of testostorone than sexually non-active men of the same age group
    A. Adequately high progesterone levels can reduce the libido in some women
  45. Which of the following is true about human sexual preferences?
    A. In females, if one identical twin is lesbianm there is a 25% chance that her twin will be lesbian
    B. Homosexual sre more likely to have their 2nd finger shorter than their 4th finger
    C. Homosexuals are more like to be right-handed than heterosexuals
    D. Heterosexual men tend to have more older brothers than homosexual men
    E. Children raised by male or female homosexual couples, are no mor elikely to be homosexual as adults than children raised by heterosecual parents
    • E. Children raised by male or female homosexual couples, are no more likely to be homosexual as adults than children raised by heterosecual
    • parents
  46. Which of the following is true about erectile dysfuntion?
    A. Prolactin levels are high in men with erectile dysfuntion.
    B. Testostorone levels typically are low in men with erectile dysfunction
    C. Men with erectile dysfunction never have erections when they wake up in the morning
    D. it is impossible to have ejaculation without an erection
    E. Viagra has a mechanism of action which slows the breakdown of cyclic GMP which causes the dialation of penile arteries and leads to erection
    E. Viagra has a mechanism of action which slows the breakdown of cyclic GMP which causes the dialation of penile arteries and leads to erection
  47. Which of the following is the most common organic cause of erectile dysfunction in men?
    A. Type 2 diabetis mellitus
    B. Hemophilia
    C. Phobia of sex
    D. Rheumatoid Arthritis
    E. Scleroderma
    A. Type 2 diabetis mellitus
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IB 140 Practice Exam 3 MTII April 2008
IB 140 Practice Exam 3 MTII April 2008