What are examples given by both characters that Nick is a good listener?
- Listening to Jordan and Daisy
- Being attentive at Tom's party
How does the narrarator describe Tom Buchanan?
A sturdy man of 30 years with arrogant eyes, a gruff voice, and a strong body
Who is Jordan Baker?
Daisy's golf pro friend
What did Daisy say when her daughter was born?
"All right, I'm glad it's a girl. And I hope she'll be a fool- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful, little fool."
Why does Nick feel uneasy after his conversation with Daisy?
He realizes she has been playing games with his feelings.
What impression do you get from the first time Nick sees Gatsby?
Gatsby is a person who has secrets.
What are the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg?
a billboard advertisement for an ocularist over the valley of ashes
How does Catherine rationalize her sister's affair with Tom?
neither can stand their spouses
What does Tom do when Myrtle screams Daisy's name at him?
He hits her and breaks her nose.
Describe the setting of the novel.
Long Island and New York City
Who is the narrarator of the novel?
Nick Carraway
Where does the narrarator live?
the West Egg, which is less fashionable than the East Egg
What is Daisy's relation to Nick?
his second cousin
What is distinct about Daisy?
There is something about her voice; low, thrilling, and musical
What is ludicrous about the "rich life"?
Jordan is stiff from the sofa; she is supposedly "in training" but all she does is lay on the sofa all day.
What does Tom call his race?
What does Gatsby point at in the harbor and what does it symbolize?
- a single green light
- his idol, Daisy Buchanan
What is the color of the eyes on the billboard? Who also has this color of eyes?
What does the valley of ashes symbolize?
the failure of the American Dream, a reference to the down and out
What kind of dog does Myrtle buy?
An airedale
Who is Catherine?
Myrtle's sister
What is the name of the newspaper/magazine about celebrities?
"Town Tattle"
What did Catherine lie about?
Daisy being a Catholic