Ch13 Hair Coloring

  1. List the Primary Colors:
    • 1- Red
    • 2- Yellow
    • 3- Blue
  2. List the Secondary Colors:
    • 1- Orange
    • 2- Green
    • 3- Violet
  3. List the Tertiary Colors:
    • 1- Yellow-Green
    • 2- Yellow-Orange
    • 3- Red-Orange
    • 4- Red-Violet
    • 5- Blue-Green
    • 6- Blue-Violet
  4. Define Warm Colors (Tones):
    Generally fall into the yellow, orange, & red half of the color wheel (like a sunset.)
  5. Define Cool Colors (Tones):
    Generally fall into the blue, greens, & violet half of the color wheel (like a mountain lake.)
  6. What is a complementary color?
    colors found opposite one another on the color wheel.
  7. What happens in hair coloring is you mix complementary colors?
    They neutralize/cancel eachother out to neutralize unwanted tones.
  8. Every color has a degree of lightness or darkness, which is often described as _(a)_.
    a) Level
  9. What is intensity of a color?
    A term used to describe & identify a hair color, refers to the brightness/vividness of a color/strength of a tone.
  10. Eumelanin:
    Black Pigment
  11. Pheomelanin:
    Red Pigment
  12. What occurs when the melanocyte cells slow down in their production of melanin?
    Each hair strand gradually loses its color, resulting in grey/white hair.
  13. Whay is it important to determine the percentage of grey your client has prior to a color?
    You may need to use different color formulas to accomidate the different percentages of grey.
  14. List the General Categories of hair color products.
    • 1- Nonoxidative Colors
    • 2- Oxidative Colors
    • 3- Lighteners
    • 4- Developers
    • 5- Vegetable, Metallic, & Compound Dyes
  15. List the longevity of the color:
    a) Temporary:
    b) Semi-Permanent:
    c) Demi-Permanent:
    d) Permanent:
    • a) Temporary: From wash to wash
    • b) Semi-Permanent: Lasts through several shampoo's
    • c) Demi-Permanent: 4-6 weeks
    • d) Permanent: They remain in the hair untile it is removed chemically, grows out, or is cut off.
  16. Define Toner:
    Are light pastel colors used to tine pre-lightened hair (used to neutralize unwanted pigment lieft in the hair after pre-lightening)
  17. Define a Filler:
    They provide an even base color by filling in porous, damaged, or abused areas with minerals such as protien or ploymers.
  18. List the 10 stages of Decolorizing/Lightening:
    • 1- Black
    • 2- Dark Red-Brown
    • 3- Red-Brown
    • 4- Red
    • 5- Red-Orange
    • 6- Orange
    • 7- Yellow-Orange (Gold)
    • 8- Yellow
    • 9- Pale Yellow
    • 10- Palest Yellow
  19. List the 2 types of Ligheners available:
    • 1- On-The-Scalp
    • 2- Off-The-Scalp
  20. What is Deleoper?
    Oxidizing agents used with Demi-Permanent & Permanent colors, Ligheners, & Toners (most commonly H2O2)
  21. List 2 other names the refer to Developers:
    • 1- Catalyst
    • 2- Conductor
  22. _(a)_ _(a)_ is the most commonly used developer (oxidizing agent) in hair coloring products. Its pH is between _(b)_ & _(b)_. It needs to be mixed with _(c)_ or other alkaline compouds to become active.
    • a) Hydrogen Poroxide (H2O2)
    • b) 2.5-4.5
    • c) Ammonia
  23. What is a predisposition test & when should it be done?
    (Skin Patch Test) A test to determine if client is sensitive/allergic to certain chemicals in color products.
  24. Some Malpractice Policies require you to have your client sign a...
    Client Release Statement (Form)
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Ch13 Hair Coloring
Hair Coloring