
  1. EEG
    electroencephalogram - A measure of the gross electrical activity of the brain, commonly recorded through the scalp eletrodes
  2. How many stages of sleep
  3. Stage 1
    -low voltage high frequency signal that is similar to but slower than active wakefulness
  4. Stage 2
    • - EEG has a slighty higher amplitude and low frequency than stage 1
    • - it is punctuated by two waves: k complex and sleep spindles
  5. Stage 3
    - EEG has occasional presence of delta waves
  6. Stage 4
    • - EEg is defined by a predominance of delta waves
    • - subject stay at stage 4 for a long time and then go back through 1-4 again
  7. emergent stage 1 EEG
    • - the stage 1 after going through 1-4 initially
    • - not same as initial stage 1
    • - has REM and loss of tone in the muscles of the body core
  8. Alpha waves
    waxing and waning burts of 8-12 Hz EEG waves
  9. Delta waves
    The largest and slowest EEG wave 1-2 Hz
  10. REM Sleep
    stage of sleep that has rapit eye movement, loss of core muscle tone, and emergent stage 1 EEG
  11. slow wave sleep (SWS)
    • stage 3-4 are often referred as this
    • has the largest and slowest EEG waves
  12. Smnambulism
  13. Dream theories: what are two of them?
    Recuperation theories and circadian theories
  14. recuperation theories
    • -theories based on the premise that being awake disturbs the body's homeostasis(internal physical ability) and the function of sleep is to restore it
    • - ex. sleeping restores body's energy
  15. circadian theories
    -that sleep is not a reaction to the disruptive effects of being awake but the result of an internal timing mechanism- we are programmed to sleep at night regardless of what happens to us during the day.
  16. free running rhythms
    circadian rhythms that do not depend on environmental cues to keep them on a regular schedule
  17. SCN
    Suprachiasmatic nuclei- nuclei of the medial hypothalamus that control the circadian cycles of various body functions
  18. Insomnia
    all disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep
  19. hypersomnia
    disorders of excessive sleep or sleepiness
  20. sleep amnea
    cause of insomnia, patient stops breathing many times each night and awakens, begins breathing and drifts back to sleep.
  21. nocturnal myoclonus
    a periodic twitching of the body, usually legs, during sleep
  22. restless legs
    tension or uneasiness in their legs that keep from poeple from falling asleep
  23. narcolepsy
    disorder in hypersomnia category that is characterized by repeated, brief daytime sleep attacks and cataplexy
  24. cataplexy
    recurring losses of muscle tone during wakefulness ofthen triggered by an emotional experience
  25. sleep paralysis
    the inability to move when falling asleep or waking up
  26. hypnagogic hallucinations
    dreamlike experiences during wakefulness
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