1. What is Serous Fluid?
    • fluid having the characteristics of serum
    • Its formation is similar to the formation of extravascular interstitial fluid anywhere in the body.
  2. How is the formation of serous fluid affected?
    • hydrostatic pressure
    • colloid osmotic pressure (COP)
    • capillary permeability
  3. What is hydrostatic pressure?
    lateral pressure of water within a vessel that tends to drive fluid out of the capillaries into the interstitial space.
  4. What is COP?
    The difference in osmotic pressure between plasma and interstitial fluid that drives water into the bloodstream from the interstitial spaces.
  5. Pathological accumulation of fluid in body cavities (effusion) occur if:
    (Serous Fluid abnormal)

    • Capillary permeability: increases
    • Hydrostatic pressure: increases
    • COP: decreases
  6. What are 2 types of Effusion?
    Transudate and Exudate
  7. Exudate Effusion is:
    fluid with HIGH concentration of PROTEIN that accumulates in a body cavity when capillary permeability is increased.
  8. Transudate effusion is:
    fluid with LOW concentration of PROTEIN that has accumulated in the body cavity.
Card Set
Extravascular Fluids