1. Subgroups on MND
    • 1. Progressive Muscular Atrophy
    • 2. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
    • 3. Progressive Bulbar Palsy
  2. Degeneration in Motor Neuron Diseases
    • 1. Anterior Horn Cells (Spinal cord)
    • 2. Motor Nuclei of lower CN ( Brain stem)
    • 3. Corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts
  3. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Features
    • UMN and LMN degeneration:
    • 1. Spastic (UMN)
    • 2. Exaggerated tendon reflex (UMN)
    • 3. Muscle Fasciculations (LMN)
  4. Progressive Muscular Atrophy Features
    • LMN degeneration:
    • 1. Muscle Fasiculations
    • 2. Flaccid weakness
    • 3. Abscent tendon reflexes
  5. Features of Progressive Bulbar Palsy
    • 1. Dysarthria
    • 2. Dysphagia
    • 3. Tongue Fasciculations
  6. Myelinopathy Features
    • 1. Leison is random and segmental
    • 2. Autoimmune disorder
    • 3. Weakenss: Proximal and Distal
    • 4. Sensory and Reflex loss
  7. Axonopathy features
    • 1. Degeneration of Distal Axon
    • 2. caused by Metabolic/Toxic./ Ischaemic pathol
    • 3. Weakness: Distal
    • 4. Sensory and Reflex loss
  8. NMD associated with Pain
    • 1. DM
    • 2. Vasculitis
    • 3. Radiculopathy
    • 4. Plexopathy
    • 5. Guillen Barre Syndrome
    • 6. HIV
    • 7. Syphillis
    • 8. Amyloidosis
  9. Sensory Neuropathies
    • 1. Paraneoplastic
    • 2. Sjorgen's Synd
    • 3. Vit B6 toxicity
    • 4. HIV related
    • 5. Chemotherapy- Cisplatin and analogues
    • 6. Idiopathic
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