1. True Syphyllis Facts:
    -Is a spirocide bacterium
    • 1. Oral Coitus can result in sores on lips, tongue,and or throat
    • 2. Half of the patients who enter latent stage, never progress to tertiary stage
    • 3. People in the tertiary stage can not transmit Syphillis through sexual intercourse (only pregnant women to their fetus)
    • 4. Tertiary syphillis can result in dementia, psychosis and death
    • 5. 20% of infants born with congenital syphillis will go on to develop tertiary syphillis if left untreated.
  2. Which is false about sexually transmitted viruses?
    A. Certain types of human papilloma virus (HPV) are associated with cervical cancer in women and anal cancer in men who have sex with men
    B. There are NO effective medical treatments for human papilloma virus (HPV)
    C. Herpes simplex type 2 can infect both the genital area and the oral cavity
    D. After primary infection, the Herpes simplex type 2 virus remains dormant in sensory nerve fibers
    • B. There are NO effective medical treatments for human papilloma virus (HPV)
    • False; Treatments: Podophyllin which is antimitotic agent and Imiquimod which is an immunosuppresant and Liquid Nitrogen
  3. Which of the following statements is correct about HIV?
    A. Most people develop detectable antibodies against HIV within one month of being infected
    B. Circumcised men have an increased likelihood of acquiring HIV
    C. AZT given to HIV positive women during pregnancy does not decrease the risk of transmitting HIV from mother to fetus
    D. HIV in breast milk can be eliminated by heating at low temperature
    D. HIV in breast milk can be eliminated by heating at low temperature
  4. Which of the following transmitted infections IS A PROTOZOAN?
    A. Chlamydia Trachomatis
    B. Genital Warts
    C. Sarcoptes Scabiei
    D. Trichomonas Vaginalis
    • D. Trichomonas Vaginalis
    • Transmitted during coitus. Vaginitis with frothy odorous discharge that develops 4-28 days post exposure.Vulva, Cervix, Urethra and bladder may become inflamed. Most men are asymptomatic but may develop Urethritis or Cystitis. Diagnosis by Microscope. Treatment with single dose of Metronidazole.
    • A. is bacterial
    • B. Viral (Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
    • C. Scabies
  5. Which is the most common form of contraceptive used by FEMALES in the USA, regardless of maritial status?
    A. Diaphram
    B. IUD
    C. Oral Contraceptives
    D. Tying of Fallopian Tubes
    • A. shallow cup of thin rubber stretched over flexible wire ring and is placed in the upper vagina to block the external os of cervix.Failure rate of 3-18%.
    • B.Flexible T-Shaped devices that typically contain copper or progestogen and are inserted through the cervix into the uterus. Most Commonly used contraceptive method in the world.
    • D.
  6. Which of the following is NOT an effect of oral contraceptives?
    A. alleviates acne
    B. alleviates heavy or irregular menstrual cycles
    C. decreases ovarian cancer risk
    D. increases endometrail cancer risk.
    • D. increases endometrail cancer risk.
    • DECREASED ovarian and endometrial cancer risk.
  7. Which of the following statements is false?
    A. The morning after pill (Plan B) is only effective if taken within the first 24 hours after coitus
    B. injectable progestogens (Depo-Provera) have an efficacy rate of over 99%
    C. Subcutaneous progestogen implants have significant side-effects
    D. Women with a history of blood clots or high blood pressure should not take oral contraceptives.
    • A. The morning after pill (Plan B) is only effective if taken within the first 24 hours after coitus
    • The first oral dose is best taken within 24 hours of unprotected sex, however it can be taken as long as 5 days after unprotected sex. 89% effective.
    • C. Weight gain and reduced bone density. Injected every 90 days.
  8. Which of the following statements is FALSE about intrauterine devises (IUD's)?
    A. T-Shaped flexible devises are inserted through the cervix into the uterus
    B. Reduce sperm motility and viability
    C. Interfere with implantation
    D. More effective than oral contraceptives at preventing pregnancy
    • D. More effective than oral contraceptives at preventing pregnancy
    • Copper IUD's have a 96-99% efficacy rate. Progestogen IUD's have a 94-98% efficacy rate. whereas Oral contraceptives have a 99% efficacy rate.
  9. What is the potential fertile period for females in a menstrual cycle?
    A. 3 days
    B. 5 days
    C. 8 days
    D. 14 days
    • C. 8 days
    • Sperm are capable of fertilization for up to 7 days after ejaculation. Ovum can be fertilized for up to 1 day after ovulation. Therefore, women are potentially fertile form 7 days prior to ovulation to 1 day after ovulation.
  10. Which of the following occurs around ovulation?
    A. cervical mucus becomes thicker
    B. o.5-1.0 degrees faranheit Basal body temperature just before ovulation.
    C. pain in pelvic are (Mittelschmertz)
    D. cervical external os diameter gets smaller.
    • B. o.5-1.0 degrees faranheit Basal body temperature just before ovulation.
    • Predicted time of ovulation is 14 days before the 1st day of next cycle.
    • Fertile period indicators: A.,C.,D.,vaginal spotting
  11. which of the following is FALSE about pregnancy loss or miscarriage?
    A. Over 1/2 of fertilized eggs do not complete development
    B. Most early miscarriages occur because of immunological rejection
    C. 15% of known pregnancies end in spontaneous aboriton or miscarriage
    D. Some normal preembryos are not able to implant because uterine surface is not receptive to implantation
    • B. Most early miscarriages occur because of immunological rejection
  12. How many sperm are produced each day by an average male?
    A. 2 mill
    B. 20 mill
    C. 200 mill
    D. 2000 mill
    C. 200 million
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