Cell Bio I-C

  1. Aristotle
    350 BC plants/animals
  2. Hackel
    1984; recognized that the plant/animal kingdom division was incomplete, added protists (Protista)
  3. Copeland
    1956; added the Kingdom Monera for bacteria
  4. Whittiker
    1959; created 5th Kingdom for Fungi
  5. Woese
    1977; split bacteria Kingdom into Eubacteria and Archaeabacteria
  6. Characteriticts of Protista
    • eukaryotes that don't fit into any other kingdom
    • fit characteristics of life
  7. Problems of being single celled
    • size is limited by surface to volume ratio
    • no specialization and limited collarboration
  8. 3 groups of protists that can be multicellular
    brown algea, red algea, green algea
  9. body form of protists
    • unicellular (most)
    • may form colonial assemblies (many cells with little difference)
  10. colonial organism
    an organism permanately associated with other organisms of the same species for a mutal benefit
  11. protist nutritional aquistion
    • have cholorplasts (photosythetic)
    • chemosythesis (H2S)
    • recyclers
    • heterotrophs
    • ingesters
    • capures the organism
  12. Reproduction
    • sexual
    • asexual
  13. locomotion
    • flagella
    • cilia
    • psuedopods
    • not mobile
  14. parasites
    • complex lifecycles both asexual, and sexual
    • can have different hosts
    • malaria, African sleeping sickness, Giardiasis
  15. Ecology
    • important in food changes
    • symbiotes
    • parasites
    • termites and cellulose
    • decomposers
    • produced landforms
  16. Characteristics of Fungi
    • Eat decomposing material
    • Eukary. multicellular
    • cell wall like insects skin
    • specialization
    • long thin threads for communication between cells
    • more like animals that plants
    • external digestion
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Cell Bio I-C
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